How do we stop the obvious gender divide?

How do we stop the obvious gender divide?

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>Blame it on some Jew

Holy fuck. This is on the level of "We would be wakandanz n shieet if it werent for whitey"

But he's not wrong though.

one hundred and nine countries

It's just biological noise then?
Losers will be losers?

just ignore woman who are obviously mentally unstable. There are plenty of people for you to settle down with that aren't ideologically compromised.

Ignore threads that portray all women as a lost cause. They aren't trying to create genuine discussion, they want to demoralize you

He's absolutely right and you're a fucking kike.

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There's no actual hard evidence of that

Then why do the kikes like to bring it up.

kys whore

>centuries of European and middle eastern state sanctioned jew bashing is a myth

Oy vey andisemidism

>This is on the level of "We would be wakandanz n shieet if it werent for whitey"

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Women just need to realize their place

good news is its fairly contained to this board. it gets posted over and over and eventually some of you dimwits are convinced of it. Women still want a mad to provide, make them feel safe and raise families with.

you can now go by the major forests they have been kicked out of

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Women can’t be a pretty princess above it all and also equal, that’s not how it works

There entire political history says otherwise.

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I agree that to make my marriage better I should make the Holocaust real

My wife and I would fuck 3 time per day if I had some Jewskin lampshades

im sticking with one woman, she stays open towards me so i will not give up. i will fight.


First thing, forcibly remove degenerate online fuck-sites like Tinder from the internet.

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Nice meme but women have been directly responsible for the degeneration of our souls since the beginning of time

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MGTOW is redpilled though

Delet dis
Only anime girl are acceptable at this point.

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Shut the fuck up kike.

By accepting the divide. There's always been a fucking gender divide you fucking idiot. Even feminists like Camille Paglia understand this. Why the fuck would there not be a divide between two things that are different. Fucking idiots.

The yids made me an incel. Their made shackles must be broken.

Make me leaf
You can't because you're a slave to a pacifistic matriarchy

That guy is based as fuck.

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Hes projecting imo

I don't know, stop being a species that is genetically divided by sex?

Too bad. That's shit fee for service. You put out. You pop out kids. You cook. You clean. If you cannot do those things than you work your precious career to give your paycheck to a housekeeper who I will unapologetically fuck the instant she shows any interest.

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It's almost as if the biological division of sex is at the root of the disagreements between them. But that can't be because Jews.

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That’s right, boyim, women are perfect angels and we’d never do anything to disadvantage our men

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protip: they are not equal.
You just need to make them realize it. It's not easy tho.

Hi girly.

Nice pilpul, jew.
Men and women aren't the same. Why should they pretend to be?

A fucking foreskin eater made this post.

>8 of march
>international women day
>its just a bunch of angry feminist
nothing wrong with celebrating white women but it got co opted by kikes and angry lesbians.

Well boys you can come rekt this boipussy

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Call out woman for being whores but don't be a hypocrite, I hate whorish men just as much. If you want more than one partner go to sandnigger land or convert to Mormonism.
(((Hookup culture))) needs to die for honest magnomy to become the norm again.

Else it will be a perpetual spire that ruins the good nature of both.

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That looks like a nigga, nigga. How deluded are you?

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Holy shit get help incel fuck. Maybe take responsibility for your life instead of blaming everything on something that has nothing to do with your current position.

You get everything you ask for. Clean up your room and put your shoulders back and start improving your life if you are upset. Otherwise STFU

Do you even know the history of that day? It wasn't co-opted, it was a commie idea right out of the gate. The Socialist Party of America was the first to organize a feminist event on that day, and then socialist parties all over Europe started doing it, and then the Soviet Union was the first country to make it an official national holiday.

But these are the sorts of inconvenient facts that get lost in the sands of time as men scramble to incessantly virtue signal for women.

>Have sympathy for those being brainwashed
>Wow you must be one of them! fucking incel!

Thanks for the contribution,retard.

Yeah as much are Jews are to blame, they get backwards blame for everything that happens. Yas Forums needs to learn when to blame Jews and when to blame humanity in general. Jews didn't make women have shitty behavior, they may have encouraged and profited from it but they didn't install the behavior.

I can be your nigger slave daddy uwu


Hold yourself to a high standard and demand the same of your future spouse.
You can do it without calling a woman a whore, just say you prefer a partner who respects her body and is virtuous. Also keep reminding women that their trainwrecked lives are ALL due to THEIR CHOICES.

that's funny man, I actually just figured out that the reason my parents hate me and i have no friends is cuz of jews, you're saying they alsot he reason i have no gfs? fuck yes, problems are easier to solve if they all have the same cause in my pea brain

This. For you Christfags out there remember, Eve ate whole forbidden fruit to herself before sharing a bite with Adam.

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God, an all knowing being, put the apple there. Knowing she'd eat it. Knowing Adam would eat it.

God's a dick.

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By taking women's rights away.

>they want to demoralize you
What if you're already demoralized?

jews invented feminism which "empowers" women to ride the cock carousel until 30

jews invented age of consent laws which "empowers" women to have countless sex partners instead of marrying and having children with a responsible older man

jews invented gender "equality" which means women focus all their energy on meaningless careers instead of children

Three hundred and fifty nine communities

You fags are fake as fuck.

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Still fake.

Implying one income can provide for a kid

Blaming the Jew is the troglodytes way of coping for their inadequacy of their souls

Found the retard

One post?

Yeah. It's like putting a sandwich on the ground, WHERE THE ANIMAL CAN GET IT, and then being upset when they eat it when you get back from taking a piss.

Try online matchmaking nigger.

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No. Women are fucking shit, and anyone who isn't 100% on board with holding women (among others) accountable for the absolute bullshit that's gone on in society, and completely rolling back feminism just doesn't get it at all.

Daily reminder:
>Women's Liberation
>Sexual Liberation
Are as harmful, if not more, to civilization than outright demographic replacement. Every instance of sexual liberation in history (to which women's liberation in inherently linked), has resulted in collapse, and usually sets the stage for foreign conquests.

It would be less prevalent if Jews didn’t control our media, news, entertainment, and politics. Quit being a delusional nigger kike.