Woke up at noon

Didn’t bother to shower. Nuked a hot pocket then booted up the xbox360 to visit my kids in Skyrim. Stared a wall for about 30 minutes. Slogged to the bodega for fifth of cheap bourbon. Have been steadily drinking and shitposting since. Will probably have to buy another to pass out properly.
Tomorrow will be worse.

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Other urls found in this thread:




How're the kids? They catch that corona virus?

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What a shitty life

Cheer up, user. Get some sun and exercise tomorrow! Eat a decent meal and find a job, even if its part time. Get yourself outta the house. Get your life changed in a new direction, and report back to us on the progress.

Go to bed

Join the army and get ready to kill Canadians in the upcoming war to save the natives.

>cheap bourbon
hey at least you can still afford that, im at the wall staring stage with no cash

Are you down? Wanna make some quick cash?

Whatsup niggerfaggot? I'm high as fuck about to roll another joint, neighbours pissed, gonna nuke some pizza pockets after and pass out, maybe fap



Woke up at 4:30 PM. Eat eggos. I have about 80 in the freezer. Bought the 24 packs as part of my doomsday prep plan. Best I could do. About to have a coffee. It's 10 now. Made a clock in python. Simple, really. Very beginner stuff. Fun nonetheless. Going to try and add a calendar to the program, too, so that each time the clock reaches 24:00 it advances a day. From there, I think I will learn how to add an alarm.

Going to get cracking on Final Fantasy 7 disc 2 when I am done. Might live long enough to finish 8, too. Beat 9 last summer, and 6 the summer before that. There's a noose in the closet for whenever I'm ready. Haven't been with a woman since 2017.

>woke up at noon
kek i wake up at around 4-5PM, also only shower once a week. thankfully im not an alcoholic

It makes me thoroughly pissed that 20 something year old fucks like yourself have more spare time on your hands then anyone and that includes college students. Yet you have zero inspiration, motivation? What kind of awful parents brought you up?

I’m convinced that every connection I’ve ever had with another human being has meant more to me than it did to them

no u

>Yet you have zero inspiration, motivation?
inspiration or motivation to do what?

>Slogged to the bodega for fifth of cheap bourbon.
>went outside

To get out the fucking house, smash that damn computer, and make connections.

name something we could do

Oh boy...

OP. I'm doing you a huge favour. For the faggots who will undoubtedly reply to my post and scream "pseudoscience" and "take your meds" I have some interesting information for you to use as you see fit.

Biological immortality is quite possible, although you don't seem to see a proper use for that information in your current state... But it should theoretically spark new life in you since it will open a door that you never thought was possible to open. Where immortality becomes a possibility... Nay, is a reality... Then you come to understand the true secrets of living in this existence, the truth that the disgusting Jews hid from us all.

It's laughably simple but it should hit the mainstream soon enough.

This video, for example. It has the basic knowledge of how the human body can practically be an immortal vessel. It's all based on diet and lifestyle... And like I said, your current state will be a bit of an obstacle.

Do as you wish. Just know that God was there for you, as I am here for you, offering the opportunity to turn your life around.

I fast. I abstain from the world. And I look like a teenager when in actuality I'm going on 50 soon.

God is there. Always.

Stop falling for the bait you filthy fucking newfag

I feel the exact same way except for the ones I rejected, maybe it is my karmic debt. Why do you say this? Has ever been clarified for you with proof or do you think you have irrational thoughts?

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This and masturbate less.

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Says the one who also replies aggressively to every nonsensical comment out here on /pol.

stop drinking faggot.

Lurk for two years before posting, thank you :^)

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>1 post by this ID
I should have checked sooner. Fuck it, black pill thread time but without the demoralization.

Why would anyone want to live in this world for any longer than absolutely necessary? When I come to stand before God it's going to be the best day of my life even if He judges me and sets me to die the second death.

