quoting user from the previous thread
>This could be the best troll ever from Yas Forums if you were to take mutts and make them lighter skinned and blond hair/blue eyed and make them hotter. It would be way better than when someone was shopping fat girl plus sized models to look skinny. The butthurt and salt could be fucking glorious.
Operation BLEACHED
Other urls found in this thread:
I saw that comment and think the idea is absolutely genius. Question, what software are we using to carry out Operation Bleached
>Implying blondes are attractive
That’s kinda hard to do. The shoop in this pic is pretty well done. I doubt most anons could match the quality
I have no shop skills
This man has a point
beyond the obvious cosmetic changes is that pic with her tits real, I really can't tell anymore
Based and retardpilled
brother, this is amazing. Continue god's work.
The green eyes did it
this make me hard
It's shooped.
I support this operation this is actually funny
uncultured swine
This has some pretty good fucking potential anons
>1 post each kike who turns on VPN appears
The holocaust never happened but, it should have
Throw some redheads in there too
That's exactly why they banned this app.
Bump for potetnial.
>op mixes my fetish with politics
I like you OP
this time, your not a faggot. Great fucking idea. Lets do it boy's
not my pic, merely forwarding the good work of others fren
ohhhh fuck if she looked like that I would pull beyonce and put my stuff to the left
The spanish inquisition? Didn't expect that.
Can someone please upload the version of this without the edited face and hair
We should ditch the thing that has been working for over a decade and use some stupid shit
can someone edit out the girl in the back? i cant fap my eyes always shift toward her
You need some pretty sweet Photoshop skills to do this, or is there an easy way already?
who is this qt?
Dude, I’m lurking more than one thread. Not everyone is a kike shill, sorry I’m not into blondes. You should be happy, more for you right?
Holy shit, she'd literally be so beautiful white!
Hang on a second
Doesn't mainstream media already bleach suspects
where's the original pic do you know
Its faceapp with layers of female Hollywood makeup and hair
So we use their weapon against them.
It's perfect, just iwsh I had the shop skills.
>The spanish inquisition? Didn't expect that.
She's literally descended from the very jews who were kicked out of Spain who then started the North American slave trade.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition
The slave trade and cotton industry was utterly run by jews. See this thread for much more:
How nice would it be to suck those tits.
*Lady Gaga blocks your path*
Inb4 she's naturally brunette
Looks like a man in every one of those photos but moreso in the “white” shop, obviously done on purpose to push the idea that white women are masculine.
She is hotter brown.
Hello Murdoch.
cringe and retarded
every single one of these "operation x" are either false flags or newfags.
damn aight i guess she can come to agartha with me
it was better with the blue eyes
I don't know but I'm guessing they use Gimp
the fact remains that you are a kike and that the holocaust never happened but should have
She knows exactly what she is doing
Alexis Octavia Cooper, or AOC for short..
absolute lies and slander
Good video on it here:
That app is banned?
Based and researchpilled, will take a look
i prefer the original
Looks like a tranny I fucked in this photo. Hair, teeth, tits and all
Damn that is a nice looking woman.
>operation from Yas Forums
Apparently you haven't been around long enough to know people usually dont want association with inflammatory shit like this, it's why IOTBW is done on Halloween historically. This "op" has shill written all over it to once again defame the board of peace
blue eyed brunettes beat any shitty blondes
show flag nigger
she's a droop-nosed Italian with two even droopier mootzadells hanging from her chest
when you need $10,000 in makeup and clothing to appear in a music video that's not saying great things about your looks
What the fuck.
Just post the edited one. It's much better.
Also that has to be the best picture of her in existence. I didn't even recognize that goblin from the OP pic.
I prefer brunettes but that's because I'm blonde. I know what you're saying though, it has to be done in a classy way to avoid the Blonde = Bimbo comparison
Pleb taste
You don't understand. If she was white she wouldn't be hot. All the attraction comes from the power. During the day she is a powerful congresswoman, at night your personal white semen cumdump.
No genocidable leaf, just that filter
>This "op" has shill written all over it to once again defame the board of peace
Pft, who the fuck made you Yas Forums police?
hardly, I just want some excitement on this board that isn't a corona or bernie circlejerk
Need to soften the upper nose bridge
Well we could all at least get some practice in... Some folk might find they are really good at it... You got anything better to do over the weekend? I'd just be shit-posting, watching crappy YT vids or practicing on my graphics tablet
imagine cooming to this alien just because she can yell ra ra ga ga while shiny things appear on screen
I saw it as well and replied with "This is fucking genius". Because it is.
This. I'm more of a brunette guy but blonde's aren't bad
She looks like a washed up hooker right there.
Not gonna lie, it's getting better. The facial features look more refined but the skin tone still reeks of spic.
What abou ASIB? She had little makeup and still was hot af
>pic related
Also, checked
Is that real?
This is gonna make the browns straight want to murder (I mean more than usual). Put me in the screenshot
Wow holy fuck she actually has her nipples out like that? What a fucking meme how can anyone take her seriously?
This may be the first screencap I've ever seen a post of mine in. What is this step in the Yas Forums universe equivalent to irl? First kiss?
>he doesn't have a lipstick fetish
absolutely pleb tier.
Nobody ever does.
Whiter than you Chang.
Henlo fellow Little Monster
(That means 'Lady Gaga Fan', for you plebs)
You something new each day from smartfags. Thanks I guess
How do you know if they have a VPN you fucking psycho?
Blondes have higher IQ's irl, the ancient bimbo-meme is an anti-germanic, anti-european psyop by jewish hollywood types.
Imagine burying your pearly white face into her khazar tits and letting her dominate you
She looks much better white. Like a donkey when brown.
>crazy bitch or crazy bitch
I don't know who that is but even ugly redheads get a pass, the ancestral whites were fair-haired and their descendants must be protected