/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1637

French lawmaker tests positive

US doctors plead to get tests

All masks are now confiscated in France

Nurses refused testing by CDC

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

► Detected: 97,910 ► Died: 3,356

01:18: 196 new cases in South Korea.
00:40: 4 new cases in Beijing. All were imported from Italy.
00:08: 1 new case in Colorado. This case was announced during a press conference about the state’s first case. The second case is unrelated to the first one.
24:25: 1 new case in Nevada
23:55: 3 new cases in Maryland.
23:20: 1 new case in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Patient recently returned from Italy.
23:15: 6 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States.
23:03: First case in Colorado.
22:00: 3 new cases in Slovenia.
20:48: 1 new case in New Jersey, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,434 (3,013) ► International 17,480 (340): S. Korea 6,284 (49) Italy 3,858 (148) Iran 3,513 (107) D. Princess 696 (6) France 377 (6) Japan 380 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 232 (12) UK 116 (1) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 543 Singapore 117 Sweden 94 Norway 88 Netherlands 82 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 37 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Ecuador 13 Czechia 12 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Portugal 9 Qatar 8 Ireland 13 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Brazil 8 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Egypt 3 Estonia 5 N. Zealand 3 Chile 4 Slovenia 9 Argentina 2 Luxembourg 2 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1

China +164 (+32) S. Korea +196 (+7) Italy +769 (+41) Iran +591 (+16) France +92 (+2) Spain +31 (+1) UK +29 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Iraq (+1) Germany +281 Japan +49 USA +31 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 Sweden +42 Norway +29 Netherlands +44 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +3 Iceland +8 Greece +22 India +1 S. Marino +5 Denmark +5 Israel +2 Lebanon +1 Oman +1 Ecuador +3 Czechia +4 Finland +5 Portugal +3 Ireland +7 Palestine +7 Azerbaijan +3 S. Arabia +3 Brazil +5 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Egypt +1 Estonia +3 Slovenia +7 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2 S. Africa +1 Luxembourg +1 Chile +1 Argentina +1 Total +2,747 (+99)

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>Dead: 3,387
lol, still only 3,387.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,387? Four days? Five days?

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j-just a fl-flu br-broo

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Argie user is hero

Is this shit neurological? Why are videos being released out of Iran showing people collapsing and convulsing on the street as in China?

>didn't wake up to 100'000
damn what a bummer

didgitz for zombie death of israel

I can't believe the Arabs have actually shut down the black box.

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Hi Gary! Stay healthy!

how fucked is Japan?

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It is airborne AIDS, that crosses the blood-brain barrier

>Why are videos being released out of Iran showing people collapsing and convulsing on the street

>End of the world

lol, how long ago has humanity been extinct? 4 days? 5 days? It's all just a big nothingburger

Great update

Could be neurological, or it could be seizures caused by excessively high fever. Either way VERY worrisome.

so I was thinking about possible masks.
what do you think about integrating pulsed electrical fields into a fencing mask?
I was going to diy a weaved silver mesh but idk if it will be more effective.

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You need to tell us user, give us some updates.

201 Scenario hypotheticals, the normalfaggots are starting to catch up to shit we've known for months.

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that's a good one

So glad you are back. Now it is all worth it

>Believing anyone who catches this will harbor the virus forever and ever in their bodies and brainstems while it evolves and kills everyone in the world
>Being this high on the spectrum

Threadly reminder that silver is your fren.

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This shit is giving me intense anxiety but there’s nothing I can at this point other than hope I don’t get and if I do that it doesn’t kill me or fuck me up for life

The virus is an hour drive away from me which means it’s probably in my neighborhood already

I don’t want to die but we all do eventually
Guess it’s time to come to grips with that

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'merica will soon be in those beds.

Who /Malthus/ here?

Time is up for us at last.

breaks the blood brain barrier and infects your nervous system

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Case, case, case, cluster, cluster, BOOM

think i am getting better at 3d modeling how does this look?

