Why is the flag luffing on the moon if there's no air?

How funny is it that Jew cinema tricked the entire world to believe moon landing real?
There's no air on the moon!
How is the flag flapping like that!?

Attached: flag-luffing.jpg (768x432, 42.68K)

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Only total boomers believe in the moon hoax in 2020

that's a still frame it proves nothing

the flag is not flapping, it is motionless and starchy.

See, the normie's can't explain it.

He can't explain how there aren't any stars in the background either. Hey doofus, you run low on your CGI budget?

And the shadows are all wrong too, with the lem angling upward, and the shadow of the actor going down to the right. Because there were two stage lights for this shot.

Oh, so the flag is all scrunched up and holding a pose? What, is it made of metal or something?

>Top of flag is straight
>Wire holding it up to imitate wind
C'mon now.

Conservation of momentum or something like that. But probably magnets

Because the flag isn't waving you idiot
It was starched to stand up straight and it is collapsing under it's own weight and getting wrinkles

there's still atoms and an environment on the moon even if its not made of air


there is a pole across the top of the flag keeping it spread out.

>flag flapping
>still image
op is a massive cunt and should fuck off

Also the Astronaut's suit isn't pressurized, It's like he's a small man wearing an extra large t-shirt.

At least try to make your 15 PSI suit look pressurized. But I guess the actor was irritated by the overpressure for this scene.

Look at the flag, nigger. There is a crossbar sleeve in the top of it. There is a metal rod in the top of the flag to make it stretch out.
Also, you guys here make jokes about the nigger movie with the nigger women helping with the calculations. You're not far off. They helped, but they were not important. I worked for a year tending to an elderly guy, named David who was there. His specialty was Astronomy. TS clearance, yadda yadda yadda, assisted with a LOT of former high level shit. Blackbird, Raytheon, I'm sure much more he still could not talk about. You could blindfold that guy, fly him anywhere in the world, and one look at the stars and he could guess his latitude and longitude.
They don't make them like they used to.

Imagine being on Yas Forums and trusting NASA

Attached: 9CF829D0-9AAC-44C4-BAA8-EDCCBD3FDB8A.png (191x300, 26.74K)

>Le daily wacky conspiracy slide threads by JIDF
JIDF like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.

This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.

9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "an energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).

Jews control our media. Jews control our banking. Jews control our academia. Jews control our government. Very real and verifiable. Something people need to know and understand. “But let’s not worry about that, goyim. Let’s discuss flat earth, bigfoot and aliens”.

Fuck these threads and fuck JIDF.

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (594x870, 120.87K)

imagine not seeing the top horizontal pole holding up the entire flag.


Dumbcunts. Your arguments were debunked decades ago.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (671x510, 678.91K)

Why is the flag even sideways without wind? The moon has gravity


Attached: 7pzbZ2P7ZjDXYu3w.png (1000x1070, 395.92K)

Exposure time.


if it was even there its gone by now disintegrated

1. No stars, Cgi for stellar overlay not in the CGI budget.
2. Shadows are pointing different directions, two stage lights.
3. Flag is waving, weak explanations for the guy shaking the pole notwithstanding.
4. His suit isn't pressurized, the cloth is indenting to the man's body rather than puffing out under the pressure of 15 pounds per square inch.
5. Flagpole completely missing a shadow for the pole and the flag itself.

Normies are like: "Herp derp here's a video that debunks all those". Never actually does actual thinking for themselves.

Nice bait faggot

Do you not see the metal wire sewn inside the top of the flag to hold it up? You were so close to seeing it, so close

> Flag
Almost in microgravity, will shift around a little naturally, was also starched so it wouldn't stay crumpled when they opened it up.
> No stars
Due to exposure settings on the camera they used for the photos, old cameras set to short exposures fail to catch starlight
> Shadows
Biggest cope of all, moon's surface is very uneven and all the shadows line up anyways

Moon landing was a great Science Fiction movie.

but the earth is NOT flat. if you think that you can kys...

1. Exposure time was set low because starlight would make it hard to see.
2. The moon is covered in reflective dust.
3. Flag is not waving. Flag is hanging from a pole like a curtain.
4. His suit is pressurized. The "indents" you speak of are outward bulges caused by his suit scrunching down to match his height.
5. Pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (528x498, 373.42K)

I misread your post and thought you were trying to direct me to that fag's bitchute video.

I've reported this discord numerous times and it's never been taken down
That means it's a fed honeypot operation
Enjoy your glow in the dark honeypot discord, faggots

Na fuck that retard, they're a waste of time at this point, they've got nothing new to say

>reflective dust
lmao, show YOUR flag


Show your argument, faggot. Stop shitting up the board with your low-quality posts.

Sorry israeli shill

>Hehe sorry for making the board worse you stupid shill
People like you are stupid enough to be considered brain damaged.

Attached: moon pics.gif (600x447, 193.08K)

So you're telling me you don't have an israeli flag?

Thats a stile picture. Got any motion footage of it flapping in the breeze ?

NASA should just release all the HD videos and photographs to put an end to all the nay sayers, Oh wait....

show flag jews

>5. Pic related.
why is it the opposite direction of every other shadow in frame?

What's this about?

Mother of Jesus Christ please be bait oh my God

Attached: hitgif.gif (220x197, 211.45K)

these are two different pics from the moon landing from two different locations but they used the same backdrop in both pictures because they think were retarded cattle

He thinks that this is a set being reused. He doesn't notice the differences in the terrain because his brain doesn't work so well. What this really demonstrates is that distance is very hard to gauge on the moon due to the lack of an atmosphere.

cgi did not exist in 1969

haha show flag jew

You can literally see the mountain in the background moving.

See point number 2.

jewish shill

The missions were tracked by radar from several countries on the way to the Moon and back.

So you think the Soviets and the Chinese Communists that were beaten to the moon by a US space program designed to show the world that US system was better than the communist system, didn't bother to tell anyone that they can prove the mission didn't happen with radar evidence?

Third-party evidence for Apollo Moon landings


Dumb ass

Attached: 1583314108672.jpg (552x471, 18.83K)

its very obviously a rear projection screen background in the moon film and photos.
maybe they went to the moon but didnt want
us to see what was there so they had some
fake shit they prepared beforehand that kubrick
did for them

you are using fake strawmen the government came up with the discredit actual moon landing skeptism

there is a new rover/explorer, called Persevere, going to Mars in a few months. It is scheduled to land on Mars in February of 2021. Our President, DJT should sign an Executive Order, stating that all telemetry data, videos, pictures all of it will be simultaneously broadcast and streamed on the Web, in real time for all of the people to see and know, as it is happening...with no delays or redactions.

see, this is how moon landing skeptism gets discredited. you have no solid proof Kubrick was involved with the landings, just some movie references, but you throw his name out so easily

more shill shit
>hurr durr we actually went but they used fake footage goy

The Earth is flat with a dome like it is implied in The Bible.

>Israel had a big role in 9/11
9/11 was an Israeli intelligence operation 1 million percent from start to finish including media coverup and propaganda lies to send American kids to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq. No fucking training camps, chemical weapons or nukes. All fucking Israeli lies

They didn't do the stars bc they knew they couldn't get it close enough and it would be a dead giveaway

fucking no, just no

do you know how much you do to fuck me over when I try to win people over to see nasas bs?

faked moon landings aren't in this category