Infected present at a concert with 30,000 people
Plz nuke us.
Infected present at a concert with 30,000 people
Plz nuke us.
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Also news censorship.
ah the thought of those teeth on my dick, yesssss
Thanks m88, time to start archiving every article.
I'm American, and even I hate this cunt. Fuck Mutt's Law, I hope this bitch gets raped by a pack of wild gorillas.
I can't stop wanking to the Christchurch massacre. Seeing the help me help me whore get splattered gave me a hard on. Is that normal?
PS. I'll post webms for you nz anons
It's amazing how a person can look so much like a horse.
I kekd when I read this. No point in trying to stop it now. Then again, it was already too late once we decided to stop all flights from china Apart From These Few Ones
Everytime I come home she has this shit eating grin.
Iran caught NZ off-guard for sure but frankly should've gone full madagascar as soon as someone coughed in Greenland, could've been the last uninfected place. Oh well, I got Russian citizenship so as soon as I notice too many people coofing I'm going home.
>potentially 30k new cases
>potentially 1k of them are going to die
why aren't you celebrating, user?
Mostly because of , if NZ becomes new Italy/Iran then it might be too late to escape this shit hole back to my home in Syberia and laugh my way to global warming making it as cozy as NZ.
On the streets you hardly see anyone really wear a mask, it'd be 2-3 people per 100 or so, even with these news no one seems to be bothered and just going on like nothing is happening.
jesus i would savagely facefuck arden until her disgusting chinaman buckteeth and manjaws fell apart
Gooks are building toilet paper castles with hand sanitizer moats across Auckland though
The more dead boomers the better. Infect us all.
is that a real Neanderfuck?
Nonono, tame ones. I want to instruct them on what exactly to do.
Isn't 30-40 age 0.2% death rate so it's 6k dead.
Where are you at user, how are the shop stoc kl levels? I haven't been shopping since last Sunday (Auck) but so far it seems shelves are holding up. Been thinking about bulk ordering shit from Countdown.
Ya bein' cheeky m88 cunt ?
>WHO: Panic goys
>Also WHO: Don't instate travel bans goys
What do they mean by this?
>Plz nuke us.
No. You deserve the slow, coofing death
Everythring ok. No need panic. No need buy food or water at grocerery stores. Just act normal as possibru. It’s nothing hamburger.
What punchable horse faced mancunt.
Even down in a small local Green Island, Dunedin, supermarket, sand sanitizer is nowhere to be found, and toilet paper is in low amounts on the shelves.
Defeating racism is more important than protecting the health of old and vulnerable people.
rather .
Australians and kiwis deserve everything for their just a flu bro stupidity.
Glad we are all going to drop dead one day.
Damn man, I would've imagined that South would've been okay until first case down there (Matter of time). People buying out toilet paper still bothers me, why in the fuck of all the things - toilet paper? It's like they are expecting to take a thousand shits before things return to normal when they won't have any food to eat.
Funny enough was reading statistics, Aus has more Chinese than Russia and we border the fucking country. Godspeed user *cough*
But the fat pink-haired doctor with the pronouns in The Spinoff said Cindy is doing a great job :)
They betrayed our generation
>why in the fuck of all the things - toilet paper?
That is what i was wondering. I was talking to my wife about it when we were at the shops an hour earlier. 80% of toilet paper was missing. A prepper also seemed to have taken a shit ton of tinned spaghetti from this shop as well. Other canned goods were okay. Dettol is missing. Hand sanitizer is missing and there was a sign up saying "due to worldwide shortage we have no sanitizer".
At least NZ can grow its own food so we wont run out of fresh produce (unless all of the delivery drivers fall ill) its just a case of trying to avoid crowded places when the virus spreads more.
weird her teeth look shopped in
>why in the fuck of all the things - toilet paper?
i can't find any reason in the MSN beyond "people are panicking" and some social media posts claiming that East-Asians are shipping masses off the stuff back home, probably to re-sell at a massive markup
I'm in northland, its actually pretty ok up here but workmate reckoned the sanitizer was gone at pak n save. Not many bat eaters up here though
Some malaysian lady beat me to it, i was going to tell these old boomers and teeny mums that it was chink scalpers, she just started screaming its china china, did this! like a full on meltdown mode at the toilet paper aisle
It cracks me up all the articles about 'racism against chinese because of coronavirus'
You blind dicks. Nz is fucking sick of dirty chinese money, chinese fraudsters, chinese drug rings, chinese money laundering, chinese raping the housing market, chinese immigrants being unfathomable selfish, sociopathic and rude. All this is right under the surface and the virus is just a marginally more palatable facade under which to say FUCK OFF WE ARE SICK OF YOUR SHIT
Where will you hide now bastards?
Fuck the sanitizer, coofer of peace sneezes next to you and you're fucked even if you gulp down a litre of that shit. I just wash my hands as per normal and have 0 faith in sanitizer.
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing, someone says "it's all gone" so everyone panics and buys even more of it and TP is bulky so making shelf look empty is can be done in 10min.
Yeah pretty much everywhere outside of Auckland should be okay-ish. I can't imagine how fucked North Shore and East Auckland must be (For burgerfriends those two places are heavily riced).
It's funny, in every picture of "NZ Panic buys" you can clearly see the problem and the ethnicity of people who are buying out all the stocks.
This but unironically.
a kike lawyer infected majority of AIPAC and US congress, israel is now force quaratining all the kikes in government that attended, they have a 7 year prison term if they disobey quarantine measures.
Even as a chink, i am sick of dirty chinese money here. And I am sick of dangerous female chinese drivers.
>inb4 sloppy joe mustard retards
>unless all of the delivery drivers fall ill
This will happen. There will be disruption even for fresh food which we *should* be ok for. It might just mean reduced supplies (i.e. you can still keep buying shit but stuff will be low / missing from time to time).
If you have a buffer to start with, and stock up / resupply when you can it should be all good.
>dirty chinese monkey
Why doesn't Rebecca talk to us about this?
She is watching after all.
>you can clearly see the problem and the ethnicity of people who are buying out all the stocks
ThEy ArE uS
Head spy mummy.
Remember pol, that horse faced woman is what you consider huwhite
She's a beaut ain't she m88 purebreed britbong.
Winter is coming, if this was november we'd be okay as we would've had lots of sun left but in few months it'll be nothing but rain and clouds.
imagine having a horse for a leader
Because we all hate Auckland, New Zealand's capital of diversity and degeneracy. Some places in NZ are all right but it is places like Auckland that ruin everything.
It must burn her ass that non-government sanctioned speech is still legal
she should be gone later this year...
Jack isn't a "she"
I fear she won't be, during these sort of events people tend to stick with whoever is in charge currently and she's riding the whole "we closed borders n'shieiiet"....In saying that tons of people do indeed feel like user, problem is that Winston is not a realistic option and National still doesn't have a "leader" as such, just a guy who sort of been in the news but not really.
Some girls have dicks get over it bigot.
Thank you archiveanon
Nah, between Winnie walking all over her exposing her weakness and the tool going to Tool, it's all over now.
It feels like it'd be a streth to see Winnie finally get his shot but I guess UK got Boris in charge now and that man was also waiting for decades.
Oh, he's even more screwed. NZF won't make the threshold and I have a feeling the Greens won't either.
I heard her husband wasn't gay. Selfish, close-minded prick.
ACT got any chance?
National/Act coalition is probably how it'll go down.