Coronavirus outbreak: Mike Pence and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speak about COVID-19 response | LIVE

Get in Pence is shooting lightning all over

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What's this about them not wanting to use "averages"?

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tthis feels likes The Division kind of shit incoming. Any fellow Agents ready to be activated?

bitches don't like averages

yeah totally. i need more grey man clothing

>0.5% death rate

>A stadium employee who worked at the XFL's Seattle Dragons home game Feb. 22 at CenturyLink Field has tested positive for coronavirus, King County health officials said, but as of now, no games scheduled to be played at the facility have been cancelled.

Would suck if this is what killed the XFL.

its already killing spring training here in AZ

is the governor trying to snub pence? I can't tell because autism

3.4% according to Fake News WHO

better start cooking it

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eat it all and make good use of the 300 toilet rolls you are hoarding

LOL. fucking sell it to your chinkassed neighbors? go back to chikorolls

You know a few things, very nice.

>Stage full of shills circle-jerking each other on what a "great job" they've been doing

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Bootlickers will use this phenomenon to ignore the fact that those who are exhibiting mild/no symptoms are still spreading it to those who WILL become more severely ill.

someone post another abby modeling webm they were great

make a post on /ck/ for recipe ideas

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Coof on it nigger

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shows over... nothing really to take home.
"Don't panic guys, yeah more people will die but don't panic, vaccine in a year and half (doubt), Trump is talking with big Pharma"`

i sucked at it but it was fun.

are you crying?

>doesn't even hit double digits until over 80

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Now this is based. Boomergeddon. Day of the pillow won't even have to come into being

come back when 18

Yeah, turned that shit off after like 10 seconds.

Question for the thread: Knowing what's coming right now, should we be doing anything other than a.) building impromptu hospitals and b.) re-purposing as much man power/resources as possible to make whatever medical products will be needed?

I don't know shit about epidemiology, but this seems like the only way I can think of to keep this from absolutely crushing our economy.


you turned off the conference and came here for real talk? christ


that pink flip phoen is pretty dope.

ok boomer

What gvt is doing right now is keeping the economy afloat. They'll (CDC and NIH) fight tooth and nail not to issue tests en masse like other governments are. That would incite panic and chimpouts nationwide as cases surge.

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No, I was trying to add to your shitty thread since you're leeching off a rather successful one.
I know it's hard but don't be a faggot OP.

im sure the tests being often wrong and inaccurate has nothing to do with it

The conference is just "trust us, w-we've got it u-under control..."

These people are lying through their teeth about how serious this is. "D-don't stop buying stocks, goyim!"

there there. go make subhuman faces in the mirror you'll feel better

/shrug you're just afraid and mad at something, anything. whatevs.

drive through testing/humanitarian aid areas seems like a great idea
you just need parking lots/drive ins or the like

Soon you will be dying burger. No time for tears faggot.

I'm less concerned about the virus itself (but that could change in an instant, I'm carefully optimistic about the virus itself. Huge inconvenience, sadness that it's causing innocent people to die absolutely)

What I'm very, very, concerned about is the factories in China. We don't really know what's going on. LiveLeak video showed a woman truck driver at the port in CA and all the shipping containers from China are very sparse compared to how they're usually stacked up.

I'm very concerned for our economy. We rely on China for so much shit. The stock market is scary, but if it keeps up, companies will lose money, people will lose jobs, consumers will stop spending. Add to that, a virus hitting hard and we're in trouble.

>What gvt is doing right now is keeping the economy afloat.
How's that gonna work when half the country is infected and 10% of the country needs intense medical care?

>They'll (CDC and NIH) fight tooth and nail not to issue tests en masse like other governments are. That would incite panic and chimpouts nationwide as cases surge.
Panic is less the issue than that we can't waste tests on people who just need bedrest. Also, like other user said, it's not clear how accurate testing is at this point.

Coronavirus fearmongering is a Chinese psyop meant to destabilize the west. Use Zhangoids and shills to spread hysteria on social media so the media picks it up and fearmongers creating a panic. Sends the west, especially the US, into a complete panic and tanks western (again largely US) stock markets while panic leads to large events being cancelled. Economies go into a total tailspin.

China being a controlled economy and its absurd population can shut down for a little bit to take the hit before slowly going back to business as usual while retards in the west are shitting their pants.

"Don't die on me yet, thread!"

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You and your fearmongering bug bretheren are the true shills.

Don’t chink and drive, kids.

Yes, I'm afraid and mad at what downplaying this for political purposes will result in.

>who cares about a few dead boomers? it's JUST A FLU BRO

Ding ding ding we have a winner

Man it's almost as if outsourcing all of our shit to a state controlled economy that seeks world domination and is our economic enemy all so some corporations could save a few bucks leaving us to no longer be self-sufficient and make our own stuff was a really bad idea. Who could've ever seen this happening?

Yes that's what I said and I thank you for agreeing with and echoing my sentiments.

If anything dead old Folks without family members are a good thing for the young. Not a very nice fact, but a fact none the less. Joining this fertility death cult has been the best decision I have ever made.

>Daddy, what does greentext mean?
Not just a moron, but a newfag moron.

I don't know, let me ask the government who could've known.

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I'm not oblivious to the economic benefits of old people dying, but have you considered the costs associated with 20% of people infected needing intense medical care?

Over here healthcare is Public. The short term costs will be offset by the reduction in social and medical Long term expenses. Also your healthcare costs are vastly inflated.

For comparison: An ambulance can cost 2000 USD in the states. Calling an ambulance here costs me 10€. If I prank Fall it, I will have to pay the actual full price tho. Which is 300€ for half an hour. Including fees for staff.

u mad whyt boi?

Yes, I know you have affordable public healthcare and that we don't. That is precisely why I am raising concerns about what is going to happen in this country.

make some risotto you absolute casual.

Well there is still a chance of your government manning Up. They might declare a state of national emergency and seize control of critical infrastructure to provide their people with the necessary means to slow the spread to manageable Numbers. Oh who am I kidding. No way your corporate overlords would allow your gov to cut into the rich profit margins. Better sell the good stuff to whoever foreign nation pays most. You are probably fucked. Better Stock up on ethanol. WHO has sanitizer recipes out there. Stock up on some of the materials at least. Worst case is you will make a profit... Considering the purell prices. Lol