What was his motive supposed to be?
Lee Harvey Oswald
Look at him.
He wasn't the shooter dumbass.
Being the patsy
If you really believe the lone gunmen theory then you're just NPC level.
>JFK gets shot clean through the neck by bullet
>Head gets turned into a punch-bowl by other shot.
Yeah ok.
Yeah he wanted so hard to be CIA superspy but he just got played.
>Look at him.
What are you talking about?
This is clearly the face of a rational agent.
That's your objection, that LHO was accurate?
He was trained and got lucky, that makes it memorable and makes NPCs like you desperate for another explanation, as if there haven't been thousands of far less impressive assassination since.
> Oy Vey! I killed Oswald for poor Jackie! I swear on my own mother!
He was supposed to be a commie true believer, and he probably was. But he was also a patsy. Maybe he actually thought he was working alone. But he was being used. Probably the same with those Arab Muslim hijackers on 9/11. Maybe they were on those planes and maybe they thought it was just them and al Qaeda doing this job. Again, patsies. The path had been cleared for them by You Know Who. Hell, they probably didn't even pilot the planes they hijacked. Remote controlled, computer guided.
No my objection is the rounds were both different and couldn't have come from the same rifle, also the nitrate tests proved that he didn't fire a rifle that day.
He was a communist like todays modern antifa
He was a member of (((Industrial workers of the World))) so was jack (((Rubenstein)))
Two spots, two shots, both 100 feet from where Kennedy was shot. Both offer easy escape. They are on the north side of the grassy knoll. When the bullet that split Kennedy's head in half hits, it appears to come from the circle on the left.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.
They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.
Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:
Both Oswald and jack ruby were members of (((Industrial workers of the World))) he didn't want the communism traced back to the Jewish community.
You know it's an utter glow in the dark operation when one of the tribe himself is willing to assassinate the "assassin" and rot in prison.
>He was a communist like todays modern antifa
They are more like anarchists.
>Oswald? Never met him.
>didn't want the communism traced back to the Jewish community
>the rounds were both different
Nice amateur ballistics theory. The same round can pierce a neck and turn a brain into spaghetti.
>also the nitrate tests proved that he didn't fire a rifle that day
Sounds like bullshit, forensic investigators rule things out but they don't set out to prove negatives.
The Warren committee found acoustic evidence of a second shooter, but concluded that this shooter did not contribute to the president's wounds, and therefore was irrelevant to the autopsy results.
based old man Kennedy.
>Also a strip club owner and pimp.
You have no reason to say "it appears to come from the circle on the left."
All you know is which way his head jerked, but ballistic experimentation proves this is not determination of where the bullet came from.
I bet that narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy runs much, much higher among Ashkenazi Jews than in any other racial or ethnic group. The behaviors you have described are found most often in narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths. Apparently Ashkenazi Jews have extremely high rates of schizophrenia, too. Wonder how co-morbid schizo is with cluster B. These are topics that academic geneticists would not touch with a ten-foot pole. Career suicide, you know.
He grew around jews in NYC and left fled to the Soviet Union and lived with a bunch of Jews, kikes used him to take the fall for JFK killing because Kennedy was bad for Israel.
>communism for thee and not for me
Very Jewish.
they did two different tests paraffin and nitratre. Both were inconclusive that Oswald shot a rifle that day.
Also the round that went into Kennedy's head was an exploding round not like the one that went clean and sharp through his neck. If you're telling me an exploding round would've not blown open his neck then you're just retarded and in denial.
Lots of modern day antifa/DSA members are also members of industrial workers of the World.
Do your research
We had anarchist in the 1930's they bombed churches and were I.W.W. members.
It all traces back to Jews
Fun book
Supposedly when he was in Russia they brainwashed him into communisms. He was so enamored with communisms that he became suicidal and moved back the the USA so he could peddle communism. That is why he wanted tokill our president because USA was a capitalist hellhole that cured his depression and gave him a wonderful life with a wife that he could wait to throw away.
>they did two different tests paraffin and nitratre. Both were inconclusive that Oswald shot a rifle that day.
if it was inconclusive why did you state they proved a negative?
if I ask you next week will you still assert that "the nitrate tests proved that he didn't fire a rifle that day"?
>Also the round that went into Kennedy's head was an exploding round
Completely unnecessary, a regular rifle round is capable of doing that damage. Base rate informs us there are millions of regular rifle rounds and only a few experimental exploding rifle rounds floating around in the 1960s so your explanation is extremely unlikely.
