I fucking hate women, how do I overcome this?

Obviously I'm going to get attacked, so I'll just say right away that I'm 6'1, financially successful, handsome (maybe 8/10), have social "pedigree", and work out 5 times a week. I'm probably in the top 10% of men in terms of attractiveness to women.

I realized today that I have a deep, subconscious hatred of women. My mother was a vapid bimbo pseudo model, basically the past equivalent of an instagram thot, and my dad is a typical rich business guy who she probably married for money. My mom basically was too stupid and vain to take care of me properly, and after she lost her looks I've just watched her decline into an infantile like state. She doesn't understand why or how anything happens, and people at dinner parties literally think she's retarded and are baffled by how clueless she is on even basic things. People used to not care when she was younger and beautiful, but obviously her stupidity has hit it's limit now that she's old and unattractive.

My older sister is beyond spoiled and also retarded. She literally just does whatever the fuck she wants, throws temper tantrums over the smallest infractions against her hideous and materialistic life style. She can't take any criticism and has eating disorders that come and go (binging and purging). She's in her mid 30's now and can't find any man to settle down with her due to her atrocious personality, is suicidal and tells my parents that she wants a kid.

Yeah, she's suicidal and thinks having a kid will help her feel better. This is the level of selfishness and emotional depravity I grew up with.

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The only reason I can tolerate women is because i had one amazing girlfriend in my early 20s. She was strong, smart, honest, caring, and loving. Unfortunately she moved back to Belgium to be closer with her family. We still keep in touch to this day and she makes me feel like life has meaning when it gets dark.

So not only do I have to constantly deal with my retarded vapid mom and stupid selfish train wreck of a sister. I live in fucking NYC and I'm on a merry-go-round of whores. I get laid quite frequently which has made me disrespect women even more. Women in big cities are so fucking stupid and entitled it's literally unbelievable. I actually don't really blame them, because they have so much high end dick thrown at them on a constant basis that I kind of get how they can be irrational in their world view... but oh my god, it's just embarrassing to see them age past 28. They become SO desperate, and will just throw their old pussy at any man they see because they literally have nothing else to offer. If you want to get laid pretty much instantly, move to NYC and set your tinder age range from 30-35, it's a sure thing.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that I will die alone. Modern women trigger me so fucking hard, and I will literally hate fuck them. I have no more emotions or love towards women, and almost instinctively get pissed and annoyed when girls come up to me at bars. I already know their story... they're kind of hot, have fucked 50+ dudes, are proud of not knowing how to cook or clean and enjoying being a "hot mess", and their job is glorified secretary at some gay start up supplemented by rent checks from daddy.

How do I fix this? I don't want to live like this. We need love in our lives, but I can't find the will to love women anymore because they're so fucking gross and virtueless.

have sex

Tldr fucking faggot blog post OP, fuck you. Sage this shit

Go to Belgium user. Life's too short, go after a good chick.

i don't get how a guy can sleep around with so many women, and then complain about how pitiful women are that they sleep around.

then you go on to say you will die alone.

you basically are pissing in the water everyone, including yourself, is drinking from, and then brushing any part/responsibility you have in the problem.

Date ethnic women. White women are the real problem

>How do I fix this?
Make it political so it belongs.

Does this actually work? Also, does it still counts if it's a hooker? Luckily they are legal and well regulated here.

>She was strong, smart, honest, caring, and loving.
I can almost believe this
oh nononono.

nobody fucking cares.. go cry on r9k or adv faggot

have (gay) sex

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People are garbage in general, product of being bombarded with the idea that being trash is actually cool and desirable and not being fucking garbage. Almost every guy friend I have acts the same way, they’re just the ones paying for the fucking instead. It’s depressing and demoralizing by design.

Poor kitty!

tits or gtfo leafcunt

stop larping and improve yourself.

Sluts Are the overlords now all hail the irrational whore dumpster with a PhD. When do you think America will get its first slut president?

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All we care about is seeing your sister's nudes


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OP is a literal faggot

Any man who is a self-proclaimed 8/10 (or his friends/family told him he is) is always, always less than an 8.

