If minorities are so oppressed in the US, then how come Asians make so much more money than whites? Is it just the genetics, or is it something else?
If minorities are so oppressed in the US, then how come Asians make so much more money than whites...
Because minorities aren't oppressed and generally Asian immigrants are high IQ. It doesn't take a high IQ to walk across the Mexico border.
They're sending their best.
Rate of nuclear families.
Whites have gone from less than 8% single parenthood to just over 40% in the last 30 years...
Single parenthood is the best determiner of future dysfunctional and or criminal adult behavior in children.
Well Asians are better than whites in every single metric, physically and mentally. The rest can probably be chalked up to whites just being degenerate faggots. Anywhere there is degeneracy whites will be leading the way, it's the only thing they lead in anymore.
Why do Americans allow Mexico and other non-Asian countries to send anyone but the best?
>Well Asians are better than whites in every single metric, physically
Then why no all noodle-whores want whitu dick?
Cheap labor. Same reason German imported Turks in the 70s before automation.
Whites are the only ones who are oppressed and despite that they're still the alpha dogs
>rate of nuclear family
>Asian immigrants are only h1b1 or rich investor class
>Culture focused on education and trying hard (and cheating)
I mean white women date out the most. Posting fake statistics doesn't mean anything when you can observe this phenomenon literally anywhere. You're canadian, have you not tuned into to the NHL lately and notice a swelling indian playerbase? Pretty sure the reigning MVP of the NHL is half indian.
Turks were forced on Germany by USA, you dumb nigger
Honestly, I get the argument for cheap labor. Japan imports a lot of poos for the same purpose. But they only have temporary residence, so they don't have the ability to vote. Giving them the vote is probably the biggest mistake.
There are plenty of degenerate Asians. They just rarely leave their shitholes so you don’t see as many in western countries.
Also where are all the asians dominating pro sports? There isn’t an incredible amount considering there are a fuck ton of asians breeding like rats.
A lot of Chinese and indians in the UFC, NBA, and NFL these days take a look.
They should be segregated and not made citizens. Keep them as indentured servants like the Arabs do lol.
Whites category include all classes of many ethic groups. Most Whites are pretty trashy because of broken homes, individualism, racial laws, death of their religion, drugs and encouraged to be irrational consumers. Post industrial society and model to make America the middle managment of world left a lot of lower on bell curve out in the cold. While White anti-solidarity policies and secret police make it nearly impossible to organize be it labor or ethic communities.
Most Asians that come to the US are educated and work white collar jobs. The ones that have been here for generations typically moved up in the world thanks to their strong community and saving money. They don't break their families up hardly ever, so all that hard work rolls over to the next generation.
However, the super rich and military families are nearly all Anglo-Saxon, Franks, Germans and Jews.
Chinese Americans make more than Japanese Americans btw. How does it make you feel?
Blacks and Hispanics always have an excuse.
>The laws oppress non-whites
>Noooo, don't mention Asians!
>The education system keeps non-whites down
>Noooo, don't mention Asians!
Uhh.. well for one, whitu dick is bigger. I have heard lots of asian women say this.
Higher average IQ, cultural/parental pressure to succeed monetarily. Strict family hierarchy and expectation that limits freedom in occupational selection.
Modern Chinese are especially bad. They worship money. To them money is basically everything; you could be the nicest most generous respectable human being in the world and modern Chinese culture would deem you "trash" for being financially poor or middle class. Your value as a human being is determined by the number of zeros in your bank account. Not all Chinese, just most, as far as I can tell.
Good. The difference between Japan and other Asian countries is that Japanese people consider people who left the country as abandoners (国から離れた人)while most Chinese people I know consider Chinese Americans as still "one of us".
Easy. A disproportionate number of the Asians in the US immigrated for a high level job. The US doesn’t have millions and millions of lower class Asians because they were never allowed to come here. Comparing the top 10% of a racial demographic against 100% of whites is a skewed metric. A more accurate comparison would be to compare the top 10% of Asians against the top 10% of whites.
Yeah but they aren’t exactly dominating everyone else out of a job. I mean you’d think you would see a load more playing in international soccer teams and shit.
I’m not saying they suck but they are definitely not superior.
Aren't there like 3 or 4 Chinese in the Australian team?
>Top 10% of Asians vs top 10% of whites
Absolutely dominate whites, on their home turf to boot.
>Uhh.. well for one, whitu dick is bigger. I have heard lots of asian women say this.
North East Asians are only superior in cognitive abilities just like whites are only superior to blacks in brains and not physically.
>You're canadian, have you not tuned into to the NHL lately and notice a swelling indian playerbase?
Nigga you high or something. Just because there is one Pajeet doesn't mean they are going to take the game away from whites. Pajeets couldn't take away cricket in England from whitus the fuck they gonna do in hockey in Canada.
Having said that there are lots of Punjabis in Canada who are not as limp wristed as rest of Indians.
Yep. I hate Arabs, but it's pretty amazing how they keep all their immigrant laborers segregated to their own neighborhoods.
