Imagine still supporting this kike in 2020

Imagine still supporting this kike in 2020

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I still like him.
He is better than the alternative open borders Biden or nigger worshipping (((Sanders)))

go back where you came from then

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fuck trump

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>Trump steps into office and declares Israel a rogue state
I’m sure that would’ve went over real well with his most of his base.

Give up anglo.

You are a jew now.

Only 2 types of people support Trump now
>Zionist Jews
>Low IQ boomers who watch fox news

The people shilling for Trump are obviously not boomers.

I'd rather support a jewish state so they can congregate and jew themselves than to abolish it and for them to flood into the west. Especially since the anti-zionists want to flood the country with brown people anyway.

A Jewish state means Jews are happy to fuck western nations to death with immigration because they know they can just go to Israel when things get too rough. It also acts as a safe house for international Jewish criminals. Lastly and most importantly Israel is founded on the "Holocaust" myth which is the reason white people are not allowed to have nationalism. You can't be nationalist and support Israel.

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Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population

>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty:
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty:
>Joe Biden on white genocide:

Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)

Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)

David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff (R-TN)
Andy Levin (D-MI)
Mike Levin (D-CA)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Max Rose (D-NY)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Kim Schrier (D-WA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Susan Wild (D-PA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)

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fuck off you cocksucking kike subversive. When trump wins a landslide reelection what will hurt you the most is the time you wasted here, time you could have been earning shekels with, shiny shekels which you could have hoarded to keep out of goy hands

imagine posting the same shit on the same imageboard every single day of your life .
No one cares bout your opinion and you only influence the minds of the newfags

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So you want the same thing but LEGALLY? You're even more jewish than Sanderstein himself.
>Most of his base
Atleast you're honest.

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>The people shilling for Trump are obviously not boomers.

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t. Anti European scum.

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Only hick and redneck boomers like this bitch.

>When trump wins a landslide reelection what will hurt you the most is the time you wasted here, time you could have been earning shekels with, shiny shekels which you could have hoarded to keep out of goy hands
That's already been happening regardless of who gets elected. Shilling for a zionist FOR FREE doesn't change that.
>No one cares bout your opinion
This isn't reddit, r/The_Donald transplant. There's no circlejerking over popular posters. If you've made good posts, people will listen and agree with you.

>Only hick and redneck boomers like this bitch.
*Zionist boomers.

cool copy pasta
Explain pic related
you can't

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Trump is amazing. MAGA!

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These shill threads are literal carbon copies of each other. It's a team of trannies larping as cartoon-tier nazis, spamming the same 5 buzzwords (e.g., miga zion boomer) and image macros over and over.

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Imagine being a faggot who think muh joos are anywhere in 66+million voters top 100 issues in 2020

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oh yeah let's just all vote for the kike jacobin or the kike-loving "catholic" abortion-proponent
you shills are insanely transparent

guess im a democrat now

And yet your only argument has been muh antisemitism and you should support everything your enemies want but LEGALLY. How about fuck you jews, I'm going to support Europeans?

This. Let's vote for the kike who married off his own whore of a daughter to the jews so she could have jewish kids. Great idea, mouthbreathing jew.
Republicans have always been neoliberals that are five years behind the curve. You're already rallying behind trannies like Lady MAGA and you're been pro nigger for a long time now.


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Because it's true.
how is Trump NOT a Zionist? Can you show me one shred of proof he isn't? No, you can't, so MIGA is the truth.

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or in other words "i haven't been here in two weeks"

Of course you should just like you are addicted to my cum since 2015.

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fuck off you cringe faggot

>Muh Zion Don

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post one piece of evidence that disproves Trump being a huge Zionist.
You can't, he's the biggest Zionist POTUS of all time.

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Low effort Biden shill. 0/10 try harder.

Trump is literally the most pro Israel president we've ever had

>lesser of two evils
you are still voting and supporting evil, you dumb nigger

Trump is a good choice for president. Far better than any Democrat or establishment Republican. &

Trump is the only candidate that puts demographic change front in center by running on border security. Other politicians actually never even mentioned it even though its a huge problem.

