How come women are bad at video games? Shouldn't they be good at them? Boring repetitive detail oriented tasks are usually something women excel at. I don't get it.
How come women are bad at video games? Shouldn't they be good at them...
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How is this politics, you fucking gooooomer retard?
Birth control
look it up
Because women don't get into gaming to excel at something.
They do it to get validation.
Just look at all the twitch roasties playing with open bob.
The goal isn't to become good at a task. The goal is to receive positive validation that will increase their social value to compete within their gender.
It's never been about become good. It's about receiving attention.
Like all female endevours.
Sex relations is politics these days.
Also, pushing wahmen in the gaming community is PC culture.
Yes, I know it's fucked up.
because they didn't git gud
because women make it politics
Women are bad at everything except milking dick
women are bad at everything.
Is this news?
i want the second girl from the right to flatten my dick
Because video games dont care about feelings
>caring about league
>Boring repetitive detail oriented tasks are usually something women excel at.
And that's something competitive video games aren't you retard. Go ahead and try to become top ranked in even shitty speedrunning in single player games and let me know how that works out for you, let alone competitive multiplayer games.
Those are more akin to being a grandmaster in speed chess than "boring repetitive tasks".
You literally can't reach the top without autism.
Women excel at non-abstract tasks, i.e. primary school teaching, nursing, social work, cleaning, etc.
They are NOT good at detail in the abstract.
in overwatch the only female in a team broke a world record of losing like 40-50 games in a row spanning like 2 entire seasons
>Boring repetitive detail oriented tasks are usually something women excel at. I don't get it.
They don't "excel" at them. We let them do it, because we'd rather do something else, and it's a simple task which they can perform to satisfaction.
There is literally nothing women can do better than men. Men cook better, men clean better, men are better secretaries, men are more efficient for data entry. These are not difficult jobs to do "well" - but they can be repetitive or tedious, and when you have something more intellectually stimulating or financially rewarding, the opportunity cost goes up.
So we get women to do them. They can't do them as well as men, but they can do it well enough that we don't get too upset about the lost efficiency.
Because women can just post pictures and be rewarded, whereas incel faggots have to jump through hundreds of hoops just to be noticed.
How fucking hard is it to move your thumbs better than the next guy?
Women make up around half of voters. Understanding women is critical to modern politics.
Females do not have reflexes and eye hand coordination as fast as a males at the highest level. It’s from thousands of years of hunting and testosterone.
Are you legitimately mentally retarded? That's like saying chess is just picking up and putting down pieces of wood, how card can it be? Durrr
Your aunt will do it.
Women aren't built to excel at anything.
They are built to poop out babies and otherwise survive on a minimum of calories. Men are built to chuck spears and excel at outfoxing their prey. How hard is it for people to get this through their thick skulls? Women are fucking WOMEN
>any year
>caring about south korean autism Olympics
I don’t care what women think. I openly tell them whenever politics comes up I don’t care about their opinion and that I believe we should repeal the 19th.
Shitting all over males is acceptable, doing the same about women is sexist.
>Men are physically stronger than Women
>Men have more stamina, and run faster than Women
>Men are statistically better than Women at Chess
>Men are statistically better than Women at competitive video games
>8 out of the Top 10 Chefs in the world, based on Michelin Stars, are Men. The top 6 being all Men.
>The Top Psychologists and Sociologists in the world, a field dominated by women, are Men.
>The Top (any profession) in the world are Men.
>The Top 100+ Poker Players in the world, based on earnings, are Men, while the Top 500+ Poker Players in the world, based on WSOP Bracelets, are Men
>The Top Basketball Players in the world are Men
>The Top Tennis Players in the world are Men
>In ALL Physical Sports, the top 3000+ players are Men
>In ALL Mental Sports, like Chess, Go, and Shogi, the top 500+ players are Men
>There is a pity league for women in Chess, which are the all-female chess tournaments. This way, women can still earn a living through Chess even though they're not as good as the Top 1000+ Men. A Female Chess Grand Master will lose 95 out of 100 games against the Top 950-1000 Male players that aren't even considered Masters.
>In ALL competitive video games or "e-sports", the top 500+ players are Men (Excluding Scarrlett or Sasha Hostyn, who was born a man but transitioned to female later on in her life)
>In some games, like CS:GO, the top 2000+ players are Men
>There is a pity league for women in e-sports, which are the all-female e-sport tournaments. This way, women can still earn a living through video games even though they're not as good as the Top 2000+ Men. A Female Grand Champion will lose 95 out of 100 games against the Top 950-1000 Male players that aren't even considered top-level.
