/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1636

French lawmaker tests positive

US doctors plead to get tests

All masks are now confiscated in France

Nurses refused testing by CDC

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

► Detected: 97,910 ► Died: 3,356

01:18: 196 new cases in South Korea.
00:40: 4 new cases in Beijing. All were imported from Italy.
00:08: 1 new case in Colorado. This case was announced during a press conference about the state’s first case. The second case is unrelated to the first one.
24:25: 1 new case in Nevada
23:55: 3 new cases in Maryland.
23:20: 1 new case in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Patient recently returned from Italy.
23:15: 6 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States.
23:03: First case in Colorado.
22:00: 3 new cases in Slovenia.
20:48: 1 new case in New Jersey, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 3,387
lol, still only 3,387.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,387? Four days? Five days?

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► China 80,434 (3,013) ► International 17,480 (340): S. Korea 6,284 (49) Italy 3,858 (148) Iran 3,513 (107) D. Princess 696 (6) France 377 (6) Japan 380 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 232 (12) UK 116 (1) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 543 Singapore 117 Sweden 94 Norway 88 Netherlands 82 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 37 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Ecuador 13 Czechia 12 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Portugal 9 Qatar 8 Ireland 13 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Brazil 8 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Egypt 3 Estonia 5 N. Zealand 3 Chile 4 Slovenia 9 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1

China +164 (+32) S. Korea +196 (+7) Italy +769 (+41) Iran +591 (+16) France +92 (+2) Spain +31 (+1) UK +29 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Iraq (+1) Germany +281 Japan +49 USA +31 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 Sweden +42 Norway +29 Netherlands +44 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +3 Iceland +8 Greece +22 India +1 S. Marino +5 Denmark +5 Israel +2 Lebanon +1 Oman +1 Ecuador +3 Czechia +4 Finland +5 Portugal +3 Ireland +7 Palestine +7 Azerbaijan +3 S. Arabia +3 Brazil +5 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Egypt +1 Estonia +3 Slovenia +7 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2 S. Africa +1 Chile +1 Total +2,747 (+99)

/nothingburger general/

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Thread one-thousand-three-hundred-six and still nothing to show for it.

Italy still at 3800? It's been at 3800 for days now.

Any good not so common prep foods? I've got plenty of rice, beans, chicken, canned goods, etc. Anything sweet/fruity I should pick up?

Threadly reminder, unless you have gold & silver you're going to exit the collapse into poverty

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Gary, How many times have you posted this? Four times? Five Times?

Today is international hug an infected day. have you done your part to prove you aren't a racist bigot, user?

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Does anyone actually genuinely 100% believe this virus will continue to reinfect and evolve forever until its unstoppable?

Are people that fucking retarded?

LA marathon is still being held. Just a reminder

argentina 2 ya papu


Will the coronavirus be the death knell of Trump's re-election bid?

only dried fruits, raisins are good
nonfat powdered milk comes in handy


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>be in state that keeps saying they're testing same group of ppl for corona over a month
>still no public results or confirmation
>SO that never gets sick suddenly down hard and began coofing up a bit of blood today
>refuses to go to hospital
>36yr old
i give up

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I'm so underprepared. I wish I was home.

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Who else here has been following since January but didn't prep because you knew it was inevitable for anyone who isn't a neet or remote worker?

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Based and Gary pilled

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Go have gay sex, you absolutely degenerate schizo LARPer.

Hope someone steals your faggot rocks

/cvg/ exaggerates to the point of masochistic OCD

1) we don't know if it reinfects, even if it does, some people get the same flu strain twice occasionally
2) it has no permanent effect on your little testicles
3) brainstem thing is utter bullshit

theres no recovery from this, recoveries are fake

god i can't wait for footage out of LA when reality hits normalfags and hospitals are overfilled, i get so gleeful just thinking about it

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My friend from Washington is coming to Illinois to visit her family. Should I worry about getting Coronavirus while im fucking her? Or just die happy

Definitely dead

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>check twitter for updates
I hope those niggers are just joking; wouldn't be shocked if they didn't know that it spreads quickly. thank god I'm a hikki for this shit

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brainlet cope
unnatural disease which will decimate the ecosystem

>NIgger: Nigger
nigger, nigger nigger nigger.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger? Nigger nigger? Nigger nigger?