Trump is keeping the deep state in check. When a non complier is in power they can get away with less on the ground.

Trump is better for the economy. He does not try to create government funded diversity staffed businesses and has gotten rid of ridiculous regulations.

Don't listen to Yas Forums purists who hate on Trump because he does not literally name the Jew, or do some other ridiculously counter productive thing.

He hasn't done shit for Israel other than move an embassy around on a map. No new wars with Iran or Syria. Go back to shilling for Yang, Bernie and Biden.

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>No new wars with Iran or Syria
Launching hundreds of missiles at a country is generally considered an act of war. So is assassinating a countries top military official, So is economic sanctions. Zion Don has done everything in his power to provoke a war. Thankfully Iran has not taken the bait.

No argument? Jews aren't as smart as they think they are. What a surprise.

>thankfully Iran has not taken the bait.
The bait was set by the deep state and for trump, kike. And he didn't take it. Not your fake drone attacks, oil tanker attacks, gassings, embassy attacks or refinery attacks. It must bother you, maybe the IDF will have to fight their won war if they want it so bad, or maybe you will get biden and all the goy troops you could need

>If you don't like one jewish candidate, you must love this other jewish candidate.
This is the thought process of a zionist. He cannot fathom leaving the jewish scam of democracy behind. He only thinks about how antisemitic it is not to vote.

Why would i argue against an obvious lie by an obvious kike? I didn't hear obama, and certainly not biden complaining about legal immigrants from shithole countries, in fact i heard biden claiming white genocide is real and the best thing that ever happened

>This is the thought process of a zionist
No cocksucker, it is reality of a person born into a two party system, i notice you were busy with investment banking when there were two kike candidates but now you're busy screaming at people not to vote for trump. Figures

Imagine still seething over him 4 years later. Get over it. Loser.

Trump is a kike, and he makes you seethe. Like how Bernie makes you seethe because he knows what you kikes are up to and actually has a conscience.

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Trump is the deep state you dumbass. Don't tell me you actually believe they were trying to remove him from office with that Russia-gate nonsense.

>Trump is a good choice for president. Far better than any Democrat or establishment Republican. &
If you are jewish or any flavor of shitskin.
>Trump is the only candidate that puts demographic change front in center by running on border security. Other politicians actually never even mentioned it even though its a huge problem.
Campaigning to let in record numbers of shitskins in but LEGALLY doesn't help white Americans, jewish rat.
>Trump is keeping the deep state in check. When a non complier is in power they can get away with less on the ground.
A billionaire and the president of the US is an "outsider" and not part of the deep state. Not every goy is one your mixed race nigger cattle creations.
>Trump is better for the economy. He does not try to create government funded diversity staffed businesses and has gotten rid of ridiculous regulations.
Nigger unemployment rates don't help white Americans, niggerlover.
>Don't listen to Yas Forums purists who hate on Trump because he does not literally name the Jew, or do some other ridiculously counter productive thing.
Pic related.

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>He hasn't done shit for Israel other than move an embassy around on a map.
Attacking different countries that are enemies of Israel and killing their top officials is not in the best interests of Israel? Continuing endless foreign wars that do not benefit white Americans, but only Israel, is not pro Israel?
>The bait was set by the deep state and for trump
>A billionaire and a man at the top of the current jewish system is not part of the "deep state."
The absolute pilpul jews are able to spout off is impressive.

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>all billionaires are oppressing you, goy
Yeah no, how about you implement your kike communism in israel instead

well think harder, notice these threads only started again after bernie was neutered? The same faggots from lefty pol

Why are (((y'all))) so scared?

Trump rims the Jews and you want to rim Trump. What does that make you?

>Why would i argue against an obvious lie by an obvious kike?
To prove your point unless you are unable to since you rely on the stupidity of goyim to succeed.
>I didn't hear obama, and certainly not biden complaining about legal immigrants from shithole countries, in fact i heard biden claiming white genocide is real and the best thing that ever happened
Why would you think this would make me in favor judaism? I could give two fucks about what other jewish puppets said.
>No cocksucker, it is reality of a person born into a two party system
This. Which is why we need to support it and uphold said system. It would be antisemitic to do otherwise, amirite fellow pede?
>i notice you were busy with investment banking when there were two kike candidates but now you're busy screaming at people not to vote for trump.
I'm a young man and I'm not jewish enough to invest in jewish companies for profit. Have any actual arguments or do you just want bitch and moan some more? Antisemitism means nothing to any reasonable person.