Based burger
This 100% true and why this whole “equally” BS came about and why women want socialism. They can’t compete with men.
The whole trans thing is a mirage, it’s not about trans. It’s a a way to say women are the same as men. They aren’t.
>her life
it’s all attention. God rest his soul, based practice called this shit out way back in 2012. Always remember it’s a mans fault these animals act uppity.
Nice !
Men are better than women at almost everything (there are a few exceptions).
Hmm, interesting. How would you characterize writing a book on the abstract/non-abstract axis? Because women are really over-represented on the list of all-time best-selling authors.
You talking about Shanghai Dragons? Yep, the only female pro in the entire history of the overwatch league lost every single game in the tournament. Literally 0 wins.
It's weird too because she's korean so she's supposed to be good at video games.
Women seem to gravitate towards certain types of games. Women who are interested in competitive type games like LoL, especially playing them at a "professional" (lol) level are rare. Women don't have a competitive drive to that level. I've met a hundred guys who at least wish they could be a pro gamer or some gay shit like that. I've met uhh... zero women with that aspiration. Most of the all female esports teams are marketing gimmicks.
don't insult muh vidya
Watch this and fuck off
Other than reproduction and child rearing name em ?
Are you saying women can't be autistic?
So true and eye opening
Women are shit at nursing
t. male nurse
Fun fact: her eyes look more normal upside-down
Singing in certain ranges (although boys and castrates can also do that)
Artistic activities like dancing, artistic ice skating or gymnastics (obviously men dominate the more athletic types of skating or gymnastics)
Certain physical activities involving precision manual work (with their hands), like soldering, etc.
Women are better at tasting things. they are more flexible besides that though I got nothing.
i bet greta's mouth feels great
Dumbest shit I’ve read all week
It's funny, because even the stuff that women are usually good at, those at the very top level are still men. (i.e. cooking)
Women are shit at teaching as well.
This, also we dont have to give birth, have periods, or go through cuckopause.
which is why a man hold title of most accurate taste buds. bokay lady
Are you arguing that men are more flexible than women?
Don't be a retard.
We're comparing distributions, not individuals
There is more variance in male attributes, the shortest person ever is probably a man, but it's also true that men are taller than women
Japanese and Korean women are an exception though. Probably because they’re not out riding the cock carousel every night like western women.
she seems like she'd be an eager learner
that’s great but it’s objectively true that men are better than women. I’ve never met a woman that was smarter than me
First, asians are just better overall at psychomotor skills
It's also that in this case the team was picked for commercial reasons, and because they look like models (I mean, compared to the average _real_ gamer girl) and not for their skills
They're not though.
see If they ARE an exception, then there would be some female pro players in major video game tournaments by now, excluding all-female tournaments of course. But there's zero so far.
ya from there forward all I could think of reading his post was
>fuck this tranny tolerant faggot
We don't disagree, but as explained above there are a few exceptions.
I mean, there is the obvious stuff: men cannot be both taller and shorter than women. This is just logic.
But in a similar logic, just like men are stronger than women, women tend to be more flexible than men (because they have less developed muscles, and muscles tend to be pull things in the wrong direction when it comes to being flexible).
May or may not be. What does that make a women better at ?
Like this?
well written I appreciate that
Because women aren't interested in video games for the sake of playing video games. They are interested in the attention and money it gets them. They tolerate the process if actually playing the game insofar as it gets them money and attention. But they don't actually like or want to play those video games.
Is she staring at my dick?!
Well...they can stand with straight legs, feet together, bend over so the crown of their head touches the wall, pick up a chair, raise it up to their chest, and then stand straight up. You ever try that shit? Fucking impossible.
Also, they can receive a blood transfusion from another woman, who'd been pregnant within the last year, and not die. We try that shit, we're dead, the antibodies a pregnant woman's body produces are fatal to men if they receive a transfusion. Until we get into our 50s, I think? I don't know what's really up with the age cutoff.
Anyway, a woman's powers are strange, and mysterious.
If you're 130 or above you likely won't. Nature plays safe with the reproductive gender and as such they'll never be the pinnacle of any trait.
Marylin vos Savant is officially listed as having a higher IQ than Christopher Langan, tho.