CanadaCanada should be a memeflag

Everybody hates Canada.
Everybody hates memeflaggots.
Chage my mind.
Also, Canada hate thread.

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Y'all hate us cuz you anus

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No, it's because of the weed. it should be burned

Lmfao the 2 VPN losers from America with no life. Get a job and stop caring about black cock.

Fuck you faggot. Talk like a while person or get the fuck off the board.


u mad

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Need a safespace? You sound like you'd be better off at reddit.

Canada today said they won't be banning travel from Corona virus hotspots because that would cause xenophobia and xenophobia is bad mmmkay? Trudeau doesn't care about his people. Why aren't Canadians out in the streets with pitchforks? People will get sick because Trudeau can't do the obvious smart thing.

Não sou americano, canadense bicha.
Aqui é Brasil, seu arrombado.

It's because we fuckin immune, bitch!

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Bwcause Cuckeau is a huge faggot who drin ks black semen cocktails on a daily basis.
Because canadians are cucks themselves, who like to get ramsacked by immigrants and rapefugees.

Fuck you, monkey. You don't deserve the right to set your flag to leafmode.

why a fucking leaf? you people could have chosen anything and given it whatever meaning you wanted, why a leaf of all things?

People on this board just mad jelly Canada is comparatively awesome.

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It's silly to be offended to some small things like this

Fuck. Havent seen these pics in a long fucking time

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This desu

Yes we do.
We have the right to use your flag as toilet paper.

How can m*Tt bois compete with the BCC?

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t. AIDS-ridden Brazilian ladyboy living in favela

I hate Canada too. How about I come down and bleach your sister?

This. While ameritards panic buy, stockpile, and quit their jobs over fear of a chinese flu, we continue normal life knowing we get treated.


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Literately this.

Every other country just seethes at us.

she too white for you, chinaman

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I just cant believe you actually have a reserve supply of maple syrup..

I've yet to see a good post by a Brazillian. Every post lately has been
>Is homosexuality a choice?
>Is pay for sex wrong?

What the hell am I looking at?

Is that so hard to believe? You have your reserve supply of CANVCK BVLLS, we have a reserve supply of maple syrup.

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C'est vrai que le Canada pourrait être un peu amélioré mais je suis globalement satisfait

I remember the first time i got shitfaced. all i did was ramble and laugh about europoors and how canadians have a goddamned leaf on their flag

There you go.

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No nigga canadians are nice.

The reason CANADA is so hated by m*Tt dogs

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Souveranie au Quebec!

caralho que porra é essa

Actually our biggest reserve is the oil reserve.

Eu queria meter nessa GOSTOSA até meu cacete cair também.

Koala fucker shut your mouth and bow down to the superior anglo colony.

Its because your opinions are worthless and wel put what ever we want on our flag.

We live in the best country in the world, cant wait for the earth to cook the rest of you faggots

Well, you Americans are obsessed with all things black.

i'm genuinely intrigued, why a leaf?

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You have legions of oiled up niggers in secret interracial breeding vaults? Based.

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We have a lot of forests and maple trees and are alpha enough to put that up for the world to see.

good thread op. see you tommorrow

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All you have is a bunch of BEAVERS

Little peens

How this make you feel m*Tt boi

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it just doesn't seem right, it would be the same as we putting a huge fucking tree in the middle of our flag because of the amazon, how come a plant represent your people?

Even smaller peen

She is hot though

>clearly an am*rican BOI
Of course it's small.

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With anyone you won't have no beef
your country's a joke, say what you may
Quebec is better, your flag is a leaf
You reek of innuit, your PM is fucking gay

Canada, I'm sick of you
you ain't shit, you ain't cool
back to the tundras with all them fucking beavers,
economic collapse, your cities packed with niggers

Your mounted cops are fucking retarded
with fruity uniforms as knights they larp
I'd rather be a burger park ranger
than saving beavers every day from danger

Canada, I'm sick of you
you ain't shit, you ain't cool
you're a dying thing already, you won't last
with all those hockey sticks up your ass

Realize we really hate people like you
fuck off, drinking nigger goo
an end to the bullshit pasta, I sure hope
all you fucking canucks get the rope

Canada, I'm sick of you
you ain't shit, you ain't cool
I will burn your ass on the stake
in the glorious day of the rake



I’m 24 cm, so yeah I feel pretty bad about that

I fucking hate Canada

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That chick is ugly though

isnt brazil a great place to live that isnt a warzone if you want to be murdered and nothing else. i heard covid 19 can infect brazilians cause the carriers are killed off before they become contagious. i also heard that the op had a suicide fantasy he calls dicked to death. ask him for details.

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>24 cm
Wow you're short.

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I agree, the canada flag should be a memeflag choice because it is literally a meme country run by a meme man.