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Bumping prior posts

It depends on the coof anons.

> You are listening for a 'wheezing' in the cough, which hints at the individual is lacking oxygen or has lung difficulties.

Basically, your containment is fucked but Japan's general sense of avoiding direct intamacy in public might help. That said, you are pretty screwed. I hope you survive as Japan is endgame for me.

The first places infected will be the best places to be after SHTF.

>less than 5000 deaths since november
You brainless monkeys shall take your meds and leave this board forever.
Fuck off back to /x/ or reddit or whatever.
Stupid niggers. Yas Forums is infected with stupid niggers of /cvg/.

>shoko asahara is seething
rip japan

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The world did not end yesterday
Did you guys lie to me?
The anxiety is killing me

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thread theme

The spaces between are way too big. Literally anything on your face will *help*, but something like that is going from 0% protection of no mask at all to like, 15% protection, and that's being very generous on account of its sealed top and back.

>plebbit spacing
it's better for you to keep the suit off

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all he had to do was wait.

lol aww

Many old will die, america will be firmly non white and asia will need immigrants " for the economy". I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?

> Thinking 570,000 is the worst case scenario.

Reinfections are 100% user.


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South Korea is doing an excellent job of fighting it

America is doing nothing and will continue to do nothing even when it gets really bad here



Does this work?

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Gary Gary Gary... your chart is fucked. It says it has been stuck at 3,387 for only a day. How can that be?

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>thinking humans are immune to extinction

When is Jim streaming?

This. A lot of people in America will die because of shit access to healthcare.

It's literally only 3-4 times deadlier than the flu and only very sick people are endangered

Literally just flu x 3

Any Houston fellow tards?

US is trying to blame Egypt who has 3 cases for their 4 new cases in Houston. Whereas the US I total has more than 75 times as many "confirmed cases". Of course blame the sand niggers, community spreading is a hoax right?

>Rodeo is still on
>Apparently Houston has the vaccine (bs)
>Don't panic drink your bat soup people.

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a glownigger just flew over my house

+1 to New Zealand, the fucking idiot came back from N. Italy with wife (case#2) and went to a fucking Tool concert in general admission.

I thought it was a photograph for a second

you think the electric field will have no effect?

The world has ended user. Supply chains are destroyed and March 5th was the last day they could have fixed them before global impact occurs. We are now guaranteed to have at minimum, a month of no deliveries.

In addition, San F has given us a glimpse of the apocalypse as the 'No Arrest' policy has wiped out store stock and has been followed by the first officially diagnosed Corona Virus case in San F.

Flip fags. We have 2 cases. One is a muslim. Frequent greenhills maybe in ICU now. Other was in Japan.

This means there is a sizable hidden outbreak in metro manila. Also Japan is fucked.

He's so angry kek

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Our Gary, Who Art in /cvg/
Hallowed be Thy Namefaggotry
Thy Pasta come, Thy (You)s be done
IRL as it is on Yas Forums
Give us this Thread our Threadly digits
And forgive Us our Shitposts
As We forgive Those who Shitpost against Us
And lead Us not into Cooming
But deliver Us from Degeneracy
For (You)rs is the FPBP,
And the Power, and the Glory,
For Ever until /cvg/ Ends


dis nigga playing MINECRAFT

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Why don't you fuck off instead and end yourself somewhere.

>eurocucks get infected at a tool concert
Makes sense

It really helps that masks are normalized there. It's gonna be hilarious to watch the white race die because they refused to wear the mask

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>no plastic shit for restocking at Bed Bath and Beyond
I'll make it

First step is denial



It's already here and we all have it most likely.

It's been fun. See you in the stars, space cowboys.

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Wasn't there massive cope on business program today saying "well, as long as the 10y bond stays strong at .91%"?

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omg wtf, is this actually the end

It's time to face facts user;
> You get it and die slowly/painfully
> You get it and survive, but your are sterilise/permanently damaged making your life worse than before
> You don't get it, but everyone else dies slowly/painfully around you, you wander the wasteland and maybe ally with other anons here

I hope for option 3.

