White Culture is colonialism

>White Culture is colonialism


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I would colonize her if you know what I mean

Yall call it white flight

All civilizations have colonized when they had the chance
White people aren't the first and we won't be the last

>things i don't like are evil

Is that Asahi Mizuno?

Then why did colonialism only occur 500 years ago retard?

Why didnt Rome colonize Apefrica?

Why didnt Francia colonize the East Coast?

Dumb fuck

formerly chucks

>what is Carthage

North African racial group, and I said Apefrica as in NIGGER AFRICA.

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I am married to an Asian qt and will soon impregnate her.

I think the anons who rage against WMAF are the ones who are not breeding, so that's why they are mad.

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Hashimoto Kanna

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i make my whitoid gf suck my cock off to prime asian 314 goddesses just so she would feel inferior

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Jews colonized it first

Guys control ur sexual urges. I'm on no fap for 2 months and I use my seuxal energy for aggressive workouts. the thought of actual sex is disgusting to me. Stop idolising women.

I support relocating to Japan, the west is finished anyway

Wait til round 2 fuckers
Anglo dicks in all your asses

What's with the pic? Japan is the only country that was never colonized iirc.

Hapas are superior

Weren't all those comics that Strawman is holding up drawn by Tenda Spencer an Asian Supremecist hapa?

Where would niggers be right now if colonialism never happened? Stop attaching a negative connotation to it. When white people prosper the entire world prospers with them

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This, niggers are just mad that our ancestors were better at conquering and exploring than theirs



If white guys cream pie asian pussy


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superior at being fugly

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r/asianmasculinity in the house

>if you hate asians you must be asian

Ok Changette. Your baby will never look white

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corona yourself, chink boy

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I'm hapa and I'm intolerant as fuck and getting more intolerant by the day.

Canadians confirmed chinks. when will the CCP do us a favor and restrict your internet access too?
Escalator yourself, gook

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And more actual whites are getting intolerant towards you, Chang. Fuck off literally the most notable hapa is Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi

Hapas were a mistake

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you're insane if you think I'm an asian woman. keep seething though.

He is cute as fuck.

stop posting you fucking pathetic asian beta male.

"Yall" go oogabooga yourself you swarthy nigger

I have laid down with a Korean girl, an Ecuadorian girl and a Moroccan girl, I didn't cum in any of them though, unprotected sex is disgusting.

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Better than parasitism

>You're asian if you post asians

OH ...sweetie. Oh Changette. The gig is up. We all know you're a gook craving to birth white children. Btw your child will never be white now GTFO

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Reminder that all Asians are little more than soulless bio-calculators and factory robots. Be careful what you wish for

>the thought of actual sex is disgusting to me. Stop idolising women.
You fucking traitor. While you say that and go to the gym in phaggy spandex to look at yourself in the mirror lifting 10 lbs dumbbels, mohammad is impregnating british women by the dozens. Neck yourself

>I only cum in black girls
I knew it!

Formerly Fuck

what level of delusion are you even on? I think you need to take your meds

>what level of delusion are you even on? I think you need to take your meds

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There's a shitload of European tourists in Africa who BLEACH dozens of black women then leave. So that's something to do for fun.

just take them, sweetie. The scary internet people can't hurt you

If that kid wasn't fat he'd be fine. They just did a shit job raising him.

>just take them, sweetie. The scary internet people can't hurt you

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No it's because he looks like an ugly asian, this is the fate of the progeny of racemixers

Shes so cute

there's nothing more pathetic than a self hating chink

If white culture is colonialization, wouldn't we be the majority of world population?

I prefer fuck and suck

>there's nothing more pathetic than a self hating chink

Aww don't feel too bad about yourself, Chang. If you stay in your shithole you might get a CCP gf if you act extra nice

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"Colonialism" is just Indo-European culture, it started with the wheel, and patrilineal kinship. It evolved into the various Indo-European ethnic groups and culminated with the domination of the English language and the spread of English culture, cucking others. The English of course are Celtic Germanic Italic hybrids.


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Yikes...why do hapa men either look like ugly, jewish downies or just like a regular asian? This is why race mixing sucks. Men are supposed to carry civilization and if all the men look beta and mentally impaired, they're not gonna create shit


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Ahh that explains why he was such a nigger cock gargling open borders faggot. Good thing he probably rots in shit now.

"The thought of actual sex is disgusting to me."

Doesn't that defeat the entire point of working out, aside from improved health? I get not idolizing/ worshipping women, and I agree you shouldn't, but this sounds incredibly gay to me.

>I'm hapa
>american flag
Leave you mutt nigger. This country is not for you. We will never accept you.

hope you like getting naturally selected

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Yes, and that's a good thing. Colonize every woman you see. Occupying her womb with 50% white genetics is better than her womb being occupied (inevitably anyway) with 100% nonwhite genetics.

Formerly uncolonized.