Coming to a city near you

Coming to a city near you.

Attached: coronavirusforweb_us_march3.jpg (2000x1333, 234.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Listening to my city's EMS dispatch and they were just called to a 1 year old having a seizure and coughing up blood. IT HAS EVOLVED (or the kid drank purple colored household cleaner).

Washington has 11 deaths and cali has 1

It's bound to mutate once it's reached every living human. Think new flu vaccines for new strains.

This shit is worse than people realize.

thats it? wow, now do deaths by pit bulls.

How many pibbles are there? Probably not 104.

San Antonian here. CDC willingly let an infected person hang out at the mall by my house a couple days ago, so it’s only a matter of time.

Jfc you’re stupid

OP image says 6

I hope I die from this shit saves me the trouble from doing it myself

He’s a faggot though

Philly just got Corona’d.

I know. I'm here, aren't I?

Will i be safe in upstate new york? will it only infect the cities?

Thank God

First case in Calgary Alberta



It recently made it to my city. This truly is the happening of our time.

Attached: youcan't.jpg (666x666, 281.98K)

2 in AZ none in UT

I picked up 11 chicken dojos from Jollibee. I’ll be fine if I shelter in place.

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Nobody caught coronavirus in Nebraska this map is fake news

Checked. None in ut either. Op is massively homosexual

How the fuck does sin city USA aka Las Vegas not have any cases of the Corona virus? (not wishing any bad luck, just curious)

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Is this a troll
Picture? Holy shit you fat fuck

Heiled. Whatever that is it looks gross

It's an average happeningfag mutt
Checked btw

What the fuck is going on in Nebraska. I've been through there I never expected them to have cases there. Unless it's changed a lot in 17 years.


It just got one

University of Nebraska Medical Center is holding people from the infected cruise ship and a couple of American citizens who came from Wuhan. All of those people are in quarantine, but they are in Nebraska.

my sleep deprived ass thought the map was making an anti-leaf flag
also rip in pieces burgers

Attached: welcome to 2020.png (396x500, 311.96K)

need to update with NJ, got a patient at my workplace with it

It does, fake op map

The medical university gets handed a lot of infectious disease cases. We got one of the first American Ebola patients in 2014.

Maryland now has dozens

Op was a massive faggot again, fuck this kid. Use the real shit.
You’re welcome faggots.

Yeah thats disingenuous to say the least.

Oh gotcha, that makes sense. I was worried there was a sudden influx of Chinks there. The state was comfy would like to visit again.

I hope the cities burn.

Digits determines which state will be last to be infected

>no white deaths
Keep us posted.

>1 case
>entire state gets colored
Not happening desu

When OP posts horribly outdated trash pleb map.

100+ cases reported today bros.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1663x1036, 106.1K)


It's just a different kind of FLU you SPERGS.....unhealthy people die from the FLU every year. Bring that map up assdart

You're not wrong, but at least he isn't flat out making shit up.

Corona-chan has come to Baltimore

This wasn’t even accurate when you posted it.

Old news nigger Illinois has 5

>no white deaths

No, blacks, Latinos or native Americans either, what's your point?

3 in Maryland and the governor has issued a state of emergency. Sheeeit.

It's funny to think that we aren't testing to the same capacity as other countries. So there are likely hundreds of unreported going to work every day and spreading the AIDS.

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add Tennessee

It's already everywhere. Virtually no one is being tested yet.

My cousin is on a trip in Washington state right now. How fucked is my town when he gets back?

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>3 cases in Baltimore
So much for the theory that niggers are immune

His faggot pic is outdated. There's a "presumptive" case in las vegas too.

why hasn't Philadelphia gotten one yet... this is absurd!!

good. humanity deserves to be fucking wiped out

Pneumonia doesn't seem like a nice way to die, especially if you wanted to exit bag.


Attached: Dimitri.jpg (900x618, 60.85K)

This isn't up to date. Add Tennessee. :o)

It's going to explode in las vegas since LA is already hit hard and tons of the chinks there go to las vegas frequently.

Montana or Wyoming. Lots of land and not very many people.


Nebraska. The dumbasses we're treating don't count.

So much for that.

Also California has reported its first death ',:^)

Are they testing for the virus in Philly? If you're not testing then there's no cases to report.

as long as your cousin stays 6 feet away from all chinks, should be fine

Pennsylvania still clear! Somehow.

pic very fucking related

Attached: chinks.png (800x524, 300.81K)

Yet Hawaii has no cases. Despite being popular with Asians. How?

What site is this?

If I was in California and had the gookflu I would probably lick a bunch of dollar bills and pass them out to the homeless. Lucky for them, I'm not sick and would never live there.


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I hope it fuckin lasts

Yeah, we've got a pretty good size elderly population here, since the state is friendly to retirees.

I live in Las Vegas and I'm actively avoiding areas with a lot of chinks i.e. every fucking casino on and off the Strip, and Chinatown.

In Denver now.

I'm surrounded

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5% fatality rate

I can help you all right now but I don't want to. There's probably a special little place in Hell reserved for me. I'm sorry.

you're kidding me? just saw it was in summit county... link please

The US Government is rush ordering Military tents. Need them immediately.

case in Nashville, should be over 200 cases
this map is outdated

I guess meth and sunshine is the for coronavirus.

Fuck. I was just in Calgary two weeks ago

Albany fag here. Had nasal congestion and a bit of a headache the past couple of days. It’s here, you’re fucked m8.