I’m a dude.

No, most men I've noticed are actually moral and virtuous is their situation allows them to be.

I've come to understand that women are basically like children or animals, since society constantly tells them that they're awesome just for being women, they're basically feral beasts who conduct themselves off base emotions

no, it doesn't work. and it only contributes to the problem.

try different bars to meet different girls. eagle nyc would be more your vibe

>all of my guy friends
fuckin a you're a faggot

>No, most men I've noticed are actually moral and virtuous is their situation allows them to be.
is this a joke? how ignorant can you be?

So suck a dick and fuck off

Fuck off rabbi

yeah, men generally aren't much different, though. But women are programmed to act that way. And since they are weaker they learn to manipulate at a young age.

did he stutter? post em

>i can't control my dick
>my dad is worthless
>it's women's fault

You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. You are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a disease, you puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meatslapper.

On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go.

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel. Duh.

>ur igorant! is dis a joke?!

nice argument you stupid fucking faggot.

>improve yourself
Yeah I'm sure learning how to paint will help in this situation. Or did you mean "make yourself more attractive to females" when you said "improve yourself"? Why not just say what you mean, faggot?

This is for you Except the leaf part.

Yea women are very stupid. I learned that at an early age.

you're retarded. thanks for translating what i said into your own language.

Maybe you have an issue with American women, your rich, handsome, suave, why not go to Belgium or somewhere and Europe and find the wife your looking for? You can afford it. But instead your on Yas Forums bitching and moaning

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Poor cat. If that was my cat, I'd kick the owner's ass and have the pound put those dogs down.

>he fell for the nonwhite women meme

"you're a faggot" would have sufficed

>I have to constantly deal with my retarded vapid mom and stupid selfish train wreck of a sister.
No, you don't. You really don't. Stop it.

>I live in fucking NYC and I'm on a merry-go-round of whores. I get laid quite frequently which has made me disrespect women even more.

You don't have to do that either. Stop it.
If you want a different life you have to imagine it, create it in your mind, and then change your behavior accordingly. Remember the old saying: One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and OVER AGAIN and expecting a different result.
You must change yourself, your own patterns. I believe you can do it, user.

One suggestion I'd make is to ask your old girlfriend for advice. And IF she is still available and interested, go get her. No matter what. But also--find a good, solid, male therapist with not a trace of soi on him, and do some work with him.

Research work you can do from home/outside the city/etc. Make that a project too. When you find someone good, GTFO with her. If the foreign gf doesn't work out, get on a more conservative dating site like Christian Mingle or even hire an elite matchmaker. Or just go to church or join a conservative group of some kind. Present yourself as of average means, don't try to hard to impress. You want someone who really likes your character, your mind, not someone who smells a stuffed wallet, you know?

Try not to hate stupid young women, user. They're the product of a stupid, sick, degraded society and it's not altogether their fault. Moreover, the hate only hurts YOU. It's bad for you. Try to let it go and just keep your eyes open for someone quality. She's probably a shyer type that you will NOT meet in a club, so quit going to places where trashy chicks congregate. Again, change your patterns.

have sex incel

>how do I overcome this?
learn and move on, specially move on

bretty much, yeah.


"date women with less power and education so you can boss them around and they have to submit to your dumbass."

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you're not. you're a fucking loser. what kind of a faggot hates their own family? oh yeah, you. I wish I knew who you were so I could show your family what a backstabbing spineless prick you are. get fucked, homeboy.

>likes your character
The naiveté of this simp.

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My dad is actually pretty alpha, and was a decent father, though he had many shortcomings. If not for him, I'd probably have killed myself if it was just my mom and my sister with me.

I'm actually doing well in life, much better than the average guy my age, obviously, but I also come from money so that's to be expected. I'm wondering how I get this SEETHING HATRED for women out of my soul.

Every time I talk to my mom on the phone, my head wants to explode and I get so pissed that it almost triggers an anxiety attack.

