The FINAL Redpill. Language is a curse

There is one common pestilence that is shared universally - Language.

We are from birth indoctrinated into language, without realizing it. As we mature it slowly consumes our thoughts, until we mistake that inner voice consisting of vocal chords of a primate as thought itself. However, thought isn't language based, it is so much more. This is what I call a throat adder, being that is conditioned by language to use its mental capacity - that is thoughts only in language. One must realize that if consciousness can operate without language, it's inherent capacity is far more vast. Thoughts based on language severely decrease our potential. Good example of our culture is that when thought is used to visualize something, it's not called a thought, but visualization, except that in truth the visualization part is equal to as language based thought is - just an image contained within a thought. Then when somebody breaks this control - and mind begins to recuperate, and one begins to see visions, hear voices and experience strange feelings - they are branded 'mentally ill' when finally their mind is attempting to liberate itself from the claws of language. Not to mention how confused they become themselves when they believe language to be truth. It's nothing but extremely limited description of nature of things. Nature isn't nor cares of language, it's crude and archaic, lowly operating system.

Understand this, lean on nature itself, and you will achieve liberation. Trust in nature, where as fish know how to swim from birth - your mind knows so much more.

If you knew what I’m talking about then good. Most of you probably won’t even understand what I’m saying.

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We must train our inner mind to go back to that time before language wasn’t yet invented. When our thoughts were not shaped by “words” but by pure emotion and “feeling”

In this instance, one who does not interpret sound is greater than we are.

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I getcha, OP. I tried the old "Put a thing here" test with someone the other day and they couldn't spontaneously do it. They had to actually stop and plan and think. They couldn't just summon a mental image without words.

Language is a construct user. Spoken, Written, any form, is inefficient and ruins the spontaneity that our brain craves, even our subconscious.
Embrace your natural, beautiful thought.

learn about consciousness.
Dont go down the path of
>knowledge bad
>good book good cuz man in black robe says

learn about the full message of the bible

Zachary K Hubbard-Letters and Numbers

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This is truth in that. Language is a tool to understanding our feelings and animalistic desires though. Once we understand ourselves, the implication of language becomes much more vast. I've also found different languages can affect how we perceive reality. Asian languages for example reflect their genetic behavior and how they perceive the world. They're very and blunt and explicit in tone, and I find that describes the Asian personality pretty well although I am generalizing.

First of all, Yas Forums is not the place for philosophical ideas like this. In five minutes it will be drowned out by all the white women taking big black cocks.

Second of all, the idea of of a "thought" you have manifested in your head is a spook. You have not defined what is this elusive thing called a thought? And why. And why is it a more "pure" definition of a thought than someone else's definition?

Abstractions can exist pre-language. The brain already has a predisposition towards consolidating sensory phenomena into cohesive abstract ideas. The sound of the abstract idea or the written form of the abstract idea are simply particular features of the abstract idea, among many features. I see nothing wrong with "referencing" those abstract ideas with those features of sound and written form. What, in your opinion is "wrong" with participating in this activity?

This being said, if your argument is that "social language" (i.e not internal monologue, but interpersonal interaction) and the rules governing it are necessarily collectivist, then I would see your point. But that's not the argument you are making. Social language seems to be a force that necessarily pulls individuals into a collectivist and not individualistic mindset. This I agree may be problematic, depending on one's subjective values. in particular it is problematic if one values freedom above comfort.

Holy shit and now Newspeak shills are a thing

language is a virus

Worst pasta ever

Semetic semantics. Read Julian Jaynes Bicameral Mind to understand why. Normie thoughts are programmed through language...

Meditate until you break through.

Read Evola.

>a curse
Language shapes reality on a fundamental level.
Abandoning it is the same as abandoning godhood to lie with pigs in the mud.


I don't think in words though. I get what you're saying though and this look potentially psychoanalysis-ey.

Would you consider memes a form of language?
Or is that a separate branch of linguistics?

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I knew a smart schizo on Facebook who taught me this. Language is limitation.

Johnny, E=MC2, he'd use globes...flags...and colors written in the wrong color.

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Take your pills, schizo

You just used language to explain that idea. Blasphemous nigger.

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As one who has abstained from the world itself, I have stilled my mind, and have become one with God. I know what you speak of. It truly is liberating.

It's beyond nature user, it's hidden in the spiritual realm. Nature is also in the physical reality.

We are 3 parts
Physical (temporal, desiring, suffering)
Spirit (eternal, ideas, knowledge)
Soul (the source, oneness)

>ITT muh whorphianism


>t. Anprim retard

Wrong. Its the holohoax.