What the fuck is wrong with capitalists?

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Me, my parents are fucking retarded

happens in nature all the time nigger

are we dead yet?

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I'm still planning on going to work even if I get it so I don't care. I'll still go to the store and buy food like normal. I'm not using up my vacation days staying home in quarantine. I'm not an old boomer so I really don't care much.


this. bought a mask an sanitizers tho.

Good news is that 80% of cases are asymptomatic and very mild. Maybe a fever one night MAYBE.

Don't get disheartened, MANY OF US WILL MAKE IT

wear full hazmat and at least 3 condoms when fucking her

As opposed to who? Biden's whole campaign premise is that nobody is getting healthcare


Yes, because that's how the Chinese designed it

It is not a natural virus, it is a bioweapon

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Fanx, ArgieBaker

Yeah, where the actual fuck are they is?
I was watching the 2 old couple from plague princess on their faceberg vids, but lost the tabs
Last I heard the husband got taken to a different part than the woman
The woman was starting to get a cough last I saw
> anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Nature doesn't have hospitals

I thought you were dead

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Xi will kill more than Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Tojo, and Hitler combined. I hope he's proud of himself.

I was wageslaving for the past 10 hours. What did I miss? I know the market is down biggie.

Here's a qt for your troubles.

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Digits and The Pope is already dead

It has that potential, are you foolish enough to believe that something as unpredictable as a virus (that there's little treatment for on a wide scale plus no vaccine) doesn't have the potential to get exponentially worse? You clearly have a complete disregard for history and epidemiology.

Dried blueberries and cranberries. Can be eaten by themselves, or cooked/baked into things.


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>Nurgle acolyte confusing the masses

We are entering WH40K reality

When US politicians and celebrities start getting sick, that's when the fun really begins.

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I think Biden gets rekt for sure. But if its Bernie...

hospitals aid reinfection


Back in hospital:
>Experts say there are several ways discharged patients could fall ill with the virus again. Convalescing patients might not build up enough antibodies to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2, and are being infected again. The virus also could be “biphasic”, meaning it lies dormant before creating new symptoms.

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The people's republic of corona.

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You realize this is AIDs, right? It lives with you forever.

Nah, I'll survive comfortably and exit very rich.


Why didn't you convert to Tengri's brand of shamanism to survive user?

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we are unironically fucked, it's been real friendos

>With the acute and chronic symptoms of an incredibly lethal hodge-podge of common-knowledge vectors, and indefinite, constant reinfection, COVID-19 will approach an eventual mortality rate of 100%.


There's been a few. Some boomers from a cruise ship, some Euro, the hot toddy guy that was sicker than the original paper led on (and he gave it to his cat and it died, so that's alarming), and there was some weeb in Wuhan too.

I mean, I get the possibility of a bioweapon is real, genuinely.

But this is not it, lol. I'm all for conspiracies and shit, and I believe a lot about this virus, but as for it wiping out an insane amount of the population, or you keeping it forever like its AIDS, its absolutely absurd.

Even it being a bioweapon "Accidentally released" and it "killing everyone because thats what the chinese wanted to do to sand niggers" is insane.

This is not the timeline for that shit to happen, nothing will happen in this timeline, it's the perfect one.

>t. brainlet
Your fearmongering only makes you look even dumber than you are.


Imagine being THIS upset because a dude you don't even know bought beans and rice.

now imagine how upset you'll be when I tell you I bought a solar kit to power my ham radio.

He will also have saved countless more due to his actions in Wuhan and Hubei and China at large

The virus will probably hit America hardest as America is incapable of doing anything other than waging war on behalf of Israel

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It’s been what, 6 weeks since the last case? What’s happening in your country?

My, my, my corona!

Reminder that Discord and most likely other American social media services are starting to censor the flow of information on the virus under the guise of "misinformation control".

This was a server with hundreds of members and a dozen active infodumpers, gone in a flash today.

