/cvg/- Corona Virus General #1628

French lawmaker tests positive

US doctors plead to get tests

All masks are now confiscated in France

Nurses refused testing by CDC

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

► Detected: 97,910 ► Died: 3,356

24:25: 1 new case in Nevada
23:55: 3 new cases in Maryland.
23:20: 1 new case in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Patient recently returned from Italy.
23:15: 6 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States.
23:03: First case in Colorado.
22:00: 3 new cases in Slovenia.
20:48: 1 new case in New Jersey, United States.
20:47: 2 new cases in Harris County, Texas, United States. These are the first cases in Harris County. Both are travel-related.
20:46: 19 new cases in Japan.
20:45: 6 new cases in Ireland. The seventh case mentioned in the source was previously reported.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,430 (3,013) ► International 17,480 (340): S. Korea 6,088 (40) Italy 3,858 (148) Iran 3,513 (107) D. Princess 696 (6) France 377 (6) Japan 380 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 221 (12) UK 116 (1) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 543 Singapore 117 Sweden 94 Norway 88 Netherlands 82 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 37 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Ecuador 13 Czechia 12 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Portugal 9 Qatar 8 Ireland 13 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Brazil 8 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Egypt 3 Estonia 5 N. Zealand 3 Chile 4 Slovenia 9 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1

China +160 (+32) S. Korea +467 (+5) Italy +769 (+41) Iran +591 (+16) France +92 (+2) Spain +31 (+1) UK +29 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Iraq (+1) Germany +281 Japan +49 USA +30 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 Sweden +42 Norway +29 Netherlands +44 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +3 Iceland +8 Greece +22 India +1 S. Marino +5 Denmark +5 Israel +2 Lebanon +1 Oman +1 Ecuador +3 Czechia +4 Finland +5 Portugal +3 Ireland +7 Palestine +7 Azerbaijan +3 S. Arabia +3 Brazil +5 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Egypt +1 Estonia +3 Slovenia +7 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2 S. Africa +1 Chile +1 Total +2,747 (+99)

Imagine if we tracked all the various flu strains this obsessively lol

It's just a flu strain lol add it to the bunch

I'm with team /nothingburger/ on this one

1-9 and it’s a nothing burger


>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation.
>3. Can spread in its incubation.
>4. Can infect the cns and brainstem.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. Has some properties similar to AIDS in addition to SARS, because of HIV insert spikes.
>8. Is likely incurable once it breaks the blood brain barrier.
Takeaways - This virus can get as deadly as it wants and still spread, it has NO selective pressure.
I'm not fear mongering, this is what we know about the virus and is confirmed.

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Everything will be gone

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How will you enjoy life after all the boomers are dead?

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don't you prefer to see your death coming rather than being surprised

come get it you stanky bitch



my toddler has nasal congestion and a low fever
>t. north seattle
cheer me up lads

Your wife’s son will be fine

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Stop! Don't infect me there. This is my no no square.

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Hello guys, I’ve developed telegram bot to tracking ONLY NEW cases and death ,without any shit news and other stuff

t.me/coronavirus_timeline or @coronavirus_timeline

Pic strongly related

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>by next week every state will have an infection
>tfw panic sets in
No joke I’ve been memeing and shit but this looks like the big one.

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It’s literally just a flu. Chill out faggot

Australia "These final hours" when?

Everyone take a breath... you don’t need more toilet paper! That won’t help with the Coronavirus BUT HERES SOME INFORMATION THAT WILL!
82,000 People are sick with Coronavirus at the moment, of which 77,000 are in China.
This means that if you are not in or haven't recently visited China, this should eliminate 94% of your concern.
If you do contract Coronavirus, this still is not a cause for panic because:
81% of the Cases are MILD
14% of the Cases are MODERATE
Only 5% of the Cases are CRITICAL
Which means that even if you do get the virus, you are most likely to recover from it.
Some have said, “but this is worse than SARS!”. SARS had a fatality rate of 10% while COVID-19 has a fatality rate of 3.4%
Moreover, looking at the ages of those who are dying of this virus, the death rate for the people UNDER 50 years of age is only 0.2%
This means that if you are under 50 years of age and don't live in China - you are more likely to win the lottery (which has a 1 in 45,000,000 chance)
Let’s take one of the worst days so far, the 10th of February, when 108 people in CHINA died of Coronavirus.
On the same day:
26,283 people died of Cancer
24,641 people died of Heart Disease
4,300 people died of Diabetes
Suicide took 28 times more lives than the virus did.
Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day,
HUMANS kill 1,300 fellow humans every day,
Snakes kill 137 people every day,
Sharks kill 2 people a year.
Let’s tackle problems that matter! Like in Australia one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner.

