Why does Yas Forums hate white women so much...

Why does Yas Forums hate white women so much? There's constant complaining about race mixing and how the jews ruined society, but as soon as you see a white female Yas Forums starts screeching autisticly.

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I’m guessing that’s underage bait ?

>as soon as you see a white female Yas Forums starts screeching autisticly
No, that would you and your false flaging, meme flaging, bagel eating, D&C attempting kikes.

Fun fact: White women are even more race loyal than white males

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I don’t hate white women, I hate thots


Fun fact: White women gave Trump his surprise victory (were expected to go Hillary by a wide margin)

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Fun fact: If only white women had voted, Trump would have won in a massive 327-211 victory

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Fun fact: All white demos... college educated, non-ce, white women, young whites, old whites etc. etc. went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from jews, blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.

-----> 37%

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show you flag, kike

God I wish it were me.

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For you.

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90% of it is virgin brown boys, poojeets and ricedick incels

Reminder that simping for white women will not get your white birth rates up.

is this innocent little rape angel even wearing any panties with that absurdly short and sexually provocative silken giton she's wearing? I doubt it, though if she were wearing panties they'd probably be of the sort that were even more lust inciting than mere nudity itself.

They fuck niggers dogs and horses. They guilt trip white men. Fuck roasties.

Yes, but when compared to Romney the only group that moved significantly for Trump were black men.

you're jewish.

Tfw I live in a state that still goes blue lmao how fucking gay

>We are at a point now where it's basically white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)


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>Why does Yas Forums hate white women so much?
We do? I fuck one of them every single day.

Maybe you should do something about it.

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The sort of person who confuses critical discussion with hate is not the sort of person who would understand any good answer to your silly question.

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Because they are addicted to my cum.
Taste it for free, OP.

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Just deporting illegals is not going to do it, amigo. They all have to go.


There really needs to be more effort put into preventing immigration, unfortunately politicians want them coming in.

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show tits

because Yas Forums =
ugly 5 foot retards with gun fetish

>90% of it is virgin brown boys, poojeets and ricedick incels

I'm surprised at how often I see this answer. I thought it has been made clear and obvious that Jews are responsible for the majority of blacked threads. They have been caught so many times They forget to use their memeflags and their videos and images will have hebrew titles.

One wrong move from a hothead border guard immediately paints the active border restrictionist politicians in a bad light. But a terrorist attack by an immigrant happens and there is no journalistic blame towards the open border politicians current or former.

really makes you think. The woke silencers won't stop until the journals are printed without words to show total solidarity without thought or opinion when tragedy happens.

The UK is still having problems with paki grooming gangs and how many knife attacks have they had now?

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> we must protect the beauty of aryan women who only fuck chad

Yas Forums simps in a nutshell.

>Why does Yas Forums hate white women so much?

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They're pretty big fucking whores.

Do you think those faceless anons bitching witlessly about white women are genuine white men expressing frustration or nonwhite men and retarded leftist subhumans trying to manipulate, divide, and basically obsess over what they will never have or be?

Perfect truth


Yeah when they settle down at 29. If she’s not a virgin... you don’t know what she’s fucked or how many. Protip=they’ll always lie about it

Racemixing is a problem because it creates more non-whites.
Women are a problem because they facilitate non-whites living amongst us and pussy whipped men give them the power to do so.

Most if not all of our problems would disappear with pic related and an unforgiving war on the groups mentioned above.

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Why don't you want to admit it's a white incel problem? Just please accept the truth already.

>If I plant the seed of doubt in your mind...

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I was under the impression Yas Forums hates everything and everyone. When have you seen a positive thread?

Jewish divide and conquer campaign. Divide the family and make them fight amongst themselves.

r9k spillover

i think women are the best

Nothing Jewish about chastity.

That's the only age there not used up buy now a days.

It just outs the faggots who don't understand human nature.

>Why does Yas Forums hate white women so much?

I dunno. It truly is a mystery.

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White women are ultra slutty, which is of course largely white men's fault.

I for one do not particularly care if the dozens of men a woman slept with were white, brown, yellow or black. A whore is a whore.

Savior fuck off and dilate

If white women, and all women didn't vote, then trump also would have won
Also the majority of white women voted for Hillary
Faggot white knight

because we are foxes and they are grapes.

the same people who bash white women on here are the same scheeming kikes who keep posting BBC comments. They're fucking lowlives and they're seething mad that the right is becoming the mainstream again. So they have to express their white genocide African conquest fetish garbage onto us. its literally like 10 people spamming every thread deliberately. Why mods dont permaban them is astounding.
Human garbage they are.

Something very Jewish about sewing distrust of white women, though. Porn isn't real life.

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>Why mods dont permaban
Dynamic IPs is why they're not banned.

>white birthrates still falling

Something very Jewish about trusting women though, women always lie.