>If you're telling me an exploding round would've not blown open his neck
Look I don't want to insult you because I like this debate, but it's pretty dumb to think MY position was "they were both exploding rounds." Obviously, and this really should go without saying, but obviously my position is that neither were exploding rounds. try to avoid such ridiculous misinterpretations.
you corrected with *conclusive so forget that part and please provide source.
Nov 22, 1963 marked the end of America's great times anons :((
False, he worked trying to out commies.
Some Texas oil men, an aircraft manufacturer, some “Argentinians”, an intelligence agency run by a guy who ran the eastern front counter intel for Hitler, and some Israelis all got together to get rid of one man who decided to go against his insidious entrainment. All because of their fear of x.
And The western continent forgot about the eastern continent and the southern remembered both. Thought you discovered something new but it seems someone or something had been before but there were no footprints next to you upon the beach.
Exaclty, that is why I made it so damn obvious I was being sarcastic.
Lots of Jews are pimps
Porn actress Sascha grey went on the tyra talk Show and brought her Jewish pimp with her.
just saying
Ok, thanks user.
Oswald wasn't communist, he worked for the CIa undercover peddling communist flyers in the street. He even went on a radio show to talk about it.
im listening ... go on
Lee was a reject with grandeur delusions. Uncle Sam wouldn't send him on the suicide mission of his dreams, so he walked into a Soviet Russian embassy, and was given step by step directions (mostly on post cards in order to allow KGB to then make real contact) leading to ultimately the assassination of JFK.
In other words, Harvey wanted to be famous- or perhaps infamous more accurately. The Russian's motivation... Well... Yea. Pretty obvious. The truth that Russia orchestrated the whole deal was covered up to prevent public outcry for nuclear war.
We still haven't fixed all the shit Kennedy started !
Jews are as active as ever and right in plain sight.
Is this real?
If Oswald was really a commie then why was he repeatedly seen with far-right people like Guy Bannister and David Ferrie?
Jake Ruby's real name was Jack Rubenstein.
The man who killed RFK (Sirhan Sirhan) was a Palestinian who was confused and disorientated when taken into custody.
It's ((obvious)) who killed the Kennedys.
My initial uninformed conspiracy theory guess is that he's a CIA plant and the CIA absolutely despised "scatter them to the winds" JFK.
Look at that stooge, he looks drugged up enough to admit anything.
he was an MKULTRA victim and patsy in the kennedy murder. cia killed his psyche sent him to soviet union to concoct the narrative for the "soviet connection" and take heat away from ben gurion, who got involved with the cia to have him killed. it was a joint mossad/cia op to prevent kennedy from looking into the israeli nuclear reseatch facility in the dimona desert.
also, remember kennedys executive order 1110. he was basically going to retake our purchasing power back, based on gold and not nigger reserve notes. not an economyfag so i dont really inderstand the mechanics of the order, but it basically relegated the fed to the powers of a jewish private bank, which is exactly what it is.
then why didn't admit being a CIA plant
he was perpwalked in front of dozens of journalists in that state
Well here's the thing I'm drunk so I'm probably a little off, but nonetheless they did tests on his hands and cheek and found that he did fire a gun that day but couldn't have fired a rifle considering the nitrates came back negative on his cheek. The paraffin tests are 50/50 considering they gave false negatives and positives.
You also have to factor in that multiple eye-witnesses saw a second shooter in the Depository on the complete opposite side of the building and also could smell gunpowder on the street which would explain the grassy knoll "supposed shooter".
Also another interesting part is that a witness gave a near perfect account of Malcolm Wallace who was a known hitman for LBJ. If I remember correctly the autopsy proved there were two different bullets, but I may be thinking off keep in mind I'm drunk lol.
>far-right people like Guy Bannister and David Ferrie?
Because they were actually crypto commies?
Are you retarded?
Wait, that question is probably just as stupid as yours. You’re obviously retarded.
LBJ started******
Eisenhower was equal to Kennedy with civil rights and LBJ was worse.
Kennedy's involvement with the Hart-Cellar Act was minimal as well and he never made immigration a staple of his Presidency.
No point. Read the files Johnson
is that rubenstein on the left?
that's from the movie "Jackie" it's actually one of the best movies I've ever seen.
checked. And will take this opportunity to suggest the following title: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James Douglass. I've read a lot on the assassination and Unspeakable is unmatched.
>then why didn't admit being a CIA plant
Brutal conditioning?
Goal one in such an operation is having plausible deniability.
>Crypto commie
>Flew airplanes for the CIA during Bay of Pigs.
Fuck off