Come to the fucking Olympics, gaijin.

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Puperinos confirmed plague carriers btw

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Reminder to pray for the intercession of your favorite saint.

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Conference is starting.


we're fucked Colorado bros

I haveliterally $0 to prep or defend myself, 2 packs of ramen in the cupboard, some eggs, no firearms

gonna fucking sell one of my guitars tomorrow to buy a $150 shotgun and some deenz
the rest I will have to steal from Walmart I've been scoping it out and I could just walk out with a cart full of shit ezpz

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1st confirmed case in my state(Tennessee) in a hospital near by, patient came in today to our clinic and his daughter works at that hospital. Do i have corona

Hey newfag retard. Get rid of your name and tripcode if you ever want respect around here. Stop being a vain cunt. Nobody cares you are "Califag" We're not going to say "Good morning Califag!" tomorrow. We're not going to muse and wonder what Califag is doing... Or miss you if you don't post. You really need to be lurking for at least two years and not posting at all until then.
Same goes for all the fucking tripcancer and namecancer that suddenly showed up when normies started to notice it's happening.

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Alright, so how are the governments of the West going to handle the disease without taking the measures China has?
Do they have a plan? Because it seems China has the only solution to this thing once it's breached containment, and that seems to be locking everyone and everything up beyond the usual authoritarian measures of the Chinese (including information, not just travel).
Are we going to see actual martial law? What's in store for us /pol?

Alas we'll have to kill every single one of them.


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Am I the only one hoping that their hubris leads to the olympics gpong ahead and we get to see an athelete convulse and die on LIVE tv?


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Welcome back shill

LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence at Washington Emergency Center


I wish I could kill you through the internet, I would blow your brains out.

it's a bad flu, and 80k people die every year from the seasonal flu, our economy does just fine

Inside info -
Williamson County, TN case - the 15 year old goes to pic related.

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>find out corona is in SD
>a few miles from my house
>10 minutes later, sneeze while doing dishes
>nose is getting runny
fuck dudes is it over? we prepped and everything... I'm worried about my family mainly, we have vulnerables

>forcefully quarantining people in their homes in a society where the average citizen has two assault rifles and 500 +P hollow points

once again don't give a shit, if you've not followed along, then that's your problem. Don't like it filter me out

Just relaxed and calm down. It's mainly a Boomer thing. The old folks in government will unite and unanimously pass 100% gov healthcare for those 65+ that anybody 64 and under has to pay for with a new 56% income tax.

thank you for using my OC OP. You've made my day

As long as you keep the loli manga safe, Abe

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Thats weird. It's showing a post in this thread from two months ago, because who would be prepping now?

This is illogical Facebook tier shite
Your numbers are a joke and contradicted by the current stats

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>the rest I will have to steal from Walmar
Are you nigger?


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Alberta case

Me at the 2020 olympics

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>I’m a shill for pointing out the obvious
Ok you fucking retard. Sorry your life is so shit that you pray for happenings. Get a job hit the gym and have sex

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Imagine if other flu strains got 20x more lethal

pence is so quiet im getting asmr

Hey guys, remember the "magnets will keep me alive" gook? Wonder how he's doing.

we are fucked, the western response is going to be the death of millions

Can't have cases if you don't test for them..

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Does anybody has a graph of the USA infected?

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It can't possibly go ahead.
Athletes competing at the highest level as their lungs slowly fill with blood, their corpses littering the race track and podium. It would be absolute carnage.

Also been here since 03 newfag.

We're going to cope so hard like we've never coped before, and even when civilization is in flames, we will cope the shit out of that like it's not happening. But it is happening.

I was sick all last week with fever, sore throat, and phlegm; got better, now down with a fever again, but nothing else. I’ve had no lung involvement at all so I’m truly puzzled.

It's literally not a flu, it's a coronavirus

Take your meds schizo


What is the r-0 on nCov?

wait did they just shut down the stream?

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Nope. We ride together we die together

I somehow doubt this bullshit will be good for my blood pressure

I want this too
It'll be the biggest "I fucking told you so" I can do at my friends and family

I got 45 quid on amazon. What get?

I honestly can't wait until your kind die first.

It's 30-80 times more deadly than the regular season flu.

You’re right. The actual flu is deadlier than this absolute nothing burger

Reminder that mild means pneumonia and moderate means you're in the ICU on a ventilator, if the hospital isn't already full.

>Teacher was coughing in the hallways told a history class that her sister's boss was in the hospital being tested for COVID-19
>2 hours later Lookner confirms a new case in Cook County
>tfw live in Chicago
>pic rel

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double numbers then I already have it and Ohio is fucked.

