Roastie 'poison king' cheerleader wannabe spreads coronavirus to 1000's in New Zealand

> Roastie comes back from Italy sick.

> Visits two schools and makes two other domestic flights inside the country.

> Witnesses say she spent the entire flight going back and forth to the toilet to spit up phlegm and cough.

> Goes to a cheerleading school and hands out muffins.

> Husband who is also sick goes to a rock concert.

> New Zealand, a tiny island country at the edge of the world, literally one of the easiest places to keep safe in Plague Inc. is now fully infected.

> Roastie complains to the press that the whole of New Zealand are attacking her online for being a complete dumbass and the cause of the apocalypse down here. Forces media to remove an article identifying her.

Why roasties gotta roast?

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I'm not surprised, this country is full of American level ignorant retards.

This is actually a fortuitous development because we’ll have a better idea of the actual infectivity/mortality rate among a healthier age group compared to the 80+ group we’ve been basing things on.

>New Zealand, a tiny island country at the edge of the world, literally one of the easiest places to keep safe in Plague Inc. is now fully infected.

The entire NZ gov't is comprised of white women and beta orbiters. So of course everything was handled with gross incompetence. This is the future they chose. I hope every last one of them dies slow.

>literal cheerleader has learning disability
They go on to teach too.

>New Zealand is now fully infected.
Good. Haha.

Name and shame this cow.

i guess NZ should pass a ban on coronavirus. itll stop it from infecting others

why? she's killing boomers.

Checked. The govt can do a virus buyback program, $5/ziplock bag of phlegm

kinda based tbqh, new zealand is probably where the ultraelites went to hide

>going to travel, parties and gatherings in the midst of a health crisis.

I am starting to like this Corona shit, seems like a good device to cull the old and the room temperature IQ idiots

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everywhere is

this is what public endangerment and gross incompetence laws are for, luckily she is a woman so she is safe from any punishment.

This is actually a good post for a dog fucking leaf. Based.

New Zealanders are retards......they believe Christchurch was a real

Good. They’re such a smug people.
This will bring them somewhat back to reality

In the end, it turns out that infecting countries is even easier in real life than in games.

lol ok leaf.

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based roastie doing gods work


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Someone doxx her.

Huh you're right. Well turn those frowns upside down NZ there is always a bright side.

We own you. Let's fight bitch. 1 v 1 us.

>American level

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Fuck off cunt SEQ born and bred. Your probably some merbournite innit.

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Don't blame people who get Coronva Virus!

We should tell the Corona Virus
to stop infecting people!

> Don't go full retard and elect women/sjws to office

based corona-chan patrolling thots and wiping out the boomers

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friendly reminder death cults are real.

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Rolling trips to kill Bezoz

Look here now you salty kiwi.. it would take one bomb of specially designed atomic might to extinct NZ. Accidents happen all the time.

Damn, I would probably legit kill her if she infected me.

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I miss my last death cult pity they all died from bad seafood.

Archive of story;

>Roastie complains to the press that the whole of New Zealand are attacking her online for being a complete dumbass and the cause of the apocalypse down here. Forces media to remove an article identifying her.
What a silly bitch, you can't delete anything from the internet :^)

the whore is a retard but at least kikes can't stay completely safe in their hideout homes there

sorry your leaders are in chinas payroll kiwibro

He’s an Australian you stupid fucking 56 percenter.

fuck off

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>The entire NZ gov't is comprised of white women


Its kinda weird huh

How coronachan crosses the blood brain barrier

And people get the sudden urge to go out into large gatherings




fuck off with this excuseing bullshit

Save that for your roastie white knighting. People are responsible for their actions.

They should be shot in the back of their head.

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Elijah is a massive homo.

He just keeps blackmailing hollywood kikes every year when he is running low on cash. Otherwise, he loves dicks in his ass.

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All the anti-vaxxer rugby mums on the North Shore are fucked lmao

Don’t you ever bully Mr.Woods like that again you fucking apologize. He also has a white baby on the way which is more than you can say for yourself.

Yeah I’m sure a vaccine would’ve made all the difference for a new virus nobody has been vaccinated against

Jews are victims, they are attacked constantly by evil people

white people control hollywood, not jews

Pretty based honestly. Now there is no safe haven for elites.

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It means they're gonna keep their retard kids running about and rubbing rose water onto their chests instead of doing actual medical advice, dipshit

I think you’re just a little butthurt that in the end the vaccines didn’t matter anyway. You’re just as fucked as they are.

You know, bio-terrorism would literally be the easiest thing to do. You can cause more damage than several nuclear weapons with an easy to acquire pathogen in today's global society.

12 Monkeys called it.

Ignorance is banning (via emotional response) guns immediately kiwikuk

Not sure if bait

stop being a fucking pussy about it

this is literally a nothingburger

Dumb bitch and her faggot husband should be hanged in front of the entire town.

>no yer dumb have you seen the video, it was super duper real

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ahhhhhahhahahahahahahahahaha this one got me so fucking hard

check the water

The video is what proves it

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where in the video was it fake? I seen impact, blood, the bodies hitting the floor hard