>staring at the wall

What you are supposed to do when you are lost in thought about where it went wrong and what life could have been if you didn't fuck it all up, is to do so behind an obstruction, like a curtain, while looking out a window.
That way you are able to momentarily see any passerbyes which will break your trance and make you think what is it that allows them to do so, and why are you so different. Also, people have a sixth sense, so overtime they will get uncomfortable and not know the reason why as they pass your house. Eventually they will even look at your windows to try and pinpoint the source of this unseen uncomfortableness.
This really provides multiple levels to your thoughtlessness experience and will propel you to levels of despair you didn't even know you needed.

You're a faggot.

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with who? even if I knew how to talk to people, nobody wants a connection with an ugly motherfucker like me

Wash your penis

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>kids in skyrim on 360
Fake n Gay

At least I get laid not like you. ;)


You have to be 18 to post on this site

You deserve a shitty life if you won't even attempt to live one. Sell your electronics.

Yes, I am a retarded 19 year old thank you very much.

Anthropology and history would kill for graffiti like this. Too bad the internet will be lost to the future. Or at least the near future.

I don't think a dood who uses a winky face is getting anything.

Is that why you are shitposting on a friday at 5:10pm in NZ


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der coomer

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Wait 20 something?

What a dumb take.

. . .don't forget, and a faggot.

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Once you beat FF X it's probably a good time to rope

It's information that should be privy to all. Everyone should have a choice of how they live, and how they die.

The one thing you have is your Free Will. And that goes with your mode of exit out of this world. And guess what Pharma is doing? Guess what Big Food is doing? What corporations and politicians are doing? Medicine and industry is doing? Religion? Every ROTTEN "mainstream" institution that unfortunately exists?

They are taking that away from you. They sell you a lie. They feed you garbage, lacing it with more garbage, poisonous neurotoxins to make it "taste" better. They feed you the lie if vaccination when it is the simple fact that your malnourishment is killing you. The sugar industry tries to convince you that fat is the problem! When diabetes is an insulin issue and thereby a sugar issue, that chronic inflammation caused by the gluttonous overconsumption of sugar is what is really killing you. And they feed you with porn to drain you of your nutrients even further, they sell you the idea of pleasure seeking, and they pump you up with adrenaline, especially with all of the fear porn.

They have the audacity to make your life a misery and then blame everything else but themselves for rise in mental illness, disease, poverty.

You, alone, have control of what you consume. Not them. Not the fuckers who are killing you, draining you of wealth and resources, making your slow crawl towards the grave ever more agonizing, while profiting from it all.

You should be livid beyond imagining.

suck it up, to struggle is to live. You think medieval peasants wrote messages like this? No, they didn't know how to write. But also they put up with actual shit.

Butterlord comes out the end of the month, brother. Don't call it quits just yet.

Stop falling for the b8.

Good thread man. I haven't been with a woman since 2015. Heres my desk. Currently looking for night jobs.

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you should start with a shower since that will put you in a better mood, then make yourself something healthy, then get out there and get to work

I feel you user.
Hell, I feel you.

Unfortunately I am completely incapable of anything but apathy. I'm lucky when I can conjure up mild annoyance


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You are free.

go to the gym

>What you are supposed to do when you are lost in thought about where it went wrong and what life could have been if you didn't fuck it all up, is to do so behind an obstruction, like a curtain, while looking out a window.
>That way you are able to momentarily see any passerbyes which will break your trance and make you think what is it that allows them to do so, and why are you so different. Also, people have a sixth sense, so overtime they will get uncomfortable and not know the reason why as they pass your house. Eventually they will even look at your windows to try and pinpoint the source of this unseen uncomfortableness.
>This really provides multiple levels to your thoughtlessness experience and will propel you to levels of despair you didn't even know you needed.

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>fifth of cheap bourbon
The "fifth"ceased to be the standard size of a U.S. liquor bottle on 1 Jan 1980, Grandpa.

I have provided the information. If you were truly apathetic then you wouldn't be so wilfully subservient to the programming and indoctrination that has convinced you to ingest the poison that has been leading you down a spiral of mental anguish, robbing you blind of the one thing you possess that is yours alone: Your Will.

meth addicts


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Ok nick

My mom is the cutest, she literally turned me into a lamp cover
