Do you have any regrets about supporting Zion Don?

I do. I'm man enough to admit I got duped. We all get scammed at one point or another, but the true test of a man it to recognize his mistakes and move forward.

Attached: trump you are here.jpg (855x855, 336K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a right cunt that one.

Does your boyfriend feel the same way?

At this point I realize there is very little I can do about things one way or another. So I'm just strapped in for the ride now, come what may.


Best man ever, Bernie shill

i have to admit this angle you share blue people have been pushing has been the only successful thing you've tried in whipping the gullible idiots here into an anti trump frenzy. too bad it's all underage and schizos on Yas Forums these days tho so no votes are being lost for 2020

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Americans were given choice of Zion Don or Zion psycho bitch. It was a sunk cost, you never had a choice either way.

No. He makes the people I hate seethe uncontrollably and want to kill themselves


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>you share blue people
Share Blue people understand Zionist power? I don't think so buddy.

You got more on this discord? I could use more images of this to spread around

Made me realize that no matter who is voted in it simply won't matter. Either you vote for the guy who will at least lie about doing something like Trump, or you vote for the side that actively says they want to fuck you into the dirt and turn America into an horrid shit hole. I mean it already is kinda, but they want it to be even worse. So no, I can't say I regret voting for him. I regret having voted period though. Coulda spent that time cooming.

I dont know let me ask your girlfriend. Oh wait thats your hand..

Quality memeflag, Chiam. I'm with her now.

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He was still the best choice save for just having a revolution. Against biden he will still be the better choice. Which sucks because he deserves to lose but I need muh guns and muh (at least tepidly) conservative supreme court justices.

>He was still the best choice
Still thinking you have a choice when Jews control both sides of politics.

Same shit, different president. It doesn't matter who gets voted in, USA, Canada and Western Europe are all fucked.

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>I tried to be a memester but all I did was admit that Trump will win reelection and be president for another 4 years

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Yeah Jews just hate Trump! I had better support Trump because random man on Yas Forums says Jews hate Trump.

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Of course Trump will win, he is the perfect servant of the Jews. They wont allow anybody else to win.

Why do you think the Jewish establishment deliberately sabotaged Bernie? They have their perfect goy slave in Trump.

Fuck Trump!

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>Fuck Trump!
Indeed fuck the orange nigger.

This guy gets it. If only they knew what they were really fighting for.

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No because it's either a globohomo lefty zionist that supports white genocide big time like Hillary/Biden or a globohomo lefty zionist that supports white genocide in moderation like Drumpf. Voting for Plumpf! is just buying time while REAL opposition forms.

His son in law is jewish and he put a goldman sach's jew who made millions foreclosing on people's homes in charge of the treasury. How did people not see this coming?

Yeah we all get that both parties are controlled by kikes and trump has kike grand-kids. However are Gorsuch and Kavanaugh kikes? Is Merrick Garland?

My girlfriend is a burly black dude named Carl who takes me to Ram Ranch on live webcam

What real opposition has formed in the last 4 years? TPUSA? Lady Maga? lol

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>beep boop
>*frustrated shillbot noises*

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based quads lol
if you actually believe the DNC seethes over Trump then you are hopelessly deluded. Trump has consistently passed their spending agenda and will continue to do so when reelected by dumbshit cuckservativse.

>Gorsuch and Kavanaugh kikes? Is Merrick Garland?
No they are just useless. You forget that most of the fucked up rulings from judges have come from Bush and Reagan appointees. Sluts still have abortion on demand, Gay marriage is still the law of the land. Nothing will get better from having a few white male cucks in positions of power.

are you implying hillary would have been a better choice?
no, but pretending trump isn't just another kike slave is retarded.

Bernie is Jew

True, also have you noticed the Trump hysteria has largely died down. The left realize Trump is all bark and no bite, they continue to bitch about him but they do that for every milquetoast Republican.

BernieBros are especially salty over watching their pinko Jew daddy collapsing over the past week. More bad news: their compromise candidate will be getting BTFO'D badly this fall

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Trump is the DNC candidate anyway

Doesn't matter, he was the only one who snubbed AIPAC. That is unforgivable to the Jewish establishment.

So you support Bernie?

