Dixie Chicks

what do you think of their new song Gaslighter. apparently it's a fuck you to Trump

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They’re just trying to be relevant again and the last time they were relevant was when they said they hated George Bush 15 years ago.

sounds like they are gaslighting.

Whats with batty old feminists and gaslighting?

Shame them for marrying white men and laugh your ass off if they say they married Jews. THAT'S how you break the bloated, smug pride of a bitch.

are they dykes now or something.

It's really telling that you would take this as a slight against Trump. It's written about the lead singers ex husband

they look like fucking trannies

>the last time they were relevant was when they said they hated George Bush 15 years ago.
Thats what actually sealed their irrelevancy.

Those roasties hit the wall hard lol.

lmao they pulled this shit with GWB 20 years ago.

Chix with dix?


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based song. Gonna like it.

Holy Fuck. The wall is brutal.

>are they dykes now or something.
"now".. LMFAO

That was one of the most jewish things I've watched since the democrats impeachment attempt

I-is that the Klob in the yellow jacket?

Well, considering that their most notable moment was criticizing Bush during a concert overseas - it's possible to suspect such moves. But Rolling Stone says it is the lead singer angry about her former husband.


Those aren't American soldiers....

HAHAHA she was crying like a baby during that interview

General question - does anyone watch music videos....??

I used to love the dixie chicks. Wide open spaces was a great album


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They tried to do something like this against Trump last election cycle too if I remember correctly. Clearly revitalized their careers

i was going to do a fuck, marry, kill but all i see is kill, kill, kill with these three

Gaslighting isn't real


One on the right is a coal burner.

I'll listen to it if they sing it while fisting each other

brave and stunningpilled

They don't really look that different tBh

Maybe, TPTB like to shove the truth in your face like that

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They stood behind the West Memphis 3. Dixie Chicks are lower than dogshit in my opinion.

That sounds like some random country song I heard on the radio 15 years ago.

wtf all 3 dixie roasties are post wall by like 30+ years. imagine the smell ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

wow, what gave it away?

They just renamed the Dixie Classic State Fair because “dixie is rayciss”. Why do these mannish cunts get a free pass?

didnt they learn their lesson from the bush era lol


Oh I get it. They are all dudes.

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Didnt realise they were still around.

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>listening to modern country
>listening to modern country performed by women
If you do either of the above, or care about either of the above you should consider killing yourself.

Camouflage pattern and striped blue (wtf) undershirt. Otherwise everything else mimicks our gear including chest rigs, plate carriers and helmet shape.

I'd honestly be surprised if they even know what the term actually means.

I don't think you have any idea what you just said....

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post wall by 70+ years

I said that modern country is terrible. I think your reading comprehension needs some work, user.

beat me to it. there aren’t enough “yikes” in this world

I support all "fuck you"s to trump

They're has-beens.
But you know what would be funny?
Get a campaign started where we pretend to be offended by the "Dixie" in their name.
Vestiges of white supremacy and all that...

Bro 9 to 5 was 50 years ago.

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hahahahahaahah BASED patrolling

Dumb bitches

Did they?

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if Natalie Maines wants to apologize to Trump she's gonna have to give up that chubby little butthole

Traveling Soldier is supposed to be an anti-war song but I jam out to it just as much as Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood or Airborne Ranger Infantry by Kristy Lee Cook. Milfags fucking love all these anti-war songs, ironically enough. Not even because they're anti-war but because they love music about themselves.

nothing says "we're not ready to play nice" like tube tops and taffeta

I think Natalie Maines looks like a dyke and the other two look like horsehead bookends

Only to see the creative interpretation of the artist, but I don't really anymore after they ruined Take Me To Church.

They look annoying af

What the hell even is gaslighting?