/GBG/ - Greek Borders General - Roach Navy At It Again


Turkey sent 1000 police special forces to the border to prevent "refugees" from going back
Turkey is stopping any journalists or cameras 20km away from border, no filming or reporting allowed
leftists protest in solidarity with Refugees in Thessaloniki
Greek patriots unite to defend their borders
could this be why greece does not like "refugees"?
Greece reinforces border with additional 40km fence and barbed wire
Two men shooting 40mm Gas Grenades at Greek Border
Greece BAN Navigation from Lesvos to Samos to halt illegal immigration
Increased activity over south east Aegeansea, Greece, amid high tensions in the boundaries in Evros

check Pastebin for full list of updates, images and original videos with audio

Previous Thread

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Poseidon Hungers! I vote we house the migrants in the historical heritage city of Atlantis.

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Apparently Turkey is positioning its navy around certain strategic Greek areas like Crete and also flew two jets near Kos yesterday

This shit could become very bad very fast


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At this point i wish that they make the first move. After that it will rain fire. Our PM is willing to defend at all cost, but not make the 1st move. A tiny mistake from the turkfags will be perfect

They have been baiting since the start, fucking roaches man... Also, post pics and links I cant right now

Again they do this all the time, both Navy AND jets.

These are their airspace violations just for Febr. 2020:

The problem is that the us knows greece would let escalate it into a war oir indirect war and they need trukey to secure NATO access to the black sea.


E V R O P A with Greece.

The cradle of European though, the most excellent ideas to ever grace this Earth.

the navtex thing is a nothingburger. it happens all the time plus they would need to mobilize a huge force to do anything. crete has a nato base, a navy base port. they wont do shit there


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Well, the thing is that they have been baiting for a long time and tensions were high, they could try something to see what you guys do

The truth is our position in all matters is defensive and neutral, this has been for the past 40 years the case.

Ok Czechs are sending their flotilla to Mediterran sea in two weeks. Battle of Lepanto v2. Keep them in bay for these two weeks than we will strike together.

Is it time to release the Kraken?

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I said let and not start.

thats fucking gay, I hate this faggot politics of "we must avoid tensions at all costs"

as long as the west was not under some sort of crisis we rules this world

Turkey needs to get their shit stomped in already. Literally nobody likes them but for some reason we allow them to keep trolling everyonr around them

>NGOs still not being lynched
>bodies of migrants still not being dumped out at sea
Back to sleep I go.

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I'm laughing out loud.
This is some Monty Python shit.

The greek gvmt has put asylum applications on hold for 1 month.
The greek service that is responsible for the asylum applications are on strike
(during the days that the applications are put on hold)
in order to protest the law that puts the asylum applications on hold


ill just say this whole thing was an overhyped by media letdown. the other user posted boogaloo is over now all we have is corona.
>nothing ever happens

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> And just as Turkey Russia deal announced a while ago, the situation at the Greece Edirne borders has come to a swift resolution. Turkish security asked refugees to clear the area. They were told the gates won't be opening so 'either try smuggling routes' or 'go back home'

you do understand that they process already filed applications and just wont accept new ones right?

compared to /sg/ you guys are a bunch of kids discussing fantasies and what you “would do” but never will

Hahahaha smart move from the gubberment i guess

Yes! Which is even funnier because they protest for the applicants, while harming them!

(Well ok, in reality they are just defending their job contracts, they want to keep a public sector job forever)

okay, the definition of retarded has been updated


Something big is going on massive youtube dump in the past 48 hours and NONE of the manstream is covering a single part of it from any angle.

