Just got back from the psych ward

I just back from the psych ward for “schizophrenic delirium” and thought I’d share a redpill with you guys. Schizophrenia is not a real mental disorder, it’s just people who have opened their third eye and see things how they really are. If you are “schizophrenic”, then hear me out: do not show your power level.

If you can hide your symptoms then DO IT. A psychiatric hold is a permanent stain on your record. Doctors will see it and take you less seriously. Depending on your location it can even come up in a background check for a job. Not to mention the abuse and neglect of psychiatric patients you will endure during your stay. The purpose of the psych ward is to scare mentally ill people into maintaining the illusion of normality so we dont bother the NPCs. If you succumb to your mental illness you will be punished and cast aside. There is no rehabilitation, there is no treatment. Only cruelty. Schizophrenics are dangerous, but not in the way they want you to THINK! THEY ARE DANGEROUS TO THE STATUS QUO! THEY SEE THINGS HOW THEY REALLY ARE!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can you tell us about your delusions? I'm schizotypal so have all the demotivation with none of the fun hallucinations.


No, but I will tell you what the truth is. All religions are true and whichever one you believe in is the truth due to quantum mechanics fuckshit that you can’t explain with words. If you believe you can summon the devil, then you can. If you believe you can contact Native American Shamanic deities, then you can.

Oh, and quantum immortality and collective consciousness is real.

I hate schizos. You niggers always project and call me schizo. Fuck you, assholes. Go back to the ward and take your new age bullshit with you.

I have been in locked wards several times

my religion is anime tiddy
what say you schizoposter?

>schizophrenia lets you see things as they really are, implying objective reality
>due to quantum magic everything you believe is true
Pick one, my dear

Sucks user.
I'm bipolar. Started going to therapist and being thrown into the system only made things
Rather would have comfy manic delusions than be forced to fill out worksheets that remind me of elementary school homework.

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This is all true. What did you do or say to get you locked up?

Hey reddit

Is the Pope a good person?

Meditate and study ancient religions

why haven't schizophrenics reached some consensus about this "true reality then"? not discounting ya, just never heard about any great revelations coming from this group.

There seems to be a common distrust of the CIA. Terry Davis and also some schizo i knew IRL were both obsessed with the CIA. Also, angel beings contact them all the time.

People mistaking abuse and comedy are one of the foremost sources of primitivism in this world... unfortunately. I think we need as a society to recognize pleasures other than the laughing ones.

Listen here Fat

Skitzofreenia is no joke. Me and Big Corn Pop used to get hot dogs and cheese pizza by the boat loads

I was doing drive by’s with eazy e when you were just a kid, my negro

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Prove you're schizo with MS Paint now, motherfucker.

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What mental disorder do I have if my brain is always covered in a thick fog and I cant focus on anything?

These "deep dream" AI paintings are the most accurate visual representation of an acid trip I've ever seen

That just means you're stupid.

>expecting coherence is reddit
speaking of which, time for you to go back

Two members of my family are/were paranoid schizophrenics.

They hid it for most of their lives. They abused their family members, they used people, they took more than they ever gave. They were burdensome and useless, but so manipulative that they ended up keeping poor suckers around to sponge off of like fat cows.

Fuck you and your selfish need to not take meds. Ignore the mental health tumblr you came from and remember that in truth, YOU ARE FUNCTIONALLY WORTHLESS.

If you try to wake people up they will kick and punch you in their sleep.

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so what do you see

>it’s just people who have opened their third eye and see things how they really are
tell that to my neigbbour screaming that he has a truck parked in the front of his bedroom window... he lives at the 27th floor

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Please, share the knowledge that you hold. Thank you.


Yeah but my family are all smart and have masters degrees. I was smart as a kid.

>people who have opened their third eye
nope you're just ill m8

Based, have had 2 trips to the psych ward for bipolar mania, second time with affect that involved some insane religious shit. I met a full blown schizophrenic the second time there, and ill take the company of folks like him who were fully in the metaphysic world and not living for NPC burger bullshit.


id be screaming too if there were a truck parked outside my 27th floor bedroom

Unironically take your meds schizo

Is water dry?

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The wide population are victims of black magic, and don't even know it.

If you eat research chemicals sure

People who have a low IQ are all schizo.

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Tell me about it. No psychotic. But checked myself in Ca and got held against my will for 5250. Should’ve just blown my brains out.

Major depression :(


>oooo weeeee woe is me

Maybe there is a flying truck parked outside his window that only he can see? Maybe you just think things are bullshit.

What is it with wingnuts and mental illness. This board is either trolls or batshit stormers

major vitamin or mineral deficit

You can quite literally choose which timeline you want to go down by sheer willpower. That’s a skill that takes years to master and it runs much deeper than the basic law of attraction. You can quite literally choose your own destiny.

Also, we are all part of the same being experiences “split personalities” and in this way we are all god. God is the universe. I am you and you are me and we are all together.

It's one thing that scares me, being put in a mental institution. Even if I had something wrong with me, I'd hide it the best I could.

