Human Female Evolution

The upcoming wars will change the structure we know of into what it truly meant to be like.

I have noticed that in the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
Of course you ask why they aren't in control already.
That is because in the primitive age women had to deal with with both hunting and cooking which gave rise to the male dominance.
Human females have been held down and not allowed to grow into their natural forms.

Now with technology and the males being more at ease the females are now evolving into what they originally should have been.

Notice that females are getting bigger and more violent as well while the males are shrinking and becoming more docile.
The ones afraid of this are now making stuff like artificial wombs and sex dolls because they have lost their dominance.
Most of Asia is currently seeing a female dominated growth.
The future is 9:1 female to male.

>but testosterone
Female also have it and they have more estrogen which is the reason mothers are protective and violent while mood swings are also caused by this.
Females are biologically more violent and aggressive than males if not held down from birth.

The males are mostly the ones that show off and try to get attention, entire species devoted to just showing off and look beautiful.
Sound familiar? this is the female and male role of humans but it should be reversed.
Another example of males reversing the order of nature.
The good thing it is being fixed now, look at all the girly boys today and how many more women become tomboys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

With no training she does this to a 'chad'

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This is the reason the military has been allowing women in too.
They know the alpha female nature is back.

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There will always be a barbaric group of men to fuck and kill everything back to normal, the question is are you doing everything you can to be among those men?

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Women are now becoming gigalo, not abused but begged for sex and dominant.

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First they came for the Communists,
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for OP,
Who couldn't speak out,
From all the cum he was gargling.

>I have noticed that in the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
No you didn't, you memeflag faggot. Males are bigger and stronger and more violent in basically every species bar a few weirdos like hyenas.

Those are all men in that pic

Attached: transtypology.jpg (1600x2382, 1.01M)

this is obviously fake

Sure but women will still outnumber men in the age to come.
More and more men will turn back into their beta forms which is already happening.

Pic related stronger than 80% of males.

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>I have noticed that in the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
And I've noticed you're a retard with no understanding of evolution. Of the animal species? Which? It varies, and it's certainly not true of humans.

This. Cannibal spiders are an exception.

I'm 6'8", 240lbs all muscle and I laugh at your incessant faggotry OP.

We need to take away their voting rights, keep them barefoot, make them stay-at-home wives, and have children with them. In that order.

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Nope, women of all races are showing these signs.

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faggot detected

Can you at least try to not sound like a faggot?

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Sexual dimorphism is the norm not the exception and humans are going back to it.

You will get your women but you need to go after them.

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OP has a femdom fetish that he likes to share with pol. He is a repeat offender.

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Death by snusnu

imagine the smell

Lucky guy.

your cringe kike mindgeek imagine the smell threads in addition to these have no effect at all
the fed is getting disappeared and we are returning to gold standard. strongman politics is here forever. notice how boxing has suddenly become much more popular.

What's he thinking /pol?

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It won’t matter, all it took was a handful of men in touch with their primal instincts to attack and replace the face of Europe during the Indio-European migrations, so much for a the matriarchy there. They probably weren’t even that much stronger than their counterparts in Europe but they used their intuition and all the technology they had at their disposal to irrevocably change human history for ever. There is nothing that can be done, the males in primates will always be stronger, both physically and in their innate instincts and it doesn’t even take a lot of them to do it. Just a few motivated individuals with that fire alive in them, plus the women in your pic are at their weakest, try another one next time if you’re trying to shitpost effectively

Roll for 2,3

>I have noticed that in the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
If you keep noticing things that are the opposite of reality, you might be a jew.

Look at that tall circus freak

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Citation needed-
Male lions,wolves,tigers,leopards,wild dogs are all bigger and stronger than their female counterparts.

>I'm 6'8"


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>The males are mostly the ones that show off and try to get attention, entire species devoted to just showing off and look beautiful.
try hard failures, and useful naïve idiots for selling products to

why bother with facts?
science proves female are naturally more submissive and weaker than males.. daily life proves it.. miserable feminists trying to be men..
OP is a faggot that is trying to realize his sub fantasies here..
pic is you op

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>keep them barefoot
Why? That will cause constant bladder infections

lol the only way women will become dominant is if our sexual dimorphism is completely reversed.

>I have noticed that in the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.

You know nothing of the animal kingdom. In almost all mammal species, the male is bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than his female counterparts.

Also, tits or GTFO.



We have a shit fetish here on Yas Forums


Haha man what a funny picture. Imagine being that guy when the turn on him haha and hold him down with their big strong girl muscles and lock him in a chastity belt and put the key up on the top shelf just out of reach and make him sit there locked in, watching but unable to join when they start having wild Amazonian lesbian sex haha. Wouldn't that be funny?

this is a future im okay with. I needme a 6-7ft mommy gf.

imagines those amazonians pissing all over you, HAWT


The truth is, the US is full of manlets.

It'll keep them out of the workplace, and force them to be more trad. As well as be more attractive to us.

Op is short faggot .
at 188cm i haven't met a single taller shiela then me so they can't be real commonplace

so they can't run away, duh

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at least 40 of the 45 replies ITT are all mindgeek kikes trying to fuck with your sexuality in some perverse way

keep coping you disgusting faggot kikes. THE FED IS BEING ABOLISHED RIGHT NOW. CORONAVIRUS IS THE COVER. DIE.

none of those women look good with what they are wearing.

women usually end up used as currency when shtf, even the most hardcore stupid feminists know they're in disadvantage with almost every men with rare exceptions, they don't have almost any predatory instincts like us, they just want to complain about everything and do nothing, that's the women nature.

modern women will be completely useless after the coming recession, they are used devaluating goods that no strong men will rescue and they're incapable to do anything useful for themselves.

they're a joke.

This femdom cunt again. Fuck off coomer.

>Most of Asia is currently seeing a female dominated growth.

I was in a sauna recently with a bunch of Chinese girls and noticed that they were all pretty tall



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he didn't roll with the punch, he tried to play hard and fought the punch. or he was faking to get sympathy.

Every single day I'm getting tortured into submission by this crazy black girl who likes me, and even after having found out I was a white nationalist. She and her friends took it upon themselves to deradicalize and bend me to her will. Despite putting up a long and hard fight, she was just too smart, strong, and persistent. She definitely took on the role of the aggressive chasing harasser that you would associate with a male. I always feel like I'm being chased or seductively hypnotized in my interactions with women.

>slide thread
>all fields

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>no way she fittin in my cockpit

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I've been with girls taller than me and shorter than me. They respond to the same things. They want a confident, dominant man.

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So it's a plane with two cockpits?

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Lol men muscles are much denser and easier to build, even if a man is a dwarf he will be stronger than a tall woman, you are writing ero-fantasy fag shit.

Its true tho

Im 5'4 and my wife is 5'10

Our daughters are 5'7 and 5'8 while my son is only 5'2

Maybe because women only breed with dudes who are over 6 ft tall now. Who knew their offspring would produce a new race of giants?

How did you meet your last girl?


Nice flag - spreading degeneracy eh?

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How awkward is it for you to kiss her?

After that youtube make-up tranny came out I assume any tall woman is a tranny until proven otherwise

Leave it to shlomo to project his cuck fetishism where manly giantesses select him and make him subservient.

LOL, jews are the epitome of onions cuckery.

My last relationship, we were in college, but since then, last girl I hooked up with I met her at a club

>I have noticed that in the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.

of insects genrally yes, of mammals generally no.

he is drunk at a party. no shit.
