The kids are ready Yas Forums

The kids are ready Yas Forums

Are you?

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"Kids are easier to manipulate" - B.P

This is gonna bomb so fucking bad.

Probably will be banned in Russia.

looks like a nigger, sounds like a kike

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Kek! Based.

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is this the one where Tinderella is a tranny and leaves behind a crystal buttplug?

One can be born gay.
One can be abused into being gay.
One can be subverted into being gay.
One can choose to be gay.
That's how I see it.

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I can't wait!

What's worse, being gay or canadian?

Ah yes, what every 5 year old asks for, genderless non-binary tranny niggers in their fairy tales, because clearly, when you read or show them a story, the first thing the kid does is ask the sex and race of their characters.


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He has to leave before midnight or "vagina" turns back into a penis.

A gay canadian

>being gay or canadian?
There's a difference?

If you aren't homeschooling and severely sheltering your kids at this point, you're practically inviting degeneracy.

the only reason things like this gain so much traction is because people like you get so butt-blasted. Then you have guys like in the OP using your hate as a means to illustrate the closemindedness in America which in turn leads to people further supporting things like this because they don't want to come off as an ass.

Great. Black Captain America. Black fairy godmother. I’m done watching Hollywood movies.

A literal niggerfaggot


Hopefully everyone involved dies from the plague

COnsidering this is true does this mean because I went to sunday school as a kid and obviously believed jesus was the best at the time am I saved forever even if I don't think about jesus or god or anything anymore?

AIDS Patient Zero

Makes me sick just looking at that picture

Another box office bomb for the woke crowd.

(first post always fucking best post)

An early South Park episode had a Christmas special where the children were putting on a Christmas play. However, as the episode went on, more and more people kept getting offended by different stupid stuff. Eventually, trying to appease everyone the play was completing retarded and didnt make any sense, and people got really pissed about that.
The moral of the story...someone is always going to be upset about something, and trying to make everyone happy is just going to lead to more problems. My opinion, let the diluted liberals live in the hell they created for themselves.

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>the kids are ready

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Fairies wre always supposed to be genderless.

The biggest problem with this...Women are way more judgmental about social norms and entities living up to their nostalgic memories.

There's been like 5 cinderella movies last decades. Who even cares about this one?
And only twitter gives a fuck about le'trannigger meme man. Niche inside a niche. It's going to bomb and fall into oblivion like the nut-cracka and the four shits.

Any society that doesn’t protect children from these demons doesn’t deserve to exist

We should spin this as an attack on feminism by the patriarchy.

Kike and gay

Can you zoomers explain this shit? Do all of you want to see this stuff? Who is it being made for and marketed to?

getting real tired of these fucking trannys

>"the kids are ready" for more progressive characters in their movies
The kids are ready? That's literally the opposite of what kids are. Why not go ahead and admit you want to indoctrinate the kids.
And what the fuck is up with this implication that leftist liberalism is somehow a natural progression for a society? I'm mad

My kids aren't raised on any of your faggy new shit. They watch the classics then we explain how you butthurt little losers cwy "wepwsestentatiooooooon" and then they make a "you people" version which is almost always inferior to the original.

Men have babies too bigot

I'm more angry that a nigger is involved in anything other than cleaning the set.

I'd want to see gay white role models like in gods own country, promoting monogamy, simple living etc etc
Speaking as a gay zoomer though, not sure what straight zoomers want.

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Why didnt they make Cinderella the black tranny? A princess is just a social construct.
The godmother being a black tranny lets all these overcompensating white cunts prove to all their friends how open minded, tolerant, woke, and compassionate they are for people the deem inferior to themselves. Nothing says im a oblivious white suburban girl like pretending to like niggers without actually having to interact with them.


If it were genderless it would not be called a mother .
This film will bomb harder than the live action Mulan remake.

child cannot be birthed through the urethra you mook.

that wouldn't be spin, it would be truth

You are mixing your fantasy tropes

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Fuck you tinkerbell is my spicy waifu

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cool webm

Damn, never seen your flag before, you on a VPN or an actual african?

The childless faggots should be shot

Why can't you just buttfuck in peace, you fucking faggots? Why do you have to stick you shit in everything? Fuck you homosexuals.

I got it from a /k/ humour thread so i dont know

>justice rains from above

VPN no
African yes.

>Me post wholesome message to user about not giving up hope and to continue to struggle through life and noot an hero
>5mins of captcha
>Me post comment about killing childless faggots
>no captcha

Fuck Yas Forums

There are three genders:


Kill it


Pro tip: if you are in captcha hell you can skip all but the 3x3 ones and won’t be locked out ever.
Typically just have to do 2 of them (unless you accidentally try to skip one)

"adults slowing stuff down"
wonder what this "stuff" is...