Yes, fucking finally. It's about time to join the party.

he coped hard when learning about CRISPR

I'm ready for the apocalypse, but I'm worried about my mom.

It looks like shit, user. Keep them coming.

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We already have cases in Methodist, they're just not telling anyone. It's obvious there is community spread going on.

Not sure - he just finished 3 hrs ago

>t. brainlet LARPer
Everything will be fine, user. Your country is able to contain it, and virus itself is by far not as dangerous as fearmongering mongrels here claim.

There're 8 new cases in Canada.

The real total for Canada is 45 now.

and be in charge of repopulating the Earth with your 6 wives

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this thing is falling apart trying to post like us

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do not my frens become addicted to afraids for it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence
remember our memes are stronger together we all have skills
dont leave behind to many spergs - warhammer paint sperg "bullet maker/surgeon", Lore sperg "historian and chronicler" schizo sperg "oracle/detective, OCD sperg "supplies and maintenance officer"
with our many tisms combined we form a happy quasi functional support network within bandit and prepper groups

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No electronics, no plastics, no pharmaceuticals, a lot less steel and alloy, etc. Everything is made in China or has Chinese-made stuff in the production chain. You're a fucking idiot.

Im not depressive flip monkey, that's why.

>Figured this would turn the USA into some marauding old west free for all
>Realize if anything close to collapse happens the military, police, and FEMA are going to take over

Why did I spend all this money on bullets and guns, lads?

So, crash tomorrow?

please stay safe japan, you make so many thing I care about :(

Uhhh guys?

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shoo, jew

why is your chart broken? It only shows 3387 on one day

Apparently the local rich white snobs thought it would be a fantastic time to send their children to Italy for a school trip

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silver spoon has been a thing forever but people forgot why

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Really hoping for a comfy bobo day when the markets open.

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>North Korea's Kim sends 'get well soon' wishes for South's coronavirus battle

>“Chairman Kim wished to console our citizens who are fighting the coronavirus,” Yoon Do-han, Moon’s senior press secretary, told reporters.
>“He said he believes we will win, and hoped the health of southern compatriots will be protected.”

ayyyyy lmao


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I agree, the willful lying to the public through the mainstream media is just so infuriating.

IRC channel when?

>Im not depressive

One last fresh breath of smog before the darkness comes


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Maybe the bots and algorithms will actualize after we're all dead. Maybe they'll shitpost on auto until the reactors fizzle over and the power supply dies.

I honestly just feel hopeless. I don't see any point in surviving in a miserable wasteland. Just gonna wait a couple more weeks to get my new shotgun and a box of shells and call it a day. This isn't fun anymore.

Go have gay sex, mutt. I know you love BBC.

Greenhills is one of the most frequented malls in the Philippines. The muslim prayer hall that he said he frequents is literally in the middle of the mall. He had to walk basically half the mall just to reach it.

They will release the name later. THIS IS FUCKING HAPPENING.

My portfolio is loving this shit, I went full protection late last year

bros it's all getting so dark... i have an accounting test in 10 hours that i haven't studied for... the worlds gonna end in a week right....?

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I filled my regular 1 month prescription and had my doctor write me a 90 day prescription so I have 4 months of my prescription in my cupboard. I went and made sure to prep the one thing I can't find anywhere. I am not the idiot.

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Sugar Land here. Sad mostly

Them 10 year t-bills gonna make the market take a thousand point dip before noon

Actually from the numbers I have seen it hasn't been spreading that fast. It's anywhere from 5-25 cases per day. It's been very slow compared to other countries but is undeniably going up. However the numbers as seen in this list are almost 50. I'd say you'll be fine

You better be fine if there is no Japan there is no hentai to beat my fucking dick off too

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Hope you are right

Stop it, you're fine

Utterly and completely. You aren't doing testing, hoping to hang on to the pipe dream of getting those olympics bux, so the virus is completely uncontained. It'll hit all at once, causing massive deaths and widespread chaos. Hope you don't mind being buried in a mass grave. I wouldn't be surprised if over 3% of the entire Japanese population dies this year. At least people will die relatively peacefully there so you won't have to worry about arming yourself.

seems that way

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worst korea worst destiny

to shoot the military, police, and FEMA so you can have your old west free for all?