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Hi I'm a Turk. Yes. Your ex-masters. I know your legacy to the arena of humanity is being butthurt. We DID subjugate you for half a thousand years and we were good at it. Your women orgasmed, and your men served a better, superior race. But its time we rise again. So thanks to Erdogan, we fucked you sissies good. And it won't stop. 18,000 per day, for one year. By 2021, 20% of Greece will be jihadi muslim brownies. By 2022 we will slip you into civil war. By 2023, in the centennial of the great Turkish Republic, you will simmer ready to be annexed. We are doing you a favor. Now spread them legs. Just let it happen, and we'll treat you good. We'll only fuck your cuties and push your """men""" into servitude and janitors and menial laborers. Don't worry, you can keep fucking each other man to man like you always did, you pillow biting, cum guzzling, ball gobbling, semen slurping, dick licking, boy raping little shits. LMAO, I'm giddy already. As a country, your pathetic pederast rump state won its independence due to the British fleet. You never died for your liberty, so you don't deserbe it anyways. So just relax, and dilate. We are coming for you.

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>Your ex-masters

it never fails, the roaches lie to themselves and end up believing it

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>Makes WW2 reference
>Thinks that Syrians welcomed Greek refugees in WW2
>Doesn't realize that France and the UK occupied these countries in WW2 and they were the ones welcoming them, not Syrians
>Syrians would spit on Greeks


Remember, next year is the bicentennial of the Hellenic Republic.

And why do they not have a connection to teh acient greeks?

pic related
do you have a source for that or is it in the pastebin?

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Greek identity is a modern invention. "Greeks" are just Christian Turks.

I hope the Greeks push the Vermintide back into turkey.

What do you considers as "turks"? Say the areas please.

Nobody cares, stay mad t*rk.

I am going to bed and thanks to the based Greek I am going to sleep well. Europe lives another day. Good night, thanks for baking hue.

Oh yes there is such a thing you uneducated supremacist.
And they have their own identity.
Quite close to greek someone could argue.

Are you ashamed and mad at the whole world because you lack identity?

Things are heating up there for sure. The warrior"refugees" are being cramped now between two walls. Like in the move star wars when Luke was about to get crushed in the dumpster facility. I wonder how this one will end.

I was about to fuck him with the higlander, arab turks and mountain turks . You idiots ruined it. Fuck you, both of you


You won't be able to defend Europe against us, wh*Teboi. No one can. Europe will be TÜRKISH.

Like a true Barbarian, I shall strip naked and defeat the invaders without the protection of clothing



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someone should sell these

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how many weeks until this grows into an actual happening? also hoping it won't end the same way the iran crisis did EU

also all mainstream news report that the EU stands with greece, is it really true? could this be the beginning og the uncuckening?

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apparently the EU is giving greece 700 million euros

rapid border intervention by EU

The turkish identiy is built around those 3 groups of turks. If you do ethno-cultural research, backgroud checks, (migration check isn't needed because the ottomans are still in afgahnistan) and do a religion-culture-speech relations mapping you'd know it. Buuuut since I guess you are not capable of finding ancients texts, books, maps and arts (well this one is very closely related to the greek arts because the bynzatine empire), you can't understand what I'm meaning.

>Meme flag
>Revisionist history
>Fantasizes about faggotry
Yep, found the jew.

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If they don't stand with Greece, they will have betrayed what the EU was founded on besides economic puppetry.
How can you cooperate when one of your member states is litterally shooting at the "civilians" of their recent unofficial member state. Greece has done more for Europe than any Turkish anything has. Vlad was a hero!

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well, I doubt it will be very fast, maybe muslims will feel like now they have to go through and might try again sooner or later, if that happens you can expect nationalism to surge, the EU does not want that

if the EU deals with this shit properly it could result in EU getting more popular


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We need to kick tueky out of NATO. Everything will be easy after that. Any invasion after this , it will consider an invasion against a NATO country.

Problem is how do we do this

not really, people know they love refugees, the people in charge are exactly the ones who love refugees

maybe one way to speed things up would be if we accelerated things a bit, its not hard to create chaos in big cities, specially the ones that could lead to an overall drop in the quality of life

at the moment there is no way around it, hard times create strong men, and as long as people are maintaining their seemingly perfect urban lifestyle away from problems they wont wake up