We are living in the darkest times of human history. Will good ever triumph over evil?

We are living in the darkest times of human history. Will good ever triumph over evil?

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Why is this okay, but not sexualizing greta?

jews dont want fluoride to be banned

absolutely. not in our lifetimes tho.

No. Even God himself has given up on us and sent coronachan to end this madness.

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If you are good, do good. The more people doing good, the more triumphant is the good.

>implying there's good and evil
It's just tribes. Jews want to rule whites. Whites want to rule Jews. Niggers want some fried chicken and pussy. It's just whatever side benefits you most.

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I dont give a fuck anymore.

Let it collapse.

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It isn't a comic book of cucked good versus laughable evil, it's a twisted story about mass dementia and stupidity, completely pstychotic people who dindu nuffins and the chances of winning are zero because once you go retard, you can't go back.

He looks like Lady from Lady and the Tramp.

That little cum slut should do a tour of Australia.

Australian men would go BERSERK for lactacia.

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Disgusting AIDS-child.

It's a cycle user, we're in the 11th hour.

>implying there's good and evil

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> Whites want to rule Jews
Nah we just want to be left the fuck alone, but sub humans won't fuck off unless we make them.

Yes in the end good will win, but we have to fight everyday an endure the suffering.

entropy will win

The idea that retribution will come one day to the worthless humans comes from christcuck literature. They tell you not to be a bad goyim and take vengeance, but that heebus jeebus will do it.
If you want evildoers to suffer, you have to make it happen.


>it’s just pie in the sky!

I was fifteen once too you edgy little pinko bitch

Someone fed it after midnight.

Reminder if you dont think this is beautiful and brave you're the bad guy now. Take me now God

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This is why we have a justice system in the US. It's not perfect because people are not perfect.

>They tell you not to be a bad goyim and take vengeance, but that heebus jeebus will do it.

Technically, that's not what it says. The bible says, "Turn the other cheek", but notice how many cheeks you have. 2. That's all. Once you run out of cheeks to turn, we have another quote from Jesus: "I come not to bring peace but a sword."

Once your other cheek has been slapped, congratulations. You now know your enemy.

Your tribe looks pretty evil

Yeah, after 2000 years Jewsus Kike has yet to do something about it...

It's shit because it doesn't filter stupid and psychotic workers, zero accountability, no transparency, institutionalized unfairness, lack of transparency, ...

>we just want to be left the fuck alone
>except when we conquer the known world
I'm Irish, nigger. We were perfectly content to get drunk and fight and fuck in our mudhuts until the damn anglos had to come and bring "civilization" to us.

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As a huge fan of 2D shotacon, I have to admit it...
Boner killer even on meth.

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>except when we conquer the known world
Under the orders of hook nosed (((nobility))) and ((church))).

do not worry sick child, I will put you and Cali out of misery

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Next season on The Dark Crystal..


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It's called the transgression of humanity you can't stop it even you are transgressed

Last time some one did something beneficial to the world.
They cried holla costs and shoa and now everyone thinks nazis are evil.
I dunno, I almost want full blown communism and Marxism just so I can watch the lemmings whine about it.

>hand rubbing intensifies

>Whites want to rule Jews.
Yes Mr.goldsteinsheckleberg.

I saved that because its a funny animal.
You sir, burn in hell.

>Meth user.
Towards the wall.

I'm also extremely well-armed and well-trained, so come make me if you can. ATF.

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The saddest thing will be ten years from now when this child dies of HIV/AID with a hot does of meth in his arm and everyone will be like WhAT HapPEND? If this child is gay or mega ultra gay then that's fine, I would accept him like any other of my friends who are gay. but the adults are using him to push an agenda without realizing the amount of pressure that is put on this child to be a gay icon and it will cause him to destroy himself when he is older and no one cares anymore.

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Nobody's going to give a shit. Why would you? Why shed tears for hopeless situations?

rollen for yes
have hope user, the revolt is near

Neither are ok.

only niggers use drugs

How in the fuck can this kid be so young, and yet, so anti cute? He looks like a fucking retarded midget in a dress.

Only straightedgers DON'T use drugs.

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parents were meth addicts and trash like you should be gassed

>walls fall out

>the Holy Roman Empire
>i-it was the Jews!
ok retard


fuck you for reminding me of that

Kill yourself muttoid, i am glad you will all die soon and your kids will be raped and skinned alive by spics

No you guys are fucked. Eastern Europe will continue as usual tho.

Your parents, and by extension YOU, are trash.
Not my problem, don't blame the meth.
That's like a nigger blaming a gun because he shot someone.

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post meth sores

>We are living in the darkest times of human history.
Questionable. Though I do think the decisions we make as a species right now have this kind of potential.

Unfortunately, it does seem we keep making the wrong ones.

There is hope. Conserve values. Reject degeneracy.

After America falls will they subvert the next hegemony?

I actually prefer cathinones and pyrovalerones. Also, ethylphenidate, but it's gone now.
At any rate I haven't gotten tweaked in over a month. Everything's healed.

Keep clean and stop cooming.

Kid did not even have a chance. He was used as a propaganda face for adults who want to push globalhomo. It's sad that adults used him for their own gain.

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