/cvg/- Corona Virus General #1629

French lawmaker tests positive

US doctors plead to get tests

All masks are now confiscated in France

Nurses refused testing by CDC

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

► Detected: 97,910 ► Died: 3,356

24:25: 1 new case in Nevada
23:55: 3 new cases in Maryland.
23:20: 1 new case in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Patient recently returned from Italy.
23:15: 6 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States.
23:03: First case in Colorado.
22:00: 3 new cases in Slovenia.
20:48: 1 new case in New Jersey, United States.
20:47: 2 new cases in Harris County, Texas, United States. These are the first cases in Harris County. Both are travel-related.
20:46: 19 new cases in Japan.
20:45: 6 new cases in Ireland. The seventh case mentioned in the source was previously reported.


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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=its the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine)- rem

► China 80,430 (3,013) ► International 17,480 (340): S. Korea 6,088 (40) Italy 3,858 (148) Iran 3,513 (107) D. Princess 696 (6) France 377 (6) Japan 380 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 221 (12) UK 116 (1) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 543 Singapore 117 Sweden 94 Norway 88 Netherlands 82 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 37 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Ecuador 13 Czechia 12 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Portugal 9 Qatar 8 Ireland 13 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Brazil 8 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Egypt 3 Estonia 5 N. Zealand 3 Chile 4 Slovenia 9 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1

China +160 (+32) S. Korea +467 (+5) Italy +769 (+41) Iran +591 (+16) France +92 (+2) Spain +31 (+1) UK +29 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Iraq (+1) Germany +281 Japan +49 USA +30 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 Sweden +42 Norway +29 Netherlands +44 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +3 Iceland +8 Greece +22 India +1 S. Marino +5 Denmark +5 Israel +2 Lebanon +1 Oman +1 Ecuador +3 Czechia +4 Finland +5 Portugal +3 Ireland +7 Palestine +7 Azerbaijan +3 S. Arabia +3 Brazil +5 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Egypt +1 Estonia +3 Slovenia +7 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2 S. Africa +1 Chile +1 Total +2,747 (+99)


Corona chan is built for BBC. damn


Retailers no longer selling masks in the US


>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation.
>3. Can spread in its incubation.
>4. Can infect the cns and brainstem.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. Has some properties similar to AIDS in addition to SARS, because of HIV insert spikes.
>8. Is likely incurable once it breaks the blood brain barrier.
Takeaways - This virus can get as deadly as it wants and still spread, it has NO selective pressure.
I'm not fear mongering, this is what we know about the virus and is confirmed.

Also for fags upset with me, stay mad

>BBC joke

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Aryan Corona-chan is cute

Retailers no longer selling masks in the US

nigger tongue my anus

China has this under control their government is doing a great job just calm down this forum is completely overreacting

When will the China lockdown end?

>corona is literally a state away from me.
It’s going to be a massive shitshow in Delaware

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coof coof

Wlep, nice knowing you faggots

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I am not even achieved mine final form.

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It's already in Delaware.

obligatory orange kike riposte

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wtf why didn't they cancel this shit

You goyim didn't predicted that huh ?

Masks is the official currency of the post apocalypse

>REMINDER: Do not engage with nothingburger fags, "I was one of you, but now It's nothing" or any other shilling tactics.

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Mutt's law.

based and redpilled

Did Trump forsaken us all with his inaction?

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you know it can be somewhere for weeks before anyone gets tested?

It's spreading locally in Canada prepare for Italy tier bros!

>South Korea reports 196 new cases of coronavirus, or 518 new cases and 7 new deaths over the past day
>South Korea reports 196 new cases of coronavirus, or 518 new cases and 7 new deaths over the past day
>South Korea reports 196 new cases of coronavirus, or 518 new cases and 7 new deaths over the past day


Would you call this inaction?

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One of the passengers of the infected ship ded in Sunnyvale possibly corona'd. Apple and Google poos on suicide watch.

m about as fucked as you can get.
>work in relatively close quarters in a factory that is 50% boomers
>also at a a gas staion
>wife works at the mall
>living in king country
We will hold our ground and move forward as much as we can. If/when corona-chan gets us we will an hero, not going to lay around waiting to die

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I was one of you but now I believe that it’s nothing

It's too late for me
Im in California
At a state university

I am already coofed


Fuck bros, it's in my state. It's literally over


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Asking again, is this a different case than the man in Franklin? If so which hospital?

Mutt being mutt

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youtube.com/results?search_query=its the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine)- rem

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zip zop zoobity bop
corona chan has got to stop

Is there another update later?

