Hillary Clinton

Do you feel it in the air?

Attached: Hillary Clinton Hippy.jpg (2048x1144, 218.13K)

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She's gonna catch Corona

I smelled something foul, if that's what you meant.

Made for BBC

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Hillary RODham Clinton

Yep, mutt's law in action.

so that's what a racist white women looked like in the 70s

Why is Hillary so evil, anonymous?


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>Biden gets picked by the DNC in July
>soon afterwards he gets a stroke/etc, he can't run
>DNC needs to pick a new candidate
>everyone agrees the vote results are null and void
>Hilldawg steps out from the shadows, it's the 2016 election, Part II: Electric Boogaloo
I swear this is going to happen. Screencap this, I'm gonna get v& for this.

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Oyyy veyy Hillary do you need me to howld youa gowld?

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Hillary Clinton admits Tupac, Snoop Dogg, and Suge Knight influence her look


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It seems somebody wants to inject Clinton into the executive. I don't see how that can happen without electoral fraud or murder.

I hope this woman dies from "spontaneous human combustion" in a public place while trying to give a big speech, and while she is burning let the foul demons pour out of her mouth for all to hear.

No, I'm not Phill Collins

"There’s some great evidence about what marijuana can do for people who are in cancer treatment, who have other kind of chronic diseases, who are suffering from intense pain," Clinton.

Attached: hilldawg inhales.jpg (630x354, 112.65K)


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If there's anything to be learned from Constantine or LOTR, when demons possess you they will extend your natural life to serve their own needs.

Gross, and gross.

Can we all just agree that she was only good looking at all as a kid, and immediately turned into an actual hag upon reaching puberty?



Attached: LET GO JOE.jpg (1280x720, 92.45K)

>(((some body)))

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She looked like Riley Reid.

looks like riley ried

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Anyone else stocking up for the outbreak, HILLDAWG STYLE!?

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Anyone else wanna fuck young Hillary?

Jesus numbers confirm

Her father was a homosexual and she got easily brainwashed by Commie Jews.

You mean Oxford?

Attached: Hillary Clinton Sphinx.jpg (294x171, 11.99K)

considering it's the Clintons, is this Raporwave?

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I can feel it coming in the air

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But can she?

Attached: DraggedHilary.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

Nice try Bernie Bro

Attached: the satanic bible.jpg (249x186, 17.35K)

>boiled cabbage, urine, and farts
Reminds me of Jilly Juice. Ever hear the story about the Poop Cult, anons?

Attached: jilly juice.jpg (700x934, 50.24K)

Have you heard the good news brothers and sisters?

Shove that corpse right in that van


Sanders isn't really a Democrst.


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Obviously. He runs as an independent, but you can't run an Independent ticket in as corrupt a duopoly as we have today. Not even the ebin "grassroots movement" he has would get any traction.

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I think Bernie agreed not to run against the democrat in the general election and we all know what a spineless bitch he is.
That loser is going to endorse Biden.

You all know that if it's a contested convention (and there's currently about a 68% chance of that) that delegates can pick ANYBODY.

There are already delegates saying they will vote for Hillary to be the nominee.

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Hill Plus, Floral specialty store?

How old are those encyclopedias?

I bet there's no refunds this time either.

1910 I found

I'm done with your games!

The whenever forget the shoe

>Sent from my iPad

Say it with me Drumpfkins

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Fake and gay.

Is there anyone on this board anymore who isn't a porn addict?