Trips then cure will be found within the month.
Single and I'm retarded.

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>nose is getting runny
That was me three days ago. Now I have a 99.7 temp, aches and fatigue. They just confirmed three cases in my state, Maryland.

cant stop coofing

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God damn it

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Stop showing conferences Lookner reeeeeeeeeee

National Guard Mobilization

Job opening, anyone want to apply?

Be speedy, only open through the 19th.

"Responsible for the overall management of timing, coordination, and safety of combined arms firing exercises which involves armed aircraft, maneuvering, mounted and dismounted types of indirect and direct fire. Ensures that all are conducted simultaneously, without incident or mishap."


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I'll celebrate by buying a house. If I survive their shit globalism virus.

Has anything been said for the cases currently being treated in the US?


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Who here's ready for CNN's town on hall on corona

Um you're in the wrong thread
The NPC's go here

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Too bad hardly anyone is going to die.
Inb4 two weeks.

>USA almost +50 since this morning
What's happening?

>if you've not followed along, then that's your problem.
You're the one who isn't following along, faggot. What you think you're some little lieutenant here? Making little effortposts to spoonfeed the normies shit we knew weeks ago? You're not doing anyone a favor you stupid child. Lurk more. It's never enough. Until you realize that you are not one of us, you are an annoying and unwelcome guest.

Guys I'm in Houston and basically fucked now, please press F for me.

coincidentally, I am a Russian immigrant to the US, so basically yes

I forgot the last time China shut down their entire economy and locked down hundreds of millions of people due to the flu.

>nasal congestion
Definitely isn't Corona-chan

>Get rid of your name and tripcode if you ever want respect around here
This is the dumbest shit I have read here today.

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bot go to sleep nmow,u are tired

We do, there's a whole industry that sells vaccines. Don't be dumb.

I know mother told you that you where special, but you fucking aren't here so shut up.

That's odd huh

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nice FEARMONGERING. Now delete this post.

there was no more disinfectant spray at the store earlier but a cleaning closet was open and i took a lysol feelsgoodman

The frequent travellers disregarded their self-quarantines.


Free China! Don't forget civilians a victims of the evil CCP, please!

I don't get this olympics bullshit - every country that holds it loses heap of money and the stadiums usually fall apart 10 years later.
You'd think countries would have to draw lots and the loser is forced to hold them.
I don't get the point.
Is this a sign of autism?

100 tins of baked beans

can anyone post the picture of how each country responds to the corona

By being able to afford my own land? Im only 28, i have more than enough energy to start a small farm and have 6 or 7 kids for my wife to raise till they can work

this will be the boomer wealth transfer

san diego, not south dakota to be clear. inb4 "die california", we don't like it here either

> outbreak has reached the upper echelons of power, and ordinary citizens fear that the information filtering down can’t be trusted
>experts fear the real numbers in Iran are much higher, and that the government’s instinct to control information and prevent fear undermined hopes of containing it
>Quarantines were mocked, elections went ahead and medical workers were reportedly reprimanded for wearing masks — all in the name of preserving public calm
>those infected now includes 23 members of parliament, a vice president and the deputy health minister
>One doctor based in the U.S. said colleagues in Iran had been forced to misreport causes of death for people
>No one knows how widely the coronachan has spread in Iran, but based on data from hospitals in Tehran leaked to the Washington Post, epidemiologist Ashleigh Tuite estimated that there were now 28,000 cases
>“The more the officials are scared of scaring people, the more the virus will spread and the country will be further paralyzed,”

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Boomers will probably construct a giant pyramid and kill everyone else beforehand in an attempt to live the boomer life in the afterlife

>BREAKING: Germany reports 204 new cases of coronavirus, 444 cases in total.

goodnight, sweet prince

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That's fine. I already know you and those like you are going to die. I might too but I get to watch the dread set in on you faggots first and it will be beautiful. Screencap this and come back here when your family is dead and you're dying.

stop cooming on her face idiot

You should travel to northern Italy.. beautiful this time of year.

I live in Wisconsin, when should I stop going to work so I can stay healthy? I work as a cashier

Mild means dead and moderate means double-dead reinfected incurable HIV cytokine storm that spreads via 5G and mutated 8 times before you read the end of this post!!!!1

Is it happening?

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Liar. Lol you can't even say it correctly. You were probably born in 03, stfu newfag

>being this new

Who is from the Central Valley of California here?

Coronavirus is going to hit the Central Valley hard. It has already killed one in Fairfield and caused a lockdown on San Joaquin Delta college, the college I used to go to.

