Why does America have a worse homeless problem than Europe?

Why does America have a worse homeless problem than Europe?

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More shitskins, less mental health facilities, less gibbs (yes gibbs reduce abject homelessness, even though they are probably a waste of money all-in-all)

Infinity spics

LA literally busses homeless people across the state because theres so many

We aren’t allowed to ship them to places where we could give them free housing

You could send them all to the midWest and pay for free houses for every one of them for the price of keeping them on the street in CA

At this point living in a van down by the river seems alright. I grew up thinking I’d be rich, and the let down of getting out of college and being less than poor (debt) just makes people want to check out
And to be fair to myself I earned a full ride undergrad, my debt is from a year of mistaken medical school

Wait, europoors own things?

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its illegal to create jobs

better to speculate on crypto than it is to create value in your community

Like Canada.

europe is colder

but we still have a shitton of homeless



95% of homeless Americans are white, and that's because their culture welcomes homelessness. Skyrocketing housing, wage inequality, broken social system, it basically creates homeless people at a rate like India or China. Until people admit it the homeless crisis will continue. And don't believe the trump worshipping retards either. Homelessness is only going to get worse until people take responsibility.

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We need micro housing like in asia

You need to start building micro houses like in asia. It's superior low cost

Everyone in Moldova is homeless so idk about that.

Until there is class equality the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.
Rich people could fix it if they cared but they are so hell bent on hoarding money. It’s literally satanic

What the fuck is the that shit I don't think I've seen such degeneracy before

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Chainlink will set you free.

Nice larp.

its from a television series i believe

We are. Sadly we are not doing it right. We build them and have no regulation when we build them, so they just turn into mini drug dens.
We need oversight of these mini home places. But they just let the drug users run rampant.
The main reason for this is the private prison system. It’s over crowded, and these homeless people are not going to jail and being rehabilitated into society. It’s especially a problem here in Washington state. There is no rehabilitation unless you pay thousands of dollars to a private system. Which homeless don’t have.
So yeah, in the end capitalism is ruining these people. Until we change all states to have a government prison system (that’s just the first step) then we can start addressing these issues

>% of homeless Americans are white
>41.6% are White, Non-Hispanic
>9.7% are White, Hispanic
>37% are Black/African-American
> 4.5% are other single races;
>7.2% are multiple races

>Among long-term stayers (persons staying six months or more) in emergency shelters in 2008vi:
>56.6% were Black/African-American
>28.7% were Hispanic/Latino
A study conducted in New York City and Philadelphia indicated that people experiencing chronic
homelessness were predominately Black and malevii:
• In New York City, 92.9% were Black and 82.3% were male
• In Philadelphia, 92.9% were Black and 71.1% were mal

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The solution could be pipes however. youtu.be/r2AMqinJZ3E

I saw a Russian video it wasn't staged, it was real ho's having sex with homeless men.

Just have chicks paid by the government to jerk off dudes on the reg

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Greed and refusing to help millions of people in need for the sake of hoarding money is literally satanic.
Satanism thrives off the belief of “I don’t care about other people” and hate and pain of others but

Most Americans expect others to pull their own weight, and have little sympathy for those who won't or even can't. If you are poor in America you are seen as scum, homeless even lower.

America reject the concept of family, all those homeless have at least 1 familiar with house that could give them a hand, but since everyone mind their own business nobody wants to help their own family any more, it's sad

>African Americans make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.
wasn't really surprised to find out you two were asspulling retards

The only problem i have with the opod in the cooking facility. It should have atleast. 2 electric cooking plates.

>that webm
L-O fuckin L

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You're joking but something like that exists in Japan.


This as well. It’s not just economic and political factors of the greed of capitalism, it’s psychological as well.
A good example of this I know of is Ghost from True Capitalist Radio. He still does his show, and I listen to it to try and understand their far right mindset
They literally do not care if someone is in the street and mentally ill. They have the thought process of “your poor so you are lazy and stupid”
It’s extremely uneducated, which leads to another issue, the education system and how it reenforces this thought

The us. Eu and rich asia should start with a worldwide minimum pay combined with some UBI mechanics just to simply the current gibs. And that combined with microhousing solutions. Creating order from chaos. Because now all they have to solve stuff is aggressive lifekill like coronachan

How am I ass pulling? What are you talking about schitzo


Because we allow people the freedom to fail, which is a prerequisite to the ability to succeed.

Why do Europeans hate freedom?

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kike banks scamming the population

epstein --> corona

jews dancing around the white house as if it's 9/11

all coincidence

fake money fake debt kid fuckers

Yeah, I don't have a problem with that mindset as long as you accept that their will be consequences to society. People just arn't willing to take the good with the bad anymore, they all want the best of both worlds.

This happiness is shortlived and creates more problems than it solves. Calling this medicine is the saddest thing i ever heard.

Nothing but poorfags and gibs niggers ITT.

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You kikes get proven wrong and you fall back on the schizo card. Every single fucking time.

it's a non-issue if we keep shipping them to LA, then avoid LA

Memekike flaggot has tons to say until hes btfo by facts and logic

Freedom means anything. Also islam or communism its all part of freedom my little pony. You can even advocate for mass iq testing to use computers. Its freedom

yep, it's so fucking tiring dealing with these leftypol retards. everything they don't like is schizophrenia

Doesn't look like he's is having much of a problem to me, can I have a problem too?

so I'm a capitalist and you're wrong
I've never heard that radio show
I do care

what are you going to do about it?

keep lying?

see my first post.

Capitalism would solve homeless. Capitalism is illegal. In capitalism, you can have an idea and raise money to create a business (illegal according to SEC).

You can make a contract your your fellow man (illegal according to labor laws).

We would all get rich if we had capitalism - instead we have this: pastebin.com/20uxpgVg

We have created a giant government that we as a society cannot afford. Homelessness is a symptom when we have a class of bureaucrats lording over us and siphoning off our wealth.

That would actually motivate some men to participate more in society

How does it create more problems?

Nobody "hoards" money

Even it they did, its just a proxy for resources

Are you female?

Besides the first sentence being factually incorrect, I actually agree with everything coming after.

I'm not too bothered that that user got the original statistic wrong.

who's that first girl?

brainlet logic

Sign of the times. That motto you hear "yolo" thats a demons motto. It's pure hedonism

AOC's sister

>most homeless are whites
>Whites are banned from getting gibs in inner cities

Do u think whores are on standby to sex up all objects and creatures 24/7

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His whole point was that almost ALL homeless people are white because they prefer a free market and don’t use social safety nets. If you’re aren’t bothered by his wholly incorrect assessment but support his ideals you’re what we call a “bernout” and are stupid AF. Debt, inequality, and housing costs wouldn’t have changed that much if we had the same demographics and Opinions we had in 1948. Fuck off

>posting here
pick 1

dont argue with fools. Just hide post and keep on track

>most homeless are whites
>African Americans make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.
>American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and those of more than one race each make up less than 5 percent of the general population. But each group’s share of the homeless population is more than double their share of the general population.
>The proportion of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the homeless population (1.3 percent) is 6.5 times higher than their proportion in the general population (0.2 percent).
>Those identifying as Hispanic make up 18 percent of the general population but 21 percent of the homeless population.
Both Whites and Asians are significantly underrepresented among the homeless population.


Wrong what?

and now per capita