What happened to all the Bernie shills?

What happened to all the Bernie shills?

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They're now Riden with Biden.

Busy with their mental breakdowns.

They retreated back to discord. They're coming back when the next debate comes.


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Nice shop


> back to discord
CIA gonna CYA


They're still here, they've just switched back to shouting
>zion don

You don't seriously think everyone who hates zion don is a bernie commie kike do you? You need to go the fuck back. At the very least fuck off back to your containment thread you cuck.

they went back to /ptg/
I imagine they'll start clogging up the board with "ridin biden" threads soon

Yes. I do. Problem tranny?

they are trying to find a way to get refunds. some probably claimed their credit card was stolen

They get their shit pushed in pretty hard. They still post. Just not as often, and they get dog piled.

What's it like still thinking that trump the kike lover is still /yourgoy/? All you gaslighting and shilling trump cucks and bernout kike lovers and commies will all get the fucking rope.

Ridden by Biden.

Writing in Tulsi now.

Stay mad, seethe and cope nigger faggot

You sound unhinged. I like it.

glowie detected



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>You don't seriously think x
If someone says this, it means you're on the mark and they're trying to divert you away from recognizing the pattern.

Use a different country's vpn faggot. Cope and dilate more

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They're on faceberg spamming all of the shit about Biden being a demented pedo, which they formerly defended when the right said the same thing.

The campaign stopped paying them.

Take your meds.

Not all of them, but 90% of them mysteriously left after bernie got his shit slapped.


Busy increasing that %

Nah we hate bernie

What's it like losing twice supporting the same cuck? Though I guess with your track record, losing comes natural, new friend.

Obvious Chapo Tranny

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>black boomer
Now this is an interesting development

They've all slunk off back to discord with their tails between their legs in order to receive new marching orders.

They are crying like faggots and realizing Trumpers are winners are straight up Chads

Okay kike

Why do they even bother...they really think they're going to shill, gaslight, and meme this board into the new leftypol. I kek just thinking about how much they must be seething and dilating when they get btfo for the 10000th time and constantly piled on, like this time would be any different.

>t. Seething shitskins that got btfo by a senile old man

No, just the people who act like Trump was claiming he was going to nuke Israel and round up every non-white in the country and then feign outrage over the fact that he's not the second coming of Hitler.

lol what? Who got btfo by who? And far from shitskin, tranny, keep trying :^) remember to dilate

Still here

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He was always a lefty faggot. He just larped as a righty for a bit to get elected by senile retarded boomers that have sold us all out for shitskins and a few extra shekels.

Listen nigger you better at least be getting paid or you're a true faggot doing it all for free. Now fuck off back to leftypol and blow your fellow commies and kikes you degenerate.

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I don’t know but the niggers and kikes are coming out of the woodwork with the why are you so racist? And the nazis were evil threads now the Bernie shills are gone... which are worse?

I smell a kike


Money ran out

Fuckers didn’t even bother to show up. It’s a proven fact that Zoomers are unreliable

If he ever won there would be a mad dash by scammers to get college loans.

They are in fact only toxic shitposters who ride the momentum of whatever is memeable at a given point in time. You see, Yas Forums itself has been confused as some sort of zealous right wing bastion, for its Ron Paul and Trump memes from 2012 and 2016, but it is in fact a hypermind of chaotic people induced in a trance by KEK.

So right now, we are making Biden memes and HERE'S HOW TULSI CAN STILL WIN memes, because that shit is funny. Whereas Bernie memes are not funny, they come as a pitiful cope.

I’m voting for Biden. Lmao. He actually gives off king energy, unlike this loser

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This. Bidenposting is like a negative times a negative equation. Where what he says is cringe and boomer speak, but morphs into ironic shitposting and hilarity. Bernie is a weakling

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lol typical tranny reply, "it must be the jews or shills!" I'm not, just like you're not a real girl. Hope you live to see 40, but statistics are against you :^)


>What's it like still thinking that trump the kike lover is still /yourgoy/? All you gaslighting and shilling trump cucks and bernout kike lovers and commies will all get the fucking rope.

Have sex chapotraphousecel

Bernie doubled down on being anti-israel
Which is a no-no

>lol im voting for the old senile guy that wants to ban and confiscate guns
Congrats you're a cuck and a faggot

Didn't read, dilate more faggot

>have sex
>t. A cocksucking faggot tranny
Kek you tried

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>lol im voting for the old senile guy that wants to ban and confiscate guns

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>Where are all the Bernie shills

Well the aren't at work

we’re just biden our time

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I hope this board gets shutdown. Nothing but the same shit threads, not even good troll threads.

t.Yas Forums tranny discord faggot

lol the tranny calling me a tranny, we broke him boys.

have no fear the jew machine is fully operational

Bernie buttboy confirmed

Who are you talking to? This isn't leftypol nigger, you're alone here. Top kek unironically take your meds schizo

>"kike lover"
>t. A commie kike lover
You niggers aren't even trying anymore. Put in some real effort into your gaslighting you discord leftypol niggers.