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It's sure as hell done with you though

does anyone have the sulfur globe map of china?

Well I finally caved, bought three cases of water, dry food, disinfectant and some video games to kill time

You assholes finally convinced me

Idk who this TENGRI is but I’ll fucking smack him right in the gobber



True but they also prevent it, but I do avoid hospitals as much as I can for that reason.

Everything has that potential, though. There will be a vaccine, and there will be treatment.
I'm not denying that it will spread like crazy, and a lot of people will get it. But it's not going to kill everyone, or stay in them forever and continue infecting them forever. That's insanity.

How about canned peaches? I've never tried them, picked some up for my stash just because.

I love you Gary!

>tfw people around me are coughing constantly
>tfw half my coworkers have taken time off because of severe flu

We dont even have any confirmed cases yet lmao

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ham radios are useless lmao

beans and rice get old after a week, so ill pass.

Is there any research that compiles the lung damage in patients?

oh shit

Time to leave discord and use IRC

I genuinely hope that one day in the near future, money will only be valuable as kindling to start a fire. I hope all of their pathetic dreams to have big numbers is crushed so thoroughly that all these greedy fucks blow their own brains out.

t. in good financial standing and well above poverty line

Been watching since January but have prepped. Have at least 2 months of food and numerous other supplies for the wife and I but now considering getting more while there's still time.

Fuck Trannyrust

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shut the fuck up and go away

They designed it to target Uyghurs
Central Asians

What single fucking aspect of this timeline is 'perfect'?
It'd be great if things were shaken up. And they will be, this is the timeline of the happening, I've dragged you into it with me. Welcome.

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and nothing of value was lost

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Me too....

so with this transmissivity, after it infects 80% of the pop, and that 10% severe case majorly overwhelms the hospital system, I can be happy because after getting a cold I can bury my grandparents and parents and then turn to a shattered economy

and hopefully I dont get anything that might need medical attention in that time

sounds good man

Meme flag has no authority

>it's just a coincidence that it can be treated with HIV medication
>it's just a coincidence that, like AIDS, it has an acute initial phase, a dormancy phase, and a reactivation phase with secondary symptoms

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>not converting to Aum

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>Trust and safety

This is a confusing message


Dumb fucking coping retard.

Well it's not seasonal and no vaccine so what other option is there?

What are the odds University campuses in USA are going to close?
Professors are already talking to us about how are class is going to proceed online if necessary

>canned peaches
the feels
havnt eaten em for 20 years
was kinda meh tho

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It wouldn’t work bc we don’t have the hospital beds, if we did have the capacity it would be an interesting idea

local governments are doing their best to prevent announcing cases

Archive.is sucks

My mate just got back from South America and he did not get tested, didn't get told to self isolate


Been considering trying to get Coronavirus ASAP, thinking I'd get the best medical care if I got it right now, otherwise they might be overflowing soon. If the reinfection thing is true we're fucked either way right?

You faggots it's not about Discord itself, this is a sign of times to come. America will go full China but with a "for your own safety" label to it.

>The U.S. government ordered huge amounts of condensed milk as a field ration for Union soldiers during the war. This was an extraordinary field ration for the nineteenth century: a typical 10-oz (300-ml) can contained 1,300 calories (5440 kJ), 1 oz (28 g) each of protein and fat, and more than 7 oz (200 g) of carbohydrate.
You do have condensed milk in your rations, right user?

>horrible things constantly happen throughout history
>until now, now nothing will happen
eat shit

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Sez the dude that doesn't know how to work one. I run a net once a week with a bunch of like minded individuals, and answer requests to provide emergency communications into disaster zones.Do you really not know what Ham Radio Operators do?

sucks even more giving views to kike media

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Damn Argie-user-- You're becoming a brand unto yourself!
Tanks fer da bread!

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Was Corona-chan sent by God?

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Being Canadian

What isn't perfect about this timeline, honestly? Im not saying it wouldn't be great if things werent shaken up, I almost look forward to yknow marshal law or the economy collapsing and shit even though I wouldnt last very long in a world like that, but unfortunately that won't happen. I'm going to grow old, and die in some stupid way, in a normal house with a normal life.

eat the rich

Gary you son of a bitch! We thought you were dead. I'm a bit disappointed.