I realize I'm about to be called a schizo, but hear me out.
2 or 3 years ago, I came across more than one post regarding the global elites plans for civilian population control involving infecting everyone with HIV. The goal being to insure a continued reason for people of all walks of life to pay for HIV meds for the rest of their lives. I distinctly remember at the time thinking this was an absurd thought. In the time since then HIV disclosure laws have been torn down in many developed countries. Silly right?
Now we sit here looking at a Viral infection that
>cant be cured
>lies dormant and reawakens until eventual death
>can be shed/spread while asymptomatic via a multitude of avenues.
>Has literal HIV properties

While this virus runs wild in our bodies, virtually every developed nation is vastly underestimating this virus, to almost unbelievable degrees. The largest first world nation on earth isnt even reliably testing. We have absolutely no reliable information about how many infections are in our local areas in most countries. (Except for maybe Worst Korea with their drive through testing.) We are looking at an intentionally created virus, that has been intentionally spread around for the sake of infecting every person possible, so that we can be chained to a chronic treatment for it for the rest of our lives. Think about it. Trump has stated multiple times he thinks its "just going to go away." I wonder why?

Because it's using the same attack mechanism as SARS, and is quite similar in most respects - except being more infectious, it has similar systems.
> Edema and scattered red degeneration of the neurons were present in the brains of six of the eight confirmed cases of SARS.
>The kidneys were focally hemorrhagic.
>In all of the confirmed SARS cases, the digestive tract displayed mild inflammatory changes.
>The testes of the seven male patients displayed focal atrophy.

So, yes, it can attack the brain. That particular symptom may manifest before lung infection, especially if it enters through the eyes.

No wo der the guard got apeshit
The security agency probably knew that there were cases there through and they did jackshit

It's in Reno.


It's truly over.

This is not going to stop

study you faggot, there'll be survivors obviously even if it goes completely to shit.

At least you're an idiot that will live four months.

DOW Futures already -321

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Come south it's fine here and summer coming.

The problem is that they were masks when infected and when not infected. If any survive this pandemic then they'll be gunned down by someone who does not trust that they are not infected.

Japan is the endgame because they have the most resources, empty spaces and rural locations while also having a lot of technology, anime, etc...

When all is said/done you'll need to have a distraction in the apocalypse.

As for whites dying, they'll do so due to stupidity regarding believing the media. Most are sheep. But we'll rebuild.

The videos of looting in San Francisco are occuring at pharmacies. This is solely because of the 'no arrest' policy.

Imagine the chaos when panic buying occurs - but it's already all been looted. Panic 'Buying' + No Arrest Policy... nowhere is going to have any items left.

Trust me bro. Im vodkanigger stuck in Gookland until this bullshit ends. I want to be home in holy Siberia so damn much. This general gives me anger claiming it's all bad and will not end soon.

hopefully very
fuck nips for ruining everything

where the fuck is this from?

A mix of sadness and rage. Start strong brother.

You can also make it wo. any symyoms or damage.

Dont forget to add the case in Minnesota

Email text:

Minneapolis, MN
NOTICE: Fairview University of Minnesota Medical Center - Riverside has a confirmed case of coronavirus. Patient is being monitored closely and the hospital is in contact The CDC as well as County officials.
Click link below :
Check updates:pbs.twimg.com/media/BG48ENgCEAAIDl9.jpg.

Please contact county health officials if you exhibit flu-like symptoms.

Nah nigger I just had to make sure I had it on the shelf to dose off of if SHTF. I will be fine.

god i hope so, if it hits 24k or 22k i'll be over the moon

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user... you want six months, minimum. Thats if production begins again today...

how will Saturn siphon power from the material world now???