Can someone explain how Donald Trump is good and why you support him without deflecting to Democrats?

somebody who doesn't want bernie or biden to seal the fate of white people in one move

trump supporters need to read the literature on the jq. We were meming him in and these retards snuck in here without doing the homework. now we are stuck with a bunch of christian zionist white identitarians.

It're pretty simple. Anyone still promoting Trump in 2020 is a kike. When somebody criticizes Zion Don Kikes seethe and then claim that anyone calling out Zion Don is a shill for the Dems.

Kikes also love to pretend they are "Jew-wise" Nazis but still support Trump for some unfathomable reason.

>all billionaires are oppressing you, goy
No, billionaires who push neoliberal globohomo are good for you. You wouldn't want to be a filthy commie, now would you? Remember, something something epic helicopter man because you're an r/The_Donald transplant who shills for neoliberalism FOR FREE.
>Yeah no, how about you implement your kike communism in israel instead
Once again, the zionist can only conceive of staying within the jewish system. Any deviation from what the jews have set up causes him immense displeasure over how antisemitic it is.

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trump is better meme material, so he has that advantage.

oh yeah, and he's not a literal communist like sanders

>somebody who doesn't want bernie or biden to seal the fate of white people in one move
Trump is the savior of the white race!

lol you fucking faggot.

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He and his administration are too stupid and inept to make any meaningful changes or start any serious wars.

the system is already collapsing thanks to trump, this is why you post here all day unable to sleep, you cannot stand that jeb lost and that whites are once again confident in their future. Trump wins a second term by a landslide then the only option forward is a much further right candidate in 2024. Of course when such based folk are running in their primaries you will be explaining how they are feds or kikes, always reserving the entirety of your hatred for the best candidate available to vote for. It must hurt knowing that despite all your best kike efforts that you have not convinced a single white person to not support trump. Maybe the talmud lied, may be you're not better than goyim nor chosen by god

>white identitarians
They can't even fathom that idea.

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who are you supposed to vote for?

nice fake article kike

>Imagine still believing elections in puppet govts are real in 2020

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>trump is better meme material, so he has that advantage.
>As long as I can blow slightly more air out of my nose because of some senile jew on twitter tweeting, it makes my entire race going extinct worth it.
BASED retard.
>oh yeah, and he's not a literal communist like sanders
Yay, he's just a neoliberal who's a stepping stone to communism. Hooray.

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playing right into jewish divide and conquer, reactionary polarization. Never fails. they are never going down.

It's real, unlike your imaginary pro-white Trump.

You'd have to be the biggest fucking moron on the planet to think that Zion Don gives a flying fuck about the white race.

who are you supposed to vote for?

Don't you losers have your 50th circumcision or 500th blacked thread to post?

they don't care just so long as things go back to 2014 when there was a clear path of white genocide and no political movement that challenged it, they wanted amnesty for the 30 million illegals so that within 10 years whites would be shipped off to gulags. This is not happening now and they are very bothered, which is why they post out of context shit about trump implying he hates white people in an effort to help his rivals who openly support white genocide and have made it their party platform. Just remember this if you ever have a foolish thought of pity when these creatures are being exterminated, they deserve everything we can do to them and much worse, so do their kike families

Its really a mystery to me, he has done a total 180 from the year 2016 rhetoric, are people just too full of themselves to admit that they were wrong in voting this neocon?

>the system is already collapsing thanks to trump
It's always been in a slow collapse. It isn't called slow boiling the frog for nothing.
>this is why you post here all day unable to sleep, you cannot stand that jeb lost and that whites are once again confident in their future
I'm a Jeb supporter now? What is this cope? Whites are now confident in their future because of low black unemployment numbers and Israel getting a new embassy? What?
>Trump wins a second term by a landslide then the only option forward is a much further right candidate in 2024
>P-please just vote for my favorite jew this time and we'll give you what you want next term.