Chinks regularly travel through the Central Valley on Amtrak and Greyhound. Bakersfield and Sacramento are major hubs of Amtrak and Greyhound to get to Vegas, the Bay Area, and Los Angeles. There are a lot of Chinks, Vietnamese, and Mexican illegals in Stockton.

I work at the movie theater. And Coronavirus scare has hit the movies industry HARD. James Bond has been moved to November, and I'm not going to get too many hours because of this.

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> thinking I give a shit what random fags think
top kek

Could I get a source on that please

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cool, guess I'll die. good luck to you though

Can you please fuck off with your anecdotes unless you wanna give some geographic proximity details....

Fucking George Green deserves it

how old are you?

>I come here just to say its a flu every day

>204 new cases

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realtime confirmed

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>chinese brutally kill and cook alive dogs for basically no fucking reason
>but every dog has to have his day
>mfw dogs will have their revenge

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user Iran is the future of the US, minus the licking, we are so fucked

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3.4% >> 0.1%

Don't be dumb



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Look how sad fearporn NEETs like you get.

M8 I'm gonna need you to try again, you're 15,000 cases short

So is this thing confirmed to come in continuous waves? I have a lot of food stocked up and can work from home but how the fuck do I avoid it if we're still dealing with this years from now?

THREAD THEME: youtu.be/dJg3iBxfWaM

The stars are aligned, and the planets colliding
The plan is arriving, and she's out there smiling
The fear is upon us, user tried to warn us
Our parents are goners, no children to mourn us

She's driving me crazy, this corona lady
We've lost all our babies, and God is amazing
The tick of the timer, the slip of the rhymer
The pimp and the riser
Your cross, there you'll find her
Hey, hey

Death is on the tip of her tongue and
Danger's at the tip of her fingers
Streets are on fire tonight :)

The virus is spreading in all directions.
No safe zone, no cure and no protection.
No symptoms define the signs of an infection.
No vaccines, remedies, and no corrections.

Quarantine the dreams and seal off the connections.
Don't let 'em in! Not a friend! Not a reflection!
Everybody's got it and want you to have it next! and
Don't accept them if you want to stay as an exception!

No pill
can heal
the ill
of this

Some are still in doubt of its existence.
Some call it forgiveness and some call it the Vengeance.
Some say it's an exit and some say it's an entrance.

The poor say the rich have the cure.
The rich say the poor are the source.
Revolutionaries say it's psychological war
>invented by the kike
JUST to have somethin' to report.

Some say the first case came from a maternity ward.
Some say a morgue.
Some say the sky.
Some say the floor.
Whores say the nuns.
Nuns say the whores, and EVERYBODY is sure.

The scientists say it only affects the mind.
A little boy said it only affects the girls.
A preacher man said it's going to kill off the soul.
>user said it's gonna kill the whole god damn world!

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The score right now is like /ptg/ 5, Happeningfags 0

Russians are Europeans.
You are Gods, not subhumans.

Yeah I'm in bakersfield, not too much going on just yet.. but people have been panicking here, don't think we've had any confirmed infections though

r0 is up to 7, not even 95% efficiency quarantine can prevent it, cases already exploding everywhere

US only has 800,000 hospital beds, the transmissivity of this disease is as sich that there will be millions dead just from the effect of scale

do you understand that even a 2% mortality is a category 5 disease? do understand what will happen to people once the hospital system is overwhelmed? deaths will skyrocket not just from comorbidities, but from the lack of ability to deal with normal trauma and health problems

I would kill you through my screen nigger.

Central TX

>> thinking I give a shit what random fags think
>top kek
Here we demonstrate just why namefags are such cancer. They think they're special. You're not.

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germany at 559 over 2 hours now


They're shilling hard today, it's astounding. It's the same level of shilling when Wuhan was kicking off.

NPC's go here dude, you're in the wrong thread

thread theme

Early 30s

I plan on moving out of the central Valley. But not because of the Wuhan virus

I'd unironically switch sides and protect the pupperinos

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>hit the movies industry HARD
Finally, a silver lining

>Al Arabiya English
The northwestern province of Gansu in #China confirms 11 new #coronavirus patients, all of whom entered China on commercial flights from #Iran, according to state media.
Part 2 for china

>i need you to attend you neetbux appointment
we're gonna make it lads!

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So say the neon signs by the loudspeakers repeating that everything is fine;
A subtle solace to demolish the troubled conscience
Of a caucus with no knowledge and every freedom denied
Every dream is designed and broadcasted
From the masters to the masses
From the antennas on the top of the shrines
Responding and receiving the planning during the panic and surely, it reports back everything in your mind!

