That retard Brian Williams on his 11pm show "The 11th Hour" literally just read this Tweet on his show and agreed with it

Attached: Untitled.png (1871x836, 934.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Cant into basic maths, sounds about right for mutt america. No hostility for pure breed americans wherever you are

math checks out


I wonder if he browses Yas Forums

Attached: 1782837124.png (220x175, 74.58K)

I've never claimed to be a math genius or anything, but I think someone forgot to move the decimal point.


>what is math

Attached: Capture.png (607x560, 283.98K)

This is how democrats win, folks.

Freedom costs a buck o five.

So what you’re saying is Bloomberg wasting his money on ads for a race he couldn’t win was the smarter decision

It's a well known phenomena that people with below average IQs experience mental errors when numbers get big enough.

It's why brainlets get frightened by outer space. The sheer magnitude of scale causes them to become unable to comprehend reality, so they freak out.

That pisses me off. I could of had a million dollars? Well, you win some you loose some.

Yeah smart arese! Youre so smart , what font do you think they should use then?
Come on clever boy.

Lol mathlets are a diamond dozen.

So these are the "elites" that rule us?

Attached: nigger math.jpg (720x404, 37.2K)

that's actually adorable

Comic Sans, of course.

oh nonono

Is this Bernie's budget advisor?

>fitness snob
>bad at math


he could give $8,986.17 to everyone in American Samoa

Attached: 1583284709567.jpg (680x357, 41.19K)

For the record, you'd need $350 trillion to give everyone $1 million.

Attached: yang bux.jpg (981x1024, 158.95K)

I see nothing wrong with this statement. I want my million dollars Bloomberg!!

Where's my money?

Attached: ESI5-ViU8AEZVoz.png (378x438, 74.33K)

Most democrats are horrible with numbers.

Attached: 1568656515401.png (553x585, 121.12K)

Jesus Christ.

Looks like a man in profile pic
Is bernout. Likely a tranny

I never got paid for my bloomshilling for a week. Where the fuck is my check Mike?!

Attached: C0C74812-02AF-40C3-87A2-88792B43BB69.jpg (749x1024, 71.49K)

No incentive to get good at it when it's not your money.

Brian Williams is so smug and terrible

I'm starting a blue check folder, need more

Attached: ryan-reilly-twitter.jpg (640x480, 67.19K)

There are 5 niggers
There re 3 white women

Are there enough nigger dicks for each white woman to have a single cock stuffed into them?

You should be able to answer this, user.

Jesus the education system really did a number on you guys.

Attached: common core.png (857x574, 648.22K)

Attached: 1583470308243.png (418x532, 210.98K)

Umm, yes retardos. The zeroes cancel out so 350 million million he would give away is less than 500 million that he wasted on ads. Loosers.

Math is a tool for the racist white man. If 2 plus 2 equaled 1,000,000 I'd be rich as shit.

This one is subtle, but gunfags understand.

Attached: 1519756820577.webm (1024x576, 2.16M)

Artifacting, obv, Needs to up the resolution on his camera... Absolute dumbass.

I seriously couldn't find the error in that statement. Fuck that was some stealth bullshit.
>500 million dollars = 500 sets of one million dollars
>327 million people
>one million dollars for each person -> 1mil * 327 million = 327 trillion dollars

Attached: 1362530043330.jpg (175x259, 28.32K)

I get what you mean, but it's not even that hard.

500,000,000/327,000,000 = $1.52 for each person.

The point was 1 dollar for each 327 million people would already amount to 327 milion dollars which is more thsn half of 500 millions. It would be impossible to give 1 million dollars to each one of them and still have something left, assuming your budget is 500 millions


That's a hefty fuckin' fee.

Are these numbers too large for you guys? Here, I'll help...

Attached: bad at math.png (1261x438, 24.13K)

>I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing
you don't say?

Cityfags aren't just a meme.


I have an above average IQ (at least at 14) mostly excel in verbal intelligence and recognizing patterns. Shit at math unless I’m on adderall. I think most people are bad at math, though I’ve never put in effort to studying anything. So maybe I could be good with effort.

Even below wealth dosnt seem that big when you realize it’s about equal to every American ordering a book once on amazon


They want to divide the wealth but they can't even do elementary school division.

it's nto really a problem with the numbers, it's a problem with minimizing the units. when i first read this tweet a few days ago, i fell into the same trap because,
>500 of thing
>327 of thing people
>give 1 of thing to every person
but then i immediately realized in under a nanosecond that the math would be roughly 1 dollar per person. she just didn't think about this shit at all and posted it. like virtually every other person on twitter.

Infinite money formula was figured out a long time ago, these fags are late to the show.

what in the actual fuck

It's God's quilt.

journos are fucking retards

Oy vey

Attached: 095A5614-EDF7-4DC8-9C9B-DD435568A135.jpg (590x683, 82.05K)

That’s just cause the land hasn’t rendered yet

another brainlet detected

I want my buck 52. I want it now kike Bloomberg

I get that those were made by street workers, but what do they actually mean?

Write your congressman.

This is a pure fucking guess, but a S with a line through it, maybe sewer line markers.

I have been watching this laughing my ass off at what the animation is. Has not every American fired a m4/m16A2

Attached: bogans.jpg (750x500, 102K)

Orange is communication

Attached: 1579666291723.jpg (401x725, 74.6K)

Ah, so just forget about the Green Leap Forward.
Just give everyone a million. It's cheaper.