>The University stated that the body of a male in his mid-20s was reported to University Police at around 2pm.

Absolutely happening when they release he was sick with symptoms prior to finding him - you heard it here first I’m in Bellingham.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Article link is wrong

Just type in, it’s front page

It’s already happening they are trying to remove it

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Oh boy, that's my uni

Whelp sorry to hear about your imminent death, user

But was it an Asian?

Nah, I'll be fine. I'll probably get it and feel like shit but just ignore it until it passes and never know for sure that I had it at all

OP is a faggot.

he's asian but we can't tell if this is suicide or a case of chinese bataids
all I know is that I would rather have 100 white school shooters over 1 chinese exchange student

lol, ok user. Whatever you say

Have any whites died from the gookflu yet?

>and never know for sure that I had it at all
Since corona-chan attacks men's testicles, you'll probably know it once you start sprouting tits and your dick won't get hard anymore.

>college student found dead in woods
Probably suicide by hanging

>found in a wooded area
Drug overdose rather than illness, probably.

Lol that's my school. It's a shithole. They spent $20 million on a "multicultural center" last year

But now that I think about it, "went to the woods to smoke and died of respiratory complications of COVID" is a possible explanation as well.

Anyone with enough money to afford long-term care on the east-side of Seattle is white.

So yes. Pic related

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op is a massive asshole who should go neck himself, all you trannies should.
rule out foul play means they know cause of death
not corona

I wonder if he collapse just like in the china videos.

>walking into the woods to die
Sounds legit

I would like to see some proof, because I have a theory. There's so much talk in the (((media))) that we need to be more sensitive to racism than making sure we don't get the chink plague, that I think if there was a case of a white death it would be everywhere in order to show that it isn't an Asian disease, and yet...

>op is massive asshole, neck yourself and trannies too
>rule out foul play means they know cause of death
>not corona
your first two statements are 100% factually accurate, but the last is not for sure, corona is not foul play unless someone shit or spit in his mouth etc and infected him on purpose, but still could be corona

>body in the woods near a university
He either overdosed on drugs or was super fucking drunk and passed out and died of hypothermia
Nothing Burger

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Awww did you know him?

Sorry for your lose you seem emotional over it.

Nothing burger

Sounds like they hung themselves

sup wwufag, which dorm

Yep. Even a black person

>some dude dies in the woods
>g-guise it's totally coronachan guise

Hanged himself, user.

He isn't a tapestry.

Why would you immediately link that to a virus? Actually retarded.

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>some 20yo itshappeninger goes innawoods to survive the batwalking dead
>dies from getting lost and dehydration

It explicitly said 'hanging around in da woods' read the report.

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>assuming another persons spiritfabric or lack there of

Check your fibre priviledge.

Reminds me of the story about a middle-aged woman who accidentally wandered off of the apalachian trail. She had a diary explaining she got lost and couldnt find her way out. Her body was found years later only like a 5 minute walk from the trail.
Being in the woods can be really disorientating.

Maybe he was a fag and had aids.

Attached: ggg.jpg (720x1084, 103.26K)

>tfw you live in a country with no real innawoods

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Exactly. Call me when whites are dying.

You did this Yas Forums
Stop bullying the chinese


Nice sauce...

*Irrelevant to thread.

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at least you won't get aids and will still be able to make babies with a clean girl. fema faggots will get infected with something else.

No one that isn't immunocompromised or elderly.


I'm concerned about that as I have recently moved back home to take care of my Mom, sick with cancer and fucked up kidneys. She ain't gonna make it if she gets it, however I think most white folks will be fine. I think it has a genetic component that fucks up Asians more than others, but that messes up the retarded leftist notion that race is a social construct.

I live off campus


Just thinking out loud, but
>mid 20's Western student
>probably vapes
>probably a cloud chasing vaper
>already suffering from covid 19
>has voltage turned up too high on oil because "fat clouds bro"
>instead of vaporizing completely the oil because of the too high temperature coats the inside of lungs and suffocates the person
there's some specific term for it when the oil does this to the lungs due to the overheating of it, but I CBA to dig it up right now.

That’s just a side effect of being a 30 year old alcoholic for me.

the term is "assbrain consumer"

Oh no user. F. I’m gonna miss you buddy

I know you're just shitposting, but it feels more like blue balls from hell with a side of massive hernia.

>what is the Black Forrest

Fuck, you can be an alcoholic at 30? God damnit. My mother died of this when i was 15, and uncle died of it too, and another uncle and auntie are still alive with it.
I'm drunk right now at 27. Am I fucked?

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He just died in a wooded area while sick? Doesn't add up.

Check out

It's killing old, white, people.

Attached: white_lady.png (667x560, 428K)

Wooded areas are where the students go to smoke up and vape because of all the SJWs who throw a fit if you do it on campus or anywhere near them.

>he was sick with flu symptoms
>in early March
>must be a happening
No way this is corona

>show race of dead and infected
It's all chinks and boomers with hapa chink families.