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but who will pay for my feminist history major?
Poor Bernie. A wasted life. Sad.
there will always be dicks that need sucking
Hopefully the country can heal and move on from his evil bullshit
i can vouch for that, though i have no money to "blow"
why? Do you really think the nation is stronger with liberals still existing?
Will fucking laugh my ass off after they find his corpse after he blows his brains out.
Who cares, Coronavirus will get us all long before November rolls around
High quality meme
Based Caddyshack poster.
It only kills the elderly.
where are his shills now? they literally stopped posting it's so blatant holy shit
shills come and go, thinking that we can be swayed or demoralized from our convictions like the sheep they control through mass media.
Look at those pokies.
Also, who gives a shite?
They all committed suicide
Arguing about who is going to plant the bombs and who is going to stay behind at the hideout and guard the weed.
40% were already going to commit suicide anyways.
I keep waiting for this to happen to big tech CEOs
>Constant spam threads against Sanders.
Jesus /ptg/ shillbots really going into overdrive lately.
Guess Trump doesn't want to go up against Sanders.
He must be so glad. Lol. One last run as the DNCs clown\pied piper. Good word bernie. You earned that extra 5 mil or whatever you get out of this via another book and speaking tour.
No, but we can't kill them...
Remember Bernie bros
biden got caught saying the n word.
the late 70s/early 80s was very brazen brassiere attitude.
you might change your mind when they're trying to kill you and your family
Bernie no!
This entire board is just paid shills and brain dead magapedes. No shit the paid shills disappear once the money is gone.
My wife's 3 month old just csme up to me with his Bernie Sanders plushy and said "daddy, why is the DNC stealing votes and silencing the peoples voice?" I honestly didn't know what to say.
lol you better hope it isn't over
Cringe. Bernouts have to have 5 paragraphs to explain a shitty meme. Try hard faggot
>the left can meme
I expected better from straya
They’re coordinating on Discord after getting BTFO’d. It’s very embarrassing because they’ve been her for several months trying to influence this board. All that time that could have been used for dilating and whining in twitter down the shitter. Lol!
>white people can't be poor
>white people are the largest demographic of the poor
Fuck this shit. I just wanted a future to believe in.
that's KAGpedes
Fucking faggot, life is suffering and loss. If you don't struggle you starve. And I damn sure havent struggled and labored to give you deadbeats freebies.
How many decades were you a senator?
The usual two shots to the back of the head suicide.
lmao someone post the pic of the retard who donated $2500 this morning to Bernie
BUT- it hasn't even began yet
Fuck it No Bernie then I vote Trump. never voted republican in my life but 4 years of establishment boomer VS 8 years establishment boomer. So Trump it is.
>no "It Berns" after No refunds
you had 1 job
So true, what a loser.
Bernie is not done. Everyone said Biden was done two weeks ago. A lot can change fast. BERNIE WILL LIVE, MUST CRUSH CAPITALISM
Doesn't matter. Bernie didn't actually do anything in decades of being a senator.
>running for office for the last 50 years
>in elected office for the last 40 years
>user thinks that makes Bernie a complete middle finger to establishment politics
No. A middle finger to establishment politics is being a successful and contributing member of civil society, deciding to run for office, defeating career politicians to win the election, serving your one or two terms, and then returning to your place as a successful and contributing member of civil society. When you are a career politician of 40 or 50 years, you are the establishment.
>Anno Domini 2024-4
>voting for an 80 year old
>voting for a jew
>voting for a communist
>voting for someone who had a heart attack five months ago
>voting for an 80 year old jewish communist who had a heart attack five months ago
There is no group of humans who are collectively more juvenile and more imbecilic than Gen Y, the American Millennial.
Hahahaha he believes that both parties don't rig elections. You must have been in diapers for Ron Paul. Trump beat them at their own game and that is why he is our guy.