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Language is only bron from those made in the image of God. Start paying attention to the words said, the word is good, for in the beginning the word, or language, was with God.
The word is good because only the spirit has a voice, not the brain nor the body. Same reason why humans are the only beings whom speak.
Animals communicate through tones and sound effects, not in the imago dei

A lot of words to defend the NPC position.

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What's with the picture? How is it related to your blog post?

Good topic for discussion.
Thinking occurs in images, but language is used to convey ideas, or convey the images, between two minds.

Language is extremely powerful tool and has a huge influence on the images that are formed in the mind. In this way it can be used to inspire many emotions or paint any picture in a persons mind. It’s often used to manipulate the minds of others, to manipulate your mind.

However you can use this power to, on yourself, by being diligent and aware of your own self talk. Often many people have a negative voice in their mind, and put themselves down with that voice. This voice and internal language can be used instead to build yourself up, and others up.

Find people whose language builds you up and immerse yourself in inspiring language, and avoid at all costs language that puts negative ideas in your mind.

Most media is using words intended to influence your behavior. Stop hearing it, avoid it, and begin choosing what words you will hear.

The influence of language and word choice on your minds images is inescapable, only by altering your environment and sensory input can you escape its power.

Among us live some masters of language and mental imagery. Donald Trump, Tony Robbins, Hitler... their power is derived from powerfully mental imagery they create and stir in other people by their word choices and expression of emotion.

We've always had language. Every human had language, it's innate for us. You think human tribes 10k years ago didn't talk and have words? Maybe simple and not a written language but it was still a language

Wena El Rana.

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You’re a fucken retard attempting to sound smart with pseudo-intellectual bullshit. I swear you idiots must get payed by the word or something to spout your drivel

t. Skullface

But language limits and alters how we understand things. It's a compromise; like having a discussion with a socialist, you speak one way that's expected but always remember how things really are or could be.

Your mind, like a computer, can be programmed with language, specifically repetitive language and ideas.

Anyone seeking enlightenment in the modern age will come to learn this.

Why not just, instead, of whats expected, speak "how things really are or could be"?

Take your fucking meds you are dangerous

Schizophrenia is just when your third eye is opened. Whose the dangerous one here?

>We must train our inner mind to go back to that time before language wasn’t yet invented. When our thoughts were not shaped by “words” but by pure emotion and “feeling”
I can think through both words and "pure emotion and “feeling”", preponderantly the latter. Most people are apparently restricted to use only the latter, which is the origin of the NPC meme:

>"Put a thing here" test

Apperantly older homo sapiens used to literally hear voices or some shit but we evolved, some don't have inner monologues APPERANTLY, I think there's alot to it atleast

the world speaks in symbols and signs.


like clockwork

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It would be a good plot for a Twilight Zone / Black Mirror episode wherein a device was constructed that could detect whether a person had an inner voice or not.

>red pill
Literally the story of the destruct of Babel

>We must train our inner mind to go back to that time before language wasn’t yet invented. When our thoughts were not shaped by “words” but by pure emotion and “feeling”
The imagination?

Language, Logos, is our precious gift from god. It is what separates man from the animal. It is the truth.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.

Semetic semantics from the language Masters.

Sucks for normie

Trust your instincts. The next evolutionary step is ready to take and our generation might witness and archive it with the means of internet

Skull, Skin and Skillface

A related redpill is the phenomenon of hypnosis. A hypnotist can guide a subjects mental images and experience, then cause that person to behave as if they are experiencing a different reality. Words and the corresponding images can create a mans reality. It’s the beliefs that shape reality, but those beliefs are often guided and influenced by words. Words have power because of their influence on mental pictures and beliefs.

All spoken language was created by Satan


>emotions and feeling
what a pleb
what you need is
>Visual thought on several levels. Abstract and practical
>High level intuition based on previous knowledge

Lies can't exist without speech.

Everything is a symbol, symbols are magic- meant to control. The stop sign on the street, the laws in the book. The meanings of the objects. The ideas in your mind, the ideas not of YOUR mind- yet they are there.

If you knew how far back and ever-surrounding the construct meant to control you was, you'd stop searching for the end of it.

Someone played metal gear solid 5 too much.

"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words." George Orwell, 1984

The greatest infection isn't microbial it's linguistic

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>we must become like women and think with our emotions
>*lights up crack pipe*

That’s not what I meant

Please keep believing that. You sound like an insufferable faggot and deserve to be crippled by your delusions.

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>uses language to say that language is bad.
>break the control of language, and you'll start to hear voices
>voices that use language


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