>Needing daily medicine
Why are burgers like this?

I read an article that predicted empty shelfs in stores starting half april. This was all due to the supply chain from china shutting down so they would run out of ingredients and packaging materials. Didnt even have panic buying factored in.

I don't think I like this happening anymore. It's too slow, too distant to be entertaining, yet too threatening to be ignored, it's just making me uneasy now. Can we cancel it, pls?

>You have this virus forever
>It's so bad you can't get rid of it, it's in your brain and in your blood
>It can't be cured

But nobody has mentioned how it will affect people having kids.

If you genuinely think these things are true about the virus, your IQ is equal to the last two digits of my post

Yeah, you're not an idiot. Shoulda tried for a year's supply of that shit tho

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Siberian cope is the coldest of copes.

Prescriptions can only be written for 3 months max.

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>all those sanpaku eyes

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this explains so much. that degenerate attitude. that total lack of awareness.

Muslims are spreading it along with chinks. Reminder moms who demand sizable gun safes will be defenseless if your into the war bride trade. Make america fortress again.

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>trust me bro
>no dead korean webm

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Hope you niggers didn't buy the dead cat bounce

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Once infected, always infected and susceptible to re-infection 100% of the time.


Any of you guys see this? Yea I'm thinking these reinfection fags got BTFO

This gets me the most, at the current time.
Peoples religions depend on that thing. They save up money for years, and years, and make a pilgrimage to that place. Regardless of who the fuck does it, it's shut the fuck down. I seriously doubt that has ever happened before. Besides that one time they were doing construction and lightening hit it and killed a bunch of people.

That's not even possible, some dumb niggers here. Prescriptions are 3 months max.

>Can we cancel it, pls?
You will eat the burger and you will love it

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Mask only works for the infected. Retards who buy them in bulk just in case are retarded.

I hope my ex boss dies a painful death for underpaying me

Its apparently not safe because of the WHOIS.

I made a Steam group for gaming hours.


I am in self quarantine anyway, if anyone wants to join the link is there.

there's the sun,
old woman *struggling to breath*
Nurse: see that sun, its bright isn't it and warm on your skin
*breathing intensifies* as a smog cloud floats over to cover it ,
now the suns ray is disappearing, just like your life


Bruce Conner, 1987


Whats this have to do with reinfection?

this was made in 1987 you retard

Dollar cost averaging for the win. If you're not buying through the dips you're a fucking retard.

Considering how half the plot points in deus ex have already come true it's not far fetched at all to think that grey death & ambrosia will be a thing too

>Hans Gruber

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>virus patents are in hospital 2 miles from me
How the fuck do you think I feel?

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He's basically saying put a bug zapper on your face, inches away, and see what happens.
I think it'd fry any particles that would come near.
Give it a try user, what's the worst that could happen?

Nice thanks

Go to 2ch already faggot. Read what they say in moon runes and then realize how fucked it is.

Hahaha that is NOT the worst case lol.

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I'm a handsome guy who's lifting weights and trying to become a Chad. What if Corona kills me before I reach my goals? What can I do to prevent that? Omg I'm freaking out, pence was just in my state today talking to my governor and he's a democrat, and they were getting along! What the hell is going on?


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You just know some poor bastard actually "bought the dip"

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>bought the dip
>sold the peak
>two days in a row
get on my level

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I doubt any of that shit will work, they're just trying to make profit from shareholder thinking they got the cure

It will.

Just bought a shitload of SQQQ calls.

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These things are all the same thing. My post implies
>its affordably treatable
Viral infections are not well understood by many pol users is seems.
Most viral infections cant be cured. Medications treat symptoms while your immune system fights it off. If your immune system cant fight it off, but you can suppress symptoms indefinitely, without long term harm to the host, it shouldnt be a big deal. I haven't read anything that would lead me to believe that it would affect reproductive systems.