Remember when this lardass boomer said Coronavirus was fake news?

Remember when this lardass boomer said Coronavirus was fake news?

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No I don't, do you have a video of it?

Trump has undone 4 years of earning my respect in less than 2 weeks. The USA is completely fucked. By next year we will no longer be the #1 global superpower. I just hope we're even alive.

i remember he said lot so things...
>lock her up
>the clintons are good people
>you have to go back
>millions, legally
>i'm the best friend israel ever had
blah, blah, blah. he's garbage


He's a fucking faggot. I hate him. INB4 "Triggered" or "Wow u dont even provide an argument" suck my dick faggots. Literally nobody needs to "provide any arguments" at this point. You're either in the cult (like a POS) or you're out of it (like a normal, sane and rational person).

People IN the cult unironically make memes like pic related

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He never said that.

I will believe you if you can provide proof. Go ahead

sage shill thread

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considering you're a moron. Thats not hard to do. You would rather Pelosi be in charge? Or SHOOOmer the Jooo? Join us in the real world. How about that?

Nice concern shill... Bernie will still get cucked and Biden will be infirm within 6 months

Remember when he called the Democrats politicizing it a hoax and then the media spun it and plastered misleading headlines everywhere about Trump's quote and morons on Yas Forums spammed the catalog with it, without even reading the article or watching the video itself?

It's a democrat hoax. Israel First!

Weak fucking shilling Biden fags. Sage.

I didn't vote for the man because he was a virologist. If he's giving us bad information, it's because he is being given bad information or lying. There is no reason for him to lie to us except (((one))).

Fuck (((off))).

He's part of the swamp. Look at his actions, not his words. He is a proven traitor.

sorry op you'll have to wait until 2024 and maybe presidente cortez will pay for your transition

he's right, glad somebody finally named the nothing burger that is that shit tier virus. He wouldve earned my vote for that statement if i was american

It doesnt even fucking matter anymore. Trump IS in charge and hes fucking this up massively. Hypotheticals dont fucking matter at this point. He's blowing this off to keep his precious markets up and theres NOTHING that is going to stop them from crashing. Its already happening. Look at the futures market right now. Grow/wake the fuck up. I voted for Trump and I've defended him vigorously for 4 years. I'm fucking terrified right now.

>Remember when this lardass boomer said Coronavirus was fake news?

it still is.

600,000+ people die from the flu each year and nobody bats an eye. 3,000 die from corona virus and the whole world collapses.

Liberal Logic.

No, post proof faggot.

remember when bernie won the general? me either haaaaaahahaha faggot

Fuck you. I've been telling shills to kill themselves for years. As data comes in I form opinions. The data says we're completely fucked within 3 months. When we had the first coronavirus press conference I expected pre war declaration levels of seriousness and consolation and we got "wash your hands everythings great" and he shit talked that cunt Pelosi for a solid minute. He just said it has a 1% fatality rate when NO EXPERT ON EARTH has it that low. The consensus is minimum 3% and climbing. Stop being a fucking sheep. You probably blindly defended Bush and his wars in the early 2000's like we all did if you were even born yet. Our leaders are not gods.

Hes not wrong

Its been 3 months in china, they are basically fine. Stop being a faggot

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well, i mean, like what? 50ish people are sick with it in the US?
50/350,000,000 is practically zero.
total nothing burger.

There are over 9000 suspected cases in california alone. Do you even read any news or do you let the clouds and stars inform you of current events?

I can't wait for all the trumptard boomer drones who can't post anything other than "shill" to die from the wuflu so this board can finally go back to normal.


If we eliminate the F-35 program we can use the money to make test kits for the entire country and have billions left over to fund research.

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fake and gay, it's a global pysop the virus doesn't exist. Xi just got tired of the Hong Kong shit is all.

I do remember when you were a faggot.

FFS every old person isn’t a boomer. He’s from the silent generation.

okay, bump it up to an even 100,000.
what's 100,000 out of 350,000,000.
oh shit, it's practically still 0.
what fucking argument are you trying to make, user.
N O T H I N G B U R G E R.

no. Are you sure you didnt hallucinate it?

Screencap your post so in 3 months you can look back at how unbelievably wrong you were

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i'm screencapping both, bro.
this is a whole lot of nothingburger.

What a fucking waste of money

He's a manipulative cunny. I can't believe I ever voted for this fat fuck.

Not one single person gives a shit you autistic faggot fuck.

I don't remember either. Only way for OP to not be a fag is to post the video.

I agree. Fellow former Trump voter here. I was MAGA all the way but this is the last straw. Job Biden has a stutter, not senility, and he really did beat that nigger Cornpop, so he has my vote!

>1 post by this ID

Remember when you weren’t getting paid to make threads

sorry you're not getting berniebux

>implying its not
oh no 11 old sick people died from the flu
fuck off

No. Because he never said that.

>I've been telling shills to kill themselves for years.
Think of all the time you spent solving captchas just to do that. Was it worth it? Oh and you should be more worried about dying of a stroke and Corona. Your blood pressure must be through the roof.

Don't forget
>Take the guns first, go through due process second

I believe him

>Being this willfully ignorant

I agree. But first we should use them to drop nukes on every city in China. It's the only way to keep this from happening again and again and again. The chinks just have to go.

>Remember when this lardass boomer said Coronavirus was fake news?
no i dont why dont you make it up...faggot.

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>1 post by this ID
Plain as day. Just like the democrat's lies.
Remember to season with herbs, newfaggots.

At no fucking point did I say any Democrat would be a good alternative. I dont know who would. I just know Trump is not handling this well. Dont fucking strawman me you fucking cunt.


I was thinking of something along these lines, but cutting off aid to Israel instead. What do you think?

Because it is not just fake.. it's fucking fake.

Now fuck off schizo kike.
Find your meds and take them.

Two more weeks goys


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Imagine being this smooth brained.

Even if it was a severe crisis, any other person in power likely would have either handled it in the same way or worse.

>that's right goy don't judge by words only his actions
>unless the words are worse than the actions, then judge by the words