Here's an example. I was at work and mom called me. She says, without asking me what I'm doing or if I have a moment, "I heard this word on the radio, what does it mean?" And she says some made up word that I don't even think is English. It sounded a fucking sushi roll or something.

I go, "can you spell it for me?"
"I don't know"
"What context was it used in?"
"I don't know"
"What were they talking about when the word was used?"
"I don't know, I just heard it on the radio"

She just heard some random word on the radio, which she can't even remember how to pronounce, and called me asking if I knew what it was.

I can't believe I was raised by such a fucking idiot. I was sent to pretty elite private schools which is probably the only reason I'm not also a complete moron.

>Try not to hate stupid young women, user. They're the product of a stupid, sick, degraded society and it's not altogether their fault. Moreover, the hate only hurts YOU. It's bad for you. Try to let it go and just keep your eyes open for someone quality. She's probably a shyer type that you will NOT meet in a club, so quit going to places where trashy chicks congregate. Again, change your patterns.

the way i see it is all he is saying about women is just as true of himself. he is complaining, for example, of how he has all this sex with random women and uses it to detract from them.

but he's having sex with them! you don't like that women are whores, but then sleep around with them? what does that make him?

this attitude of entitlement with these modern mgtow or quasi mgtow types is astounding.

they want to complain about how disappointed they are with women, while at the same time preach evolutionary biology and say it is inherent in men to sleaze around and be and idiot and spread disease and deflower women(piss in all of our water) and then they complain that women feed that very desire of theirs.

it's just stupid. stop pissing in our drinking water!

red pill rege, calm down look up some TFM

I’m with you friend. I hate them as well. The only female I like is my daughter and she better not spoil that by turning out like her mother.

Move to a rural community and find a nice white christian conservative woman. That's anyone's best bet.

I too am 6'1

for real tho I feel ya mang

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she gave you life you ungrateful sack of shit. maybe if you respected your mother you'd find a woman that wasn't worthless.

lol that story is pretty funny.

it sounds like she was calling you because she is depressed or lonely or something. seems like ulterior motives to me.

Nice Oedipus complex.

Shut the fuck up Baron, go talk it over with your Sinbad secret service help

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Obvious answer. Quit being a scared faggot OP.

By moving back to Israel where you come from

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My mom is a dumb cunt. If she want my mother I would have nothing to do with her

Women treat powerful men like gold.

Just be part of the 1% bro

You hate women because they are attracted to something you despise- yourself.
Find your purpose.

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>you basically are pissing in the water everyone, including yourself, is drinking from, and then brushing any part/responsibility you have in the problem.
sounds alpha as fuck, tbqh.

I never said I don't love my mother, but I definitely do not respect her.

At my dad's business, she used to come in and order people around, and make people do things exactly her way otherwise she'd yell at them. Even if the worker explained that the way they were doing it was better, and it had been worked out with my dad, my mom would STILL make them do it her way.

She would literally flex the power she got by marrying my dad for the sake of dominating employees, even to the detriment of the company. There are many more examples of stuff like this that she did. I cannot respect this kind of behavior.

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I skimmed your shit op. You're problem is you have teh big gay. And that ex definitely resents you using her as an emotional crutch. Go suck a dick fag


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it isn't always possible to respect your mother.

for example my mother divorced my dad after fake mothering. she would be like "you don't spend time with the family! we need family night! you drink too much beer, you need to only drink non-alcoholic beer!" (my dad had like, a couple a beers a night, sometimes).

so then of course, it was just her creating the illusion she wants the divorce. then once my father is out of the house, she almost immediately is dating. she ends up divorcing my father who worked two jobs, never was a support deadbeat, and provided the nice house and property and gave her everything she wanted. Who does she marry? an alcoholic pothead who couldn't hold a job who sat around high with his balls hanging out of his cutoffs, stinking up the place. the guy was so fucked in he head he couldn't even walk through a fucking doorway.

she has him gut the the house to "renovate" it and we basically lived in a barn with no walls, burning their remnants in the fireplace to keep warm as she fought with him every weekend and had the cops called over every weekend.

fucking disgusting. you trying being grateful and loving a monster like that.