Everything is lying
Everything is dying
Everything is a rule
Everything is a crime

Everything revealed
Everything rewinded
>Burn the bat feathers off everything flying!

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> Complains about someone feeling special
> fails to realize they're being a special little triggered snowflake
stay mad faggot

I used to live in Visalia; illegals are going to spread it like crazy. They're already behind the ecoli outbreaks, why wouldn't they spread this?

>This tripfag calidicks or whatever has been here for ages and now the Anons have had enough of the faggot suddenly in unison

O I am laffin

Nothing is going to happen you smoothbrained cocksucker. You will have moved on to the next dumbass HAPPENING in a few months. Or you could just take the antipsychotics like you’re supposed to.


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I hope they're gtting paid at least


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Can't you get a better job?

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2000 more to 100k will /ourgirl/ make it before the end of tomorrow?


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After having spent 18 hours a day for the past ten days following the news and reading up about viruses, vectors, and the like, here's where I'm at with the coronavirus. I ask for your indulgence.

Seems to me that we have two possibilities:

>The virus is a real pandemic
>The virus is a PSYOP

Here's the problem: both of those are shitty possibilities. If I were to choose one, I'd actually take the former, because the possibility of a real pandemic is far less spooky to me than the possibility that it is really a coordinated disinformation campaign.

That is why I believe it is, in fact:


So if this were a PROGRAMMABLE 5G BIOWEAPON that could target certain demographics, who would it target and why?

>It would target the Chinese export markets, with whom the US is currently at war
>It would target the Iranian government, which it has effectively decapitated
>It would target the aged and infirmed of Europe and the US, as their numbers are socially unsustainable

I think it is neither impossible nor improbable that it has also targeted America's third "enemy," North Korea, and that the NK regieme is currently undergoing a crisis not unlike that in Iran.

Moving forward with this hypothesis, I believe we will see the following:

>Increasing control-creep by authorities, with more and more citizens being held against their will
>Increased surveilance
>More retirement-age people will be separated from their public holdings as billionaires continue to accrue assets
>Few to zero "important" elderly figures will die from the disease
>American manufacturing will shift away from China to India (where Trump was at, curiously, just as this whole thing kicked off)

Eh, we added 2,750 cases outside batgobblerland today.
What's up with your graph?

You're coping so hard with the absolute terror you know will be a daily part of your life soon enough.

wtf wtf where are they getting those masks those assholes


Wait until the results for the 14 pending cases come back. depending on where and how many should help you determine that.

Testing is going from
>fucking nothing
>Slightly more than fucking nothing
Its gonna look like China's 14k jump if the CDC ever gets its act together and starts testing everyone who looks like they need it.

yeah it's gonna get bad I imagine

WI here too... near Oshkosh. I recommend first confirmed community spread.

Major bank office in Boston sends workers home on quarantine leave because an employee had contact with a known Covid 19 patient. This is breaking news that may never see headlines. Your welcome for the leaked info boys.

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I stayed quiet for many threads. Nobody enforces the rules around here anymore so somebody needs to let you know you're out of line. Namecancer and tripcancer is NOT welcome on Yas Forums.

Illegals are going to spread the shit everywhere.

Their tactics are stale and they actually get fucking SEETHING now it's beautiful

Imagine literally every single human dying, then God says "Just a prank bro" and everyone gets resurrected like Jesus and it was all a big NOTHING BURGER

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Hello, you must be new here.


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Anyone has the chart that shows the chances of infection based on race?

I know right?

Wtf is going on here?

numbers are matter of test,ongoing realtime infections are way thousands more everyday...u can't test the world in a week nor a month..

no, it is just a real pandemic caused by chink nihilistic incompetence

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Wow it’s almost like an outbreak on the other side of the fucking planet doesn’t really affect you, and you’re still more likely to get normal illnesses.

>stupid frogposter calling the kettle black
More news at 11.

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Stopped reading because it's not a goddamn nanomachine.
What is Occam's razor?

Shut the fuck up already cunt nobody gives a shit about you either. Talking about people being special little snowflakes whilst trying to make a name for themselves on an anonymous board. You're the type of cunt it should be legal to shoot out of general principle.

The party is dealing with Corona-chan better then any other country.
The US is going to let things spread out of control

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Denial is the first stage.
You're laughing now, because you are frightened. Denial is the first step. We all went through it. We all laughed and said "Wow, it sure is fucking stupid of these people to be afraid".
You'll be here with the rest of us 200 threads from now, but you won't be laughing then.

Good morning califag!

there is a second argentine case
fucking italy, wtf, stop ruining things

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