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I don't think he cares about the white race, but he cares about his popularity which now hinges on him catering to white needs. Have you done enough lies and strawmanning for one day? No of course not, you're a kike

Jews gave money to fund George Washington's little rebellion.

Why do these low IQ, low effort posts always have a nazi memeflag? Are natsocs really this dumb or you a rabbi?

>Of course when such based folk are running in their primaries you will be explaining how they are feds or kikes
Zionism isn't based, jewish rat.
>always reserving the entirety of your hatred for the best candidate available to vote for.
Diarrhea and a solid turd are both shit. I am not forced to choose, kike shill.
>It must hurt knowing that despite all your best kike efforts that you have not convinced a single white person to not support trump.
There are already whites that don't support Trump albeit for different reasons.
>Maybe the talmud lied, may be you're not better than goyim nor chosen by god
Jews are not God's Chosen People, but the Synagogue of Satan.

I don't have to imagine

stay mad. adrenaline intoxication alters your hormones and literally cripples you. what we do on Yas Forums is literally kill liberals.

>who are you supposed to vote for?
Oh shit you're right! I have only 2 Jew-approved candidates to choose from and I must pick one. I have no other choice but to participate in this rigged Jewish system.

>who are you supposed to vote for?
Why are you supposed to vote? Is it antisemitic not to vote or something? Must I as a goy support the jewish two part scam?

Notice that things changed after Bannon got replaced by Kushner.

It's been MIGA ever since.

nice meaningless drivel

ill ask again; so on election night, what should I do?
so you think the most optimal course of action is not voting?


No white person would say this

>It's always been in a slow collapse. It isn't called slow boiling the frog for nothing.
i wasn't talking about our society, i am talking about your kike establishment
>I'm a Jeb supporter now? What is this cope?
You don't care if its jeb, rubio, romney or avanati, so long as they legalise the 30 million and go back to campaigning against white people
>P-please just vote for my favorite jew this time and we'll give you what you want next term.
Yeah kike or more like
>please vote for the least kike candidate this time or there won't be a you or a next time

These threads are probably being created by other sandniggers. It should be obvious to most anons by now after the Iran shit happened that there's a lot of Muslims and arabs on this board. If you see a poster hyper obsessing over Israel it's not a "white nationalist" or a "kike" , it's sandnigger western disphora. They're always more worried about what kikes are doing half way across the world in sandland more than what they're doing here in the US because kikes in Israel directly affects them more.

>playing right into jewish divide and conquer
I'm not a civic nationalist and I never will be. There is nothing to divide and conquer because I will never support niggerloving just because someone waves an American flag.

its so obvious youre a shill or a fed btw. you dont fit in and never will

>Don't you losers have your 50th circumcision or 500th blacked thread to post?
The jewish golem's two favorite things: mutilated genitals of children and racial humiliation pornography. Your nose is poking me through my screen.

>which now hinges on him catering to white needs
You have not been paying much attention have you. He explicitly mentions every group EXCEPT whites in his speeches. He's not even bothering to dog-whistle this time.

>i smell a nickle

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That's what happens when you vote for someone based on nothing but empty platitudes or voting at all, to be honest.
No argument? What a surprise.

Who ever knows about the jew call let me know. What are the months. When are important dates

Wasnt that 2017? From the beginning of his precidency he had a cabinet full of the exact swamp he was talking about during his campaing, in my opinion atleast, I dont know much about Bannon but he seemed ok

>Zionism isn't based, jewish rat.
i did not mention zionism kike, though no surprise that it slipped in to your mind
>Diarrhea and a solid turd are both shit. I am not forced to choose, kike shill.
Says the kike shilling against solid turds exclusively
>There are already whites that don't support Trump albeit for different reasons.
Yeah, the reasons you don't support him, a hatred of a white future
>Jews are not God's Chosen People, but the Synagogue of Satan.
Beyond the jewish relgion and their variants all that is actually real and provable is that they are a foreign and hostile race dominating our society and plotting our doom. Don't need to believe in a religion to see that