Are you not mistaking narcissist manipulators for paranoid schizophrenics ?
These people are stuck with 5 year old ego and can only feel negative emotions with a weakened ego (monsters of pure hatred and jealousy).
Their only goal in life is to manipulate others to make everybody they know miserable in order to feel better about their own worth and not be miserable.
They also love to psychologically torture people who have a lot of empathy and high IQ as they can inflict more damage..

Their behavior is similar to psychopaths but psychopaths don't have the ego weakness and prefer to physically torture/murder people if they can.

The most massive cope I've seen in a while. You're nothing more than a retarded brainlet who has deluded himself so severely (likely through heavy drug use) that you're probably indistinguishable from the homeless guy talking loudly to himself at a bus stop at 3 in the morning. Kys.

Think of it like millions of leaves all on the same tree. Except each of these leaves has its own consciousness. That tree is the universe and all the living organisms inside of it are the leaves.

I don't have any "mental illnesses" and I agree with you. There is not actual diagnosis for a mental illness, it's just a different way of thinking that (((some))) people can't have accept. I wonder how many people who founded religions would be thrown in a nuthouse if they were born today.

But a tree is still only one organism. Get it?

maybe he is just rationalizing something else that his mind perceived
maybe he just have brain damage
maybe, by the law of quantum shenannigans, if you believe you're a giraffe then you'll actually turn into one
maybe "maybes" are just uninformed assumptions and reality is just one, and "maybe-isms" are just philosophical descontructivism
every madhouse has a napoleon and you would quickly run out of french empires, if they all laid their claims

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The CIA confirmed this in the 80's. Humans are telepathically linked (the closer you are genetically to another person the more you're connected) and can influence reality. They abandoned it though because that wasn't the result they wanted. In a nutshell, if medieval Europeans believed in dragons, there probably were dragons.

Remember. Pick your poison. You get to pick it. There is a reaction to your choices.

What if one particular leaf is a real asshole? What happens to it?

Your mocking me

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totally agree
most selfish thing is for a schizo to not take meds
they destroy their family
many abuse their children and spouses for years before being diagnosed

half the red pills on here would get you in a mental hospital. that's how they keep control. if you shouted out to the heavens that elites were being controlled through blackmail by being flown to a pedo island they would hit you with some heavy lithium


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Indeed they did, the Munroe Institute and semisynch binaural beats. Twenty steps, most candidates couldn't make it past step 10, one made it to step 20, they mastered astral projection and remote viewing. It was deemed too difficult for most candidates to master in the length of time the CIA wanted (six months).

take your meds schizo

Brain tumor in a key part of the brain. You've got about 2-5 years depending severity

Do you have some books/videos you can recommend to start learning about this subject ?

I can communicate indirectly with the different parts of my subconscious (adult, parent, inner child, artist) mostly through my dreams and music lyrics, but this is probably partially the result of having lived in a narcissistic/sociopath family and endured a lot of psychological pain which forced these parts of my mind to become stronger on their own.

Is this somehow related to your topic ?

If you mean “what happens to it” as in some kind of afterlife, let me explain.

In the astral and ethereal planes, there are 12 layers (the top being the godhead) and the bottom being HELL. We exist somewhere between the 3rd and 4th layer. The ones below us are hell and yada yada yada. Basically, where we are right now, we are stuck in a reincarnation loop. Each lifetime is supposed to teach us a lesson. Once we learn all of our lessons, we will ascend to the next layer. What happens to this asshole is NOTHING. He is learning a lesson. Once we experience the point of view of all different types of people, our soul becomes all the wiser.

Its a friend to ya the song


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Confirmed ashkenazi jewish

Why do you think there are 12 layers?

Not really any books related to talking to your subconscious that I know, but here are some good places to start for all the other things I’ve been talking about. Read the first one, and you will understand what happens when you die. Or, if you wish, you can learn how to AP and go there right now.

>The astral plane, it’s scenery, inhabitants and phenomena

>Reality Transurfing (Manifesting your own destiny)

>our soul becomes all the wiser
Not a 'soul' user, just consciousness. Strip away the aggregates of the body, it's that what's left what matters. Consciousness.

Take your meds schizo

Time for all the schizos ITT to take your meds.

Sadly IMO all Western occultism comes from Theosophy and I don't believe a word of Blavatsky. All those who came later, whether Franz Bardon, Edgar Cayce etc all were influenced heavily by her writings.

Ok schizo. I see that they let you out of insane asylum far too early. Well, such is an American healthcare I guess... No wonder its Coronavirus response is Africa tier.

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Well, I don’t actually know if there are layers higher than the twelve. If there are, nobody has ever went there. When you AP, the top layers are a lot harder to visit and therefore the higher you go, the less we know about.

Those who have ascended to the godhead surely already are experiencing a level of consciousness so high that we can’t fathom it where we are right now.

The 5th layer, where people usually go when they first AP, already as a noticeable effect on consciousness. For example, you have complete 360 degree vision instead of looking outside of a human eye.

Hey OP can you install mumble at mumble.info/ and come talk to us about your third eye?

server name: aaathats3as [dot] com

Huh. That's odd.

You'd think for someone who just gaped their 'third eye' they would be able to discern the difference between "your" and "you're" at least

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