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r/Coronavirus is way better than /cvg/

There’s actually scientific information and level headed discussion there whereas this is just a bunch of fear mongering and schizo ramblings about how the number of A’s in the genome means it was made by Freemasons

Because coomers and money

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>All those masks

>When the coronavirus outbreak began, Iran's leaders confidently predicted their country's immunity.
>They refused to implement quarantines, saying it was a practice from the Stone Age.
>As the coronavirus crisis unfolded, religious leaders kept Islamic holy sites open and Iranian companies even exported their face masks to help China.
>Then senior government officials — including the man responsible for the outbreak response and the head of emergency medical services — contracted the disease.
>Now 23 members of Iran's parliament and other senior advisers have tested positive, while a 71-year-old advisor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has died.
>Authorities released 54,000 prisoners in a bid to limit the spread of the virus in crowded jails.
>A plan to send 300,000 religious police to homes to screen citizens seemed in doubt after several Iranians pointed out it was a good way to spread the virus further.

How was this country supposed to be a threat to anyone again?

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16-year old contracts corona, school closed in Aus.

Finally happening down under lads.

still not voting dem, you fucking nigger.

thread theme

good this will speed up the riots. im looking to seeing roof koreans (if there any left) shooting looters


I am genuinely interested in why you spend so much time trying to refute this.
Why do you spend so much time here?

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Literal nothingburger.
Even if 70% of the WORLD gets infected with a 3.4% death rate only 190 million die. With overburdened hospitals and supply lines we can say 300 million.
India alone shits out 300 million newborns every few years.
This is a literal nothing burger.
You told me it was really fucking happening you faggots, I spent my last paycheque on 25 cans of soup because of you bastards.

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>boomer comes back to work after a month traveling around thailand and taking stops in japan and hong kong
>I only hear about it after greeting him welcome back
>we work in a food processing factory serving the better part of northern europe
>company has a travel ban to china active but doesn't prevent people from coming back to work
>authorities doesn't enact any quarantine routines
>mfw I realize that 60% of my industry is comprised of old men who goes around whoring in asia every winter

Where do I even buy my food anymore? I cant even trust a package of pasta now.

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..... Yes?

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Sometimes they do a update later, so, maybe yes

At what point did tourism and money overtake common sense? Were black plague people forced to work and socialize?

It's wuhan new years dinner all over again


Because that might cause people to panic. Instead of, you know, getting the disease and panicking more.

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I am genuinely interested in why you spend so much time trying to refute this.
Why do you spend so much time here?

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lose lose then shit this feels like it's just getting worse each day

coronavirus was found in san diego, very close to where I live. I'm suddenly starting to feel an itch in my throat and nose is running a little. is it over?

embarrassing if true

I don't recall there being an NSDAP democrat, you boomer kike
here's some more of that nigger love for you, rabbi

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You can buy them with gloves and wear gloves while preparing food. Then, safely dispose of the gloves. Unless you enjoy munching on dry pasta.

Well fuck off back there then

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Fuck off back to Plebbit then NPC

Those prisoners were released on bail. Wonder what US prisons are going to do? Will the guards let inmates murder anyone who is sick?

Fight till the end you fucking coward.

think that one is true

>Been sick since the start of December
>Cough keeps coming back every once in a while
>Don't travel or go any where due to being a NEET
>Payed out of pocket to doctors saying I had pneumonia
>Finish meds, but later still have cough even today

I don't have any medical insurance and I have no clue if I have it or not.

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Overview from KCDC (+518 additional, including Thursday):
- 6,284 total cases
- 6,134 (+491) in quarantine
- 108 (+20) discharged
- 42 (+7) deaths

- 21,832 (+22) currently being tested
- 158,456 (+17,681) are being/have been tested with 136,624 (+17,659) testing negative

what are you doing to prepare for martial law?

Why are you such a gay homo

Because the only people who think it's serious are Yas Forumstards in these threads, some weirdo preppers on twitter, and people who read articles and make insane conclusions barely rooted in fact (See that spam you keep posting)

Literally not. 50% of it is just "lol America sux", flexing that they live at home collecting neetbux while screaming at people for not having 6 months salary saved, and retards who read random "scientific journals" and come to their own conclusions and push them as fact

>Washington State still not quarantined


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Can someone drop the dox again on these emasculated hapa faggots from plebbit who BBC spam?

>filming empty podium for 30mins
did he died?

You're supposed to cook food,or at least heat it.

go die in a ditch glownigger

Missouri specific:
• ZERO confirmed cases
• Nearly 17 people have been tested
• Testing CAN be done in Missouri
• Prisons, nursing homes & mental health facilities are a concern
• Schools are always a concern, but young people to not appear to be as prone #COVID19


It’s in every state
It’s probably in every county
It’s probably in every neighborhood

You will be exposed but there’s a high chance you’ll be asymptomatic or the worse that will happen is you get the sniffles for a week or two then feel fine

What are you on about?
That's a straight repost

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at best by being too stupid to recognize a lost cause

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Said this the other day and I got met with “leddit gtfo”
It’s pretty sad that we’re letting reddit beat us

Old people aren't the only ones at risk OBESITY is the most common factor anyone who gets this in the United States has.

