Who Would Be Your Dream President and VP?

For me:
Josh Hawley
>Vice President
Stephen Miller

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President Trey Gowdy
VP Ben Shapiro

President Hitler and Vice President Adolf Hitler

Ron and Rand

Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt

president eisenhower
vp andrew jackson

Presidents are jew puppets, we need a king who can declare every single kike in the federal reserve needs to be beheaded.

Pat Buchannan potus
Ross Perot vp
1992 version for both

President Ron Paul
Vice President John McAfee

King Jesus

P: Emilia Clarke
VP: Nathalie Emmanuel

Washington and Teddy Roosevelt with full knowledge of how society is now.

Ron paul
Rand paul

Hillary Clinton

Joe Biden


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Including you faggot

Kane and the Undertaker

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President: Ivanka Trump
VP: Candice Owens

kinda based ngl

No one yet known. True servants of the public, and not puppets. People with a strong customer service record.

William Luther Pierce, George Lincoln Rockwell

Hitler and Sarah Palin

President: Tucker Carlson
VP: 5000 killbots cloned from Ann Coulter's toenails

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>dream president
George Lincoln Rockwell
Uncle Ted

>Women in charge
Fuck outta here, plebbit

Gross. Get the fuck out. I hope you were only joking, faggot

>not being the deep state behind everything while constantly having threesomes with them

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President Andrew Yang
VP Tulsi Gabbard or Cory Booker

President Kanye West

Vice President Kid Rock

Ron Paul. Tucker Carlson.

Rand Paul, VP Elon Musk

President Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Vice President John Cena

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President: Biden
VP: Barack O'bama

Clone of Adolf Hitler as Prez
Alex Jones VP

Me as President and Tucker as my VP.

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President: AOC
VP: Dick Cheney

Mike Cernovich
Lauren Simonsen.

P: Bernie Sanders


please blow your brains out redditor faggot


President Andrew Yang and vice president Donald Trump

President Mel Gibson
VP Michael E Jones

President: martin luther king
Vice president: obama

President: Ted Nugent
Vice President: Trailer Trash Tammy

For me:
Adolph Hilter
>Vice President
Joseph Goebbels

Michael Malice
the trolling would be bigly

President: Paul Allen
VP: Elon Musk

I will be president and Yas Forums will be my vp

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P: Guy Fieri
VP: Ric Flair

2008 Ron Paul
1988 Ron Paul

The Rock

Co-presidents Ron Paul and Craig Ferguson

Me as President
Candace Owens as Vice President

Baked Alinsky
Whichever turdwhore is his flavor of the week

mutt's law in 3...2...


Lyndon Larouche and Hulk Hogan

Can we expand into the cabinet too? How about people from all over history?

Miles Mathis
Brendon O'Connell

This is a retarded exercise. Shows how old the board is. Truth is, we should have a king, not a president, asshole.