>Japanese people consider people who left the country as abandoners
Who cares? It’s not the reason why they outperform them
I mean they're kind of taking the game away from whites last I checked the NHL was 12% indian. Imagine what it's going to be like when a couple million more indians come to leafland.
If your IQ is so high how it comes that you fap to traps? Filty homosexual.
And your penis is smaller than mine bitch so shut the fuck up inferior insectioid
Yeah, I find it funny when I read that black Americans complain that American tests are racist because the English that is used is "white English". Then how come Asians do better on the English section than not only blacks, but whites too?? Their complaints make no sense.
This. That statistic is of US citizens, not just US residents, so even native-born asians are richer than whites.
Same with white Americans who have low tier education
Look up American Nobel laureates.
Almost all of them are white European immigrants, no Chinese or poos
Suddenly Jews are white? Face it the time of the euro is past the expiration date. It's time for the Asian century. Bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter.
Yeah, do Jews consider themselves white or not? I always find mixed signals on this.
Actually your government forced Germany to import Turks when Germany wanted other Europeans instead.
Whatever is the most convenient.
They don't, but they are usually reluctant to admit it publicly. They consider themselves "god's chosen people" and everyone else is a filthy "goy" who they're allowed to steal from, rape, enslave, murder, etc. etc..
>Suddenly Jews are white?
Nigger wut? None of them is a Jew. Look up the laureates for the past year
Well there's the whole semitic thing they throw around every so often. So if they're "white" they happen to be the best producers of the European race and there's so few of them.
skewed due to H1Bs coming in doing high skill jobs
Let me let you in on a little secret friend. Nobody cares about nobel prizes. People care about tangible achievements i.e. wealth, power, and representation. How many indian CEOs of formerly American companies? Do I need to bring this up? Indians dominate silicon valley and finance. Soon it will be politically.
>best producers
the only thing Jews "produce" are lawyers, accountants, and bankers; all of which do fuck all for society
that's antisemtic
you can't point out the worthlessness of these overblown professions
You come to this board and you're not well versed in Jews? They dominate this country along with indians and Chinese. They co-own silicon valley along with indians, they produce virtually all pop culture in the Western world,. Music, tv, movies, video games, etc. They dominate wall St, the federal reserve, politics at every level. What's the number? 3.5% of the population and 40% of the billionaires?
>How many indian CEOs of formerly American companies?
And how many of those companies were created by Indians? Zero. The dominate shit coding and shit on the streets. fucking nepotistic fucks
It does not matter. They are there forever now and have begun to build incredible generational wealth. What do you think their kids are just going to be poorfags and move back to India? No the indian flag has been planted. Why would the US government forcibly remove high producing citizens? It won't. Indians are on track to dominate the entire continent by the end of the century.
>looked down as abandoners
I have never had that problem of being looked down like that when visiting relatives and I’m Nisei even out in places like the Tohoku region. In fact that door is an instant familiarity and the difference between the older folks being standoffish at the gaijin in public transportation and stores and lightening up and treating you like the strange cousin from Okinawa. If anything I’ve been told more often that I need to permanently move to Japan and settle in with the rest of the diaspora so they can keep the filthy Koreans, half Koreans and Chinese out. I’d say that’s the only immigrant type in Japan that’s actually welcome and appreciated. Plus, desu greatest generation Japanese are cunts. My family had to move because they were kamikaze officers and Teishin Shudan special attack forces (suicide assault paratroopers) and somehow it was their fucking fault the war went bananas.
And guess what? They did it the right way. By being unquestionably the Euro's superior. Not through violence, rape, and pillaging like typical euro behavior, but by being smarter, more talented, and more driven. You cannot deny the unrelenting stream of Asian top talents, the world knows, time to bow down.
>You come to this board and you're not well versed in Jews?
uhhh, think you misunderstood my position
preaching to the choir here, I was just calling that kike out for claiming "if Jews are white then they're the best producers out of all the European races"
>or is it something else?
It's just US immigration policy to seek out the highest performers. For example, Nigerian immigrants do well too, but it certainly isn't because they are Nigerian.
>and generally Asian immigrants get huge "I'm sorry" business loans from Uncle Sam
That kike was me junior. I then gave you a list of industries Jews dominate to dispel any notion of them being non-producers.
>It does not matter.
It does.
>Why would the US government forcibly remove high producing citizens?
Once people realize their “succes is fueled by white guilt and extreme nepotism, it will be all over for them
kek shut up retard. How did chinks invent paper and gunpowder but then get dominated by the West? They aren't shit.
then I was the one misunderstanding and I apologize for wasting both of our times lol
good'ay sir
You and I both know that's not going to happen. The USA is too fat, incompetent, lazy, and complacent.
They would have the better country on their own, if it was true, but it’s not the case. Their countries are shit because they are shit. Simple as that
Jews. Even until the 90's Californians were fighting back. No joke a Jewess shutdown a proposition to remove public services for illegals. With jews, you lose.
They're too incompetent, lazy and complacent to admit this. So they'll run away to the West to buy some time before it catches up with them and their children.