35% or so of the US is Obese and 10% to 15% of the population has Diabetes. Both are huge risk factors for this. Being fat, diabetic and old means you will die. Being fat and diabetic means you will most likely die. Because fat or just diabetic means you have a 25% chance of dying from complications. This isn't even bring up the number of people who are fat and have a slew of other underlying issues because of it. Add it heart disease which 50% of the FUCKING POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES HAS it becomes even worse.

If this sweeps through the US a third of the country is probably going to die. People seem to be thinking its only old people and those with underlying health issues without actually thinking what that means. Obesity, Heart disease and diabetes. Most Americans have one of the three and these are the same people who will shrug it off saying that they aren't boomers so they are fine.

How many fat survivors have you seen?

I had a cold once that the cough lasted 2 months. Cold only lasted a week.
>your body is just recovering. Recovery from illness can take a while

Do not despair, Israel has tests, a lockdown and their own special walls

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every time

Imagine the Hell from Comic-con. It's gonna be the Lunar New years event in Wuhan but for US.

you're not even a convincing shill, you should get paid nothing


>30 min of empty podium
did he died?


I am genuinely interested in why you spend so much time trying to refute this.
Why do you spend so much time here?

sucks to be murican, neet here, being on welfare is free healthcare, cute samoyed

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Let's be real, you know they are more likely to be Yas Forumstards

I would love either a cuphead Coronachan or BATIM version for any drawfags out there

>Nearly 17
left-wing bluechecks will have a field day with it

i bet you have a full folder of niggers and jerk off to blacked.

50 shoahs doesnt sound like a nothingburger

What's the situation like on the ground for you dumb pasta niggers?

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I hope you bought that pup a cheeseburger.

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Any news I should care about?
Collapse of the government imminent?
Chinese being sent to camps? Jews being shot in the street?
How will this change peoples lives in a month? Is anything really going to happen besides crashing the boomer economy?


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The end in nigh

The virus is giving a Q&A

If you can't see it all around you, then you never will.

Iranian prisons may just be cramped open halls. So everyone would get sick and mad. Not a great solution releasing them but not the same situation as proper jails.


How can this not be mass hysteria? We hear about it every single time some guy tests posituve, out of 7 billion people on earth. This level of focus on microhappenings is unprecedented.

You have to go back,

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haha nothing will stop the boomers from their precious economy. thank god they're dooming humanity.

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>Zero zoomer death
Nothing burger

Thank you.
>we are so fucked. I'm trying to get out of all public obligations but people aren't taking this seriously.

Deddit is never going to beat us. People who know--leak HERE not deddit. People who want to whistleblow leak HERE..with proofs. NOW go try posting any of the leaks with proofs at deddit and get banned--and in two weeks your leak proves right.

Deddit is a fucking stupid ass bullshit website that controls the flow of information to the direction they want it to go. Are the top minds still denying asymptomatic and airborne spread? If you post about it will you get banned?

Of course you will. Deddit only allows the official party line--just the flu bro and masks don't help.

Well, the doc on Tucker just confirmed L and S strains. We're fucked.

Missouri is based as fuck, anyone close to it should go to southern missouri east of springfield, it has godlike nature

"A good thread to bookmark! Don't use some random photos of Asian people wearing masks or walking around Chinatown for your coronavirus stories, unless directly relevant to the story. It reinforces racist fear-mongering and stereotypes."

"From now on, let’s all use this photo to accompany reporting and discussions of coronavirus. Who is she? Dunno. Does she have the virus? Don’t care. But it’s just as relevant as any of these random images of Asians in masks that news outlets have been using."


archive.is/IZt8F - Marina
archive.is/qbOs5 - Angry Asian Man

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hope the virus kills you and your entire familiy you dumb redditnigger
name one thing reddit has said about the corona virus that was not discussed here?
shizo ramblings and spam is the price you must pay for free speech

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>father has all three of these
Well hes gone then

Why the fuck would I go pay some doctor to get tested when it only kills old people? GTFO .

Then go back nigger

Sup fellow sd bro. Miramar is “quarantining” a bunch of infected. Good luck out there.

When do you think sports leagues in the US will ban fans from games in certain locations like Seattle or LA

i'm dead

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Yeah, but it's reddit...

>Went to interview despite virus concerns
>goes well
>"I'd like to have you back to meet our VP"
Fuck bros. Why does lady luck have to shine her light on me now of all times?

I either preserve my worthless NEET life or pursue a life actually worth living and risk infection.

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Any Finnanons want to let me live with them? I figure saunas and snow are the natural enemy of Coronavirus because it can't handle temperature extremes or something, and you all autistically stand really far away from each other at all times.