Operation BLEACHED #2

Previous Thread: We've got some good idea started, let's keep this rolling.
>This could be the best troll ever from Yas Forums if you were to take mutts and make them lighter skinned and blond hair/blue eyed and make them hotter. It would be way better than when someone was shopping fat girl plus sized models to look skinny. The butthurt and salt could be fucking glorious.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not your personal army, faggot.

the fat beaners will just have hotter girls to fuck. just because they bleach themselves doesn't mean they will start dating white guys.

eat shit m8

remove cloth
show bob

Kike detected.

Attached: aoc jew protect.jpg (2206x848, 457.18K)

the bitch in the back seems like she needs a open hand man slap.

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She really rung her hands bwhahahahahahaha, might as well tossed a bunch of pennies on the ground while she was at it.

Hands and arms need bleaching.

rep john lewis with trump hair
because john lewis loves trump

Attached: johnlewis.png (445x445, 286.05K)

You guys thought you could get rid of me that easily??


oburrashun bleecht

Attached: operation bleached.png (2817x1630, 2.96M)

I don't get it

give me a suggestion in the next five minutes and i may do it before i go to bed

White pretty but white bad


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Basically Yas Forums's Steven Universe Sabotage on steroids.

Attached: addon_uploads_1463430335_2976494581.jpg (637x358, 62.48K)

Fuck off then cunt

I would thrust my erect penis inside AOC's vagina repeatedly until I reach climax and ejaculate inside her birth canal if you know my meaning

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They already mostly date huw*te bois

Titties Niko, Titties.

I’m not sure I understand


not sure what I'm doing here

Attached: maxine feels good.png (768x1156, 1.18M)

AOC has only ever taken evil white dick. She was called "Sandy" until recently.
Diversity is our strength.

solid 9/10 wife, mixed race is the future.

Attached: aoc-salt-vote-oped.jpg (2100x1500, 2.54M)


Nailed it user- that's perfect

People suggested Talab without a hijab. Lighten up and make her nose not so horridly disfigured.

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She looks so much better white desu

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Give Tulsi the bleached treatment, just because.

Tbh this feels like a lib shill trying to start this movement to prove pol can be manipulated and also a false flag to say were racist
Fuck off cunt we see your trap

everyone dates white boys who can

Who are you bleaching next? Don't tell me you're gonna stop at AOC.

> gum care
prevent periodontitis

Your one to be calling people shill.

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I'd watch the blonde one getting fucked by black men.

Not sure of your intentions, user. Care to elaborate?

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uhhh, hey baby

Attached: Butt-head.png (360x450, 74.67K)

Squeeze milk.

>implying all those Gusano ass look better than AOC making an unflattering face

Lamo faggot.

>She looks more uglier
Just stop it. Also keep your autism off /vp/

Good idea. Some tech fag should just make an AI for this. Im sure there's a paper describing how FaceApp did it.

I think this transcends racism. There's something just very satisfying about this sorta photoshop. Like universally satisfying. I think even AOC would get a kick out of this.

AOC is a psycho



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Sick! You'd probably do it missionary too!

Camila Vallejo is so perfect.

I wish I was better at photo manipulation so I could do my part.

If you wish in one hand and piss in the other which will fill up?

wow you made her look human

By the time id be decent at it everyone will have moved on by then.

rent free

Do not avoid doing something because it will take too long. The time will pass anyway

Or someone else. I don't care.

That's Yas Forums talk we are a subreddit now pls go away

Fare enough.

Lol, Australias bitch is mad.

I'm paying her salary so it ain't free

Imagine wearing the Israeli flag as a cape. What type of sycophantic dweeb is this man? Even the faggot on the right is looking back at the camera, as if to say, “Get a load of this guy Cam”, Wayne’s World-style.

Imagine a faggot superhero that had an Israeli flag cape. Captain Buttrape. He’d rape butts and then fly back to Israel, where he had protection from arrest or retaliation. He’d have his own private Island, kind of like the Fortress of Solitude but more tropical, and he’d rape the fuck out of butts there. If he ever got caught, he’d use his kike superpowers of bribery to get a light sentence, and keep on buttraping. If he ever really got in a pinch, he’d just fake his own death, and scurry back to good ol’ Israel again, where he could be safe and sound, and buttrape all the Palestinian scum he wanted. His favorite food would probably be human adrenal gland. He’d have a limey kike bitch as his sidekick and she’d help with all of the Alfred the Butler-type stuff, like all those times Alfred caught Batman’s enemies and Gotham City politicians engaged in kid rape and random acts of pedophelia. What a great superhero team.

Claro que si tio

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Newfag or just a burnt out boomer? Where’s your spirit m8? Fuck off if you want to be no fun allowed.