She’s right. You guys just can’t handle a strong woman.
She’s right. You guys just can’t handle a strong woman
this is the person who said she would allow a 9 year old tranny have veto power over bills coming out of congress
It's absolutely true. Why did people act like Bernie was entitled, as a white man, to occupy the progressive track? Why didn't people demand Bernie to drop out and back Warren?
A stronger woman could have won her home state.
Pick one, user.
She's always angry and shrill every time she opens her mouth. No charisma. And if the scolding teacher act wasn't enough, the cunt lies nonstop and gets caught.
Yeah democrats just cannot handle it
Because she doesn't have half of Bernie's track record or values and only claims to?
Coming from the party that erases the only WOC who is also a veteran
>two elderly white men
The party of diversity, equality and change.
Probably. I will never vote for a woman.
Today I will make them remember
She won the delegates of my heart
Isn't Tusli still in?
The hard truth Pocahontas was just not funny enough, you need humor to lead a party of clowns.
They still have that limp dick communist beta Bernie in the race
Xhes essentially (fe)male
Why democrats so misogynistic?
mommy as FUCK
And Tulsi is fair game?
based Warren there just to try to nick delegates off Bernie and bartering them for a position in the Biden administration. Or a nice cushy crooked job the swampy DNC bureaucracy.
Based. Gotta love how the DNC pretends she doesn't even exist.
Eww why is her ass hairy? Fags on Yas Forums always posting tranny dick
>Last female candidate to bow out
Thank God. I'm unironically relieved we won't have a woman president.
Apparently unless you are a pro war Commie like Warren you can't be a female in the Democrat party
>strong woman
>lying piece of shit
Pretty sure strong women out there don't want to be 'strong' like Warren
>USA my son
>you can pick sexy surfing beautiful brown hula girl president
>or senile old pedophile
Being a woman is NOT a FREE PASS, Quality is still important
They're genuinely shitty people, racist, sexist, privileged failures
Hottest milf in America
I have never met one so I wouldn't know.
Even women don't want a woman in charge. Most decent women will admit that.
Or.. you know, people just dont want hysterical cunts as presidents.
got no votes cause shes indian, probably spend whole budget on lysol and smokes
id say its the element of not even getting 10% of the vote.
So, she once said she'd endorse Sanders. If she backs out, would that make her an indian giver?
Yes, but the DNC announced they were changing the delegate qualifications within literally minutes of Tulsi getting a delegate
Why does Pelosi hate Hillary?
Fucking this. Who in the fuck wants a schoolmarm President.
maybe if they didn’t say stupid shit all the time i light care what they have to say
Women don’t like other women. Why does the media keep promoting a fantasy of women falling in line?
>doesn't know that women can grow hair on their asses
>calls user a fag
Ask your mom to show you hers I'm sure you have the GBP to cover it.
The DNC is so pathetic with how they ignore Tulsi. Aren’t they supposed to like female POCs? They don’t even follow their own shallow beliefs.
yeah never mind the fact that the polls werent that far apart
>Clinton: 62,984,828 Trump: 65,853,514
misogyny was the problem!
she hurt the jews feefees so she's officially persona non grata
the truth is, her head is just too small. it doesn't look good on tv. no hard feelings.
She is really really really bad on camera.
>but her plans
what the fuck were her plans? No one could tolerate looking at or listening to her.
nothing to do with her being """"female""""""
Maybe if Warren wasn't an ugly dyke and she looked like Carol Vorderman instead she might have had a chance
So the Dem voters are super sexist suddenly? But didn't Hillary win the popular vote?
or... strong women can't handle a little misogyny
Hillary pummeled Bernie. Maybe Warren just sucks.
She's dropping out so I'd say we handled her fine. she holding panties?
what does manpussi feel like bros?
That should be the new meme.
Women make terrible leaders.
Ahh Tulsi is still running
>lie about your ethnicity to further your career
lol no
Dunno man, might want to check with the Qing Dynasty about that.
Totally honest? Women are not leaders. Most of them just talk about bullshit and make drama their whole lives. They simply follow the rules and don't deviate except in super predictable, boring ways (OMG DAY DRINKING GURRL).
Men are working on cars, doing rock climbing, starting bands, serving in the armed forces. And each of those men is spending untold money and time on... that's right... their shitbag retarded girlfriend. The girlfriend who refuses to answer direct questions. The girlfriend who pouts like a little bitch when she's wrong instead of just taking the loss like an adult.
But then, women turn 25 and want to be like "I'm strong and smart" and try to be boss of some shit. Like no bitch I remember who you are.
So nah I'm not voting for a woman unless she's the top 1% of human beings. Warren seems decent as a person but she's just an old pussy. Probably tried to out-talk the boys in English class and make "smart jokes" about the football team. Nope.
I think it's a lanyard
Men just make better leaders.
There is no woman out there who doesn't seek a man who's stronger than them.
Letting a woman lead you is like wishing to be the child of a single mom.
Reminds me of the uptight schoolmarm mayoral candidate in GTA 5
Is she saying the democrat voter base is misogynistic?
She dropped out, what even is the point of smearing shit on everything like this?
Women are the worst and most toxic and should be barred from politics alltogether.
Women call everything misogyny now. The word has no meaning anymore.
>Men just make better leaders.
It took me a long time to figure this out, but I think a part of it is that women can't take responsibility for anything. Warren is just another example.
Any woman over 50 becomes a man so I'm not sure what she is talking about.
If Warren were a man she would be the most reviled candidate in the Dem primaries. She only has a campaign still because she's female and there's plenty of women out there who will always just vote for their tribe and fuck everything else.
>Women are the worst and most toxic and should be barred from politics alltogether
Oh and i forgot:
Women aaaalways lie. Always lying. Women always lie, always lying, Women always lie, always lying, Women always lie, always lying, Women always lie, always lying.
Pelosi is a career politician. Smearing shit on everyone is practically instinct for her.
>white man
Just like a woman. Blame someone else. Trump made her look like an ass clown. She should be held accountable for her lies and removed from office. Then trump should ask Congress to put a bill on his desked called the Warren identity act. Requiring anyone who wants government handouts based on your ethnic background to have DNA evidence to support it
>Senator from Massachusetts
>Kentucky-fried southern accent
>99.92% white indian
>ivory soap only 99.44% white