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retards aren't smart enough to return/learn to the old ways without being taught

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And nothing of value was lost
this user has it right IRC days was when anonymous could do shit

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what if something about the care is killing people.
the guy that "cured it with hot toddies" nearly died but just rode it out.

Didn't the WHO guy say today mild cases are pneumonia too but aren't bad enough to need oxygen?
How is that mild?


One e-thot I crush on is posting Chinese ((RECOVERED)) as stats to say 50% people recovered.

I feel bad for her and for myself for liking her.


Not everything has that potential, only microbes, the bane of man since the beginning of the civilized world, the only thing that has this level of lethal potential is a supervulcano or a large asteroid impact, until there is an effective treatment and/or vaccine, which may take years if it happens at all, I'm not going to hold my fucking breath.

Two strains at least have been confirmed

I think it may have come from explosion at Russian BSL4 virology lab “Vector” September 29, 2019

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Gary will you sign my gas mask?

One Gary per thread you niggerkike

Meron sa Pilipinas! POTANG INA

Exact location of cases and deaths in France

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Yep, and Google is trying to censor corona-chan searches too, if you search "coronavirus".

Stock up on Beef jerky?

>But it's not going to kill everyone, or stay in them forever and continue infecting them forever. That's insanity.

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Mathematically speaking you might be asymptomatic as statistics stand. 7 out of 10 cases won't even notice they have it if their immune system is tip top.

>E thot I crush one

Its almost like its built in your genes

Anyone got any Fresh webms?
Just bought another gas mask but I really have no money cuz I'm a neet
Need some scary to justify my spending..
>more crbd convey vids would also suffice(anyone see the one with the special forces trailer at the end?)

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There hasn't been a single one yet. Honestly starting to worry this thing is 100% fatal.

Nice reddit spacing. Also how is 'accidentally released' for chinese standards insane? They are known for being garbage, cheaters and taking shortcuts to anything.

>Horrible things constantly happen throughout history to people we've never met and will never meet

>I will continue to grow old with no worries about the economy collapsing or living in a marshal state or a pandemic killing the entire world or Yosemite exploding and killing the country

>The only plausible thing in this timeline is the threat of AI

I'm not coping shit just common sense. I'm actually pretty worried about getting it in general because its a dangerous virus, but its not a plague wiping out the world dangerous.

The only virus in the world ever in history that has any of these conditions

At risk user here (respiratory problems due to smoking) will post vids of me coughing to death EVERYWHERE please don't let libs use it as an anti smoking campaign


Not the based Argie bros. If you survive, we will retake Falklands, inna-island FN FAL operating hours.

I didnt prep as hard as I wanted to, I am basically doom now, I cannot isolate myself forever, and whatever happens happens

they're not even hiding that they want us all dead anymore.

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Arizona confirmed for fucked


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syd is uncontained, so the whole eastern seaboard is fucked. tas might still be okay for a while.

WA has had one case fly in which was confirmed the day after arrival, and is the only aus state that could theroetically still be contained. They're ramping up their testing clinics for next week and considering reopening a closed hospital so even they know it wont last.

containment is done for us.

>never has operated a radio in his life
>t. brainlet

I am a lawyer by which I mean glorified paperpusher and I can telecommute easily. I also hate leaving my apartment and try to work from home as often as possible, get meals and groceries delivered, buy other goods on Amazon, etc. I've been stockpiling food and water, buying portable power banks (USB and AC/outlet), buying an AA to USB converter and hundreds of batteries, downloading TBs of movies and TV shows, and stockpiling meds (Mucinex, Nyquil, Ibuprofen), hand soap, bleach, candles, and lighters.

I don't want to die but an indefinite /inmyapartment/ existence would be kinda comfy if the Internet stays up...

Honestly that sounds bretty cool. How does that distributed networking work? Do you all agree to a certain frequency? How do you deal with signal attenuation?

israel gets destroyed next month

didgitz confirm

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