Does Yas Forums believe in ghosts?

Does Yas Forums believe in ghosts?

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Reminder that the Nazis literally tried to weaponize poltergeists in world war two. Fucking retards.

That't not a ghost

>implying occult warfare is fake
Ok brainlet

>be on cruise ship
>waves toss the ship
Oh god ghosts!

They're on a fucking ship but yes ghosts exist.


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Does pol believe in rough seas?

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sounds pretty based to me, you faggot paki idiot.

This is a cruise ship in a storm, but no I don't think I do. Most cases are just mental illness and/or hyperactive imagination

I would have gotten the fuck out of this room and into a small hallway somewhere

The Holy Ghost is real, yes.

No, I've never seen anything paranormal myself and most videos on the internet can be easily explained.

Pakis love Hitler you subhuman nigger

Man, fuck the ocean.

it obviously is since they got rekt.

thats a poltergeist attack if i have ever seen one. you don't know shit about ghosts.

Is OP a fag?
Remember to sage, retarded newfags.

>declares war on the world
>almost wins

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I believe that the electromagnetic signature of a particularly strong willed individual can persist in a closed space after death, yes.

it's a cruise ship in a storm you fat useless retard

Only sex ghosts

Yet more proof that the earth is indeed flat. All those who reject God's word and the power of Jesus Christ must seek atonement lest we want this to become the new normal.

he's right, this is a nerve gas attack in Russia.

camera literally doesn't move at all.

All I know is I ain't afraid.

I assume this is a cruise line, which one?

I've literally never seen any irrefutable proof of ghosts in an era where every human being has a camera in their pocket, same thing with aliens.

That should kind of tell you all this shit doesnt exist.

I've experienced poltergeist type shit. Was it disembodied human spirits? No clue. Was it unsettling, and confusing? Absolutely.

yes I have seen them

That looks fun af desu senpai

cant photograph ghosts dummy, they are see through


that's not ghosts it's nerve gas retard

i believe in waves

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Ghost is real. I've met hitler's spirit once. She was actually beautiful and small girl. We talked a lot. She became very depressed right after hearing current germany state. Also, she was virgin

looks like an earthquake

did you take her virginity user? fucking adolf hitler would be pretty based.

Yes. I once passed our unexplainably & hallucinated an evil spirit attacking me. I prayed to god to help me, then suddenly it all stopped
I woke up 3 hours later

I dont think they do, i havent seen any.

It's on a ship you munchkin.

the camera is fixed to the bar, the entire bar is moving, you have shit for brains

Key word “was”

no evidence of that. also the earthquake might have caused a tsunami checkmate hilldawg

No. She never did and I also never tried since she is pure saint

moulder we need you asap

you'd know, fag paki.

>no evidence of that

I don't believe in ghosts and I saw one.

I also believe both sound and image of the deceased can persist in a particular place and time. Can't say if it's really there as an entity or it's just a construction of the observer mind (that's how color works) based on those footprints you talk about. It becomes evident when more than one person experiences the phenomena, and yes, collective hallucination my ass.
But when the interaction becomes physical, like with poltergeists, I seriously don't know what to think. Probably fake but who knows...

Don't know. I've had some pretty freaky shit happen over the years so I'm kinda on the fence.

Do you believe in /x/ because that's where this thread belongs

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Yes OP I believe I ghosts and I know your grandma is watching over me real good

so is the OP

>denying top secret weapons programs that Nazis developed, as well as the Russians/USA
You faggot shills can't even do your job right. kys now for real

based retard

This looks fun

Holy shit, that is based. That's like what Catholics do with Saints except instead of using them to find your car keys you're using them for warfare.


Do the nice ghosts protect against the sun demon?

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>no fun allowed

Cuckchan will never be good again. Last year's swarm of fedora redditors was the final nail in the coffin.

I dont for the very reason you made this thread.

Conspiracy faggots LOVE to lie their asses off if it supports their masturbation.

well i mean thats why they lost, they angered the spirits

You better believe in ghosts....