>Trump is us not you!
Sure thing Shlomi

My response to this question every time:
I don't regret voting for him, but I regret getting caught up in his cult and being s true believer that he was going to MAGA.
My life got a lot better after I gave up on him and started hating him.
It also only took him about 5 months as president for me to give up on him. I would hate to be one of his current cultists who still thinks everything is 4d chess and that any day now Trump will fight back

>everyone who doesn't worship Daddy Donald is shareblue
It's like you're permanently stuck in 2016

Also who has gone to Jail under Trump?
Rodger Stone

Who has been deplatformed?
Alex Jones & Info Wars
America First
Milo the faggot

All Trump passionate shills. What has Trump done to reward them for their support? Nothing, he lets the left fuck them over.

Infowars was the first group to give Trump an interview, and how did they get rewarded? Kicked out of CPAC lol

>he makes the people I hate seethe
So you admit that you never actually cared about Trump doing the things he said he would do, and that fixing america is less important than liberal tears?

So as long as Hillary found a way to make Democrats seethe, you'd support her? You don't actually have any positions, you just want Democrats to cry?
Pretty retarded, dude

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Trump loves kike bankers, does nothing about globalhomo, but wants to shut the borders, except he wants to replace his workforce legally with low pay brown men from India.
Bernie wants to fuck the banks, loves globalhomo poz, wants to throw the borders open, and if it even looks like he could win Wall Street starts to melt down.
Biden will keep the stock market up but is probably a cunt in every other way
pick your poison
also fuck democracy and fuck the kikes who wrecked it

>real opposition
Trump killed it. There is no real opposition, and anyone who wants to truly fight the left probably already hates trump which makes it harder to organize

>Trump betrayed us
>trump won't fix any of the shit he promised to fix
>its up to us to fix it
"Um, sorry, but I think trump is the best president we've ever had and I will support him always."

Trump really killed the last remaining fighting spirit of Republicans, as now there's nothing but apathy and cult worship

ya you faggots said he was a le Nazi.
I was kinda hoping for 60 million dead niggers, spics, and jews by now. Seems kinda inefficient for a Nazi rabbi.

Based and checkedpilled

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Trump supports gay marriage. Obama was against gay marriage. Obama is further right than Trump.

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Me too.

But a sense of responsibility is alien to most Americans, left or right.

I'm glad Trump will be in charge during the greatest pandemic to hit the US ever

Best case scenario, a new less pozzed party forms, like in European countries. Remember that before the ((((((migrant crisis)))))) parties like ADF and SD were pretty much irrelevant.

TPUSA is the VANGUARD against the militant left. Charlie Kirk is out on the front lines fighting the good fight, what are you doing?

>Obama was against gay marriage.
Obama put trannies in the military (and paid for their surgery) and 'evolved' to be pro gay marriage, etc. Obama is not running in 2020 regardless, so this is irrelevant.

The point stands: Trump is imperfect but further right than any 2020 Dem by a mile. This kills the shills.

>ADF and SD were pretty much irrelevant
They are totally pro-Zionist and pro "legal immigration" How is that a best case scenario?

>actually thinking any president can actually change things in the year 2020

Seems you’re the retarded one shareblue zoomer

Jared Kusher is the one making all the moves for him. Trump is a puppet.

Nope. Nor will I be voting for Bernie or Biden.

Agreed. It's been the most divisive thing they've been able to pull yet. Trump isn't perfect, but he's sure as shit better than whoever the dems will put up
>jUsT dOn'T vOtE, iT DoEsN'T MAtteR
Yeah no, I'm not gonna de facto let people who literally say out loud that they want open borders, more gun control, and higher taxes get power.

>TPUSA is the VANGUARD against the militant left.
Can't tell if serious

Attached: TPUSA.jpg (643x412, 105.44K)

I know, but it's a start much like the extreme far-left in power today started as "moderates".

fucking BASED

I regret that maga boomers can't get out of this pointless personality cult of zion don.
>trump is muh president he's making america great again!
>well black unemployment is in an all time lowand he loves israel and uhm fuck those muzzies!
>he triggers the libs!
>mAGA! trust the plan q user!


basically this

Go ask obama how he feels now- guarantee he'd be pro-gay marriage. Bad argument.