Anybody but Trump 2020
Anybody but Trump 2020
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I already pay sales tax online.
seems pro small business to me
>Trump; a thing.
could someone please open the borders and abolish private healthcare already!?!?!?!?!
I am always paying online taxes when I buy and sell
If Trump got rid of income tax i wouldn't mind this
Yeah and now you'll pay more
Sales tax is state regulated, so Trump can't really do anything.
They're already open, retard. They have been since 1965. Cope.
Does that mean two sales tax? I don't understand
Retarded zoomer doesn't even pay attention to irl shit, internet sales tax is a new thing. And thanks to Trump's supreme Court no one in any state is safe now
trump sucks ass
an additional online VAT would make sense to help retailers
but then again every retailer should sell online
so meh
let the free market take care of it
i suppose
whoever wrote that headline is obviously retarded implying there is no sales tax
It turns out there is a tax on all this winning
I don't even remember the last thing I bought online. I don't care.
The government has their hand up every citizen's ass and they fiddle with us like sock puppets, that's the way everybody likes it, it makes them feel safe.
How do sales taxes work for internet companies? Do they charge the local VAT to the consumer or they apply their headquarters VAT?
Why should retailers need any help?
If anything it needs to be inverted and applied to walmart
No subsudues
>another shill thread with clickbait headline and no information
kys, OP. Trump landslide 2020
I believe they base it on your state you live if I remember right. Most retailers collect the tax now anyway but you were always legally supposed to be doing it even before then. So this isn't anything new.
Calm down trapo tranny
Imagine buying online when you can just walk to a store
You dead in an unmarked grave 2020
>going to a store
lmao no
calm down MIGApede
yeah well, fuck amazon, they need it. Why should they get away with avoiding the same taxes that smaller businesses with physical stores have to pay?
Seems completely fair
OP is a Shareblue tranny
More online taxes are a good thing. Thank you Mr. President.
But the US have several different sales taxes for city/county/state, does that mean that businesses have to send a tax record to every single one of these entities?
It sounds very complicated.
I thought Amazon was bad for dodging taxes.
fuck Trump, we need a realist in the white Hhouse!
I thought they passed that long ago? I've been paying sales tax on eBay for a while now.
>still seething about his irreversible dick mutilation
There is literally already online sales tax, retard. Has been since Obama
>what is a federal tax
>Billionaire tax cuts
>New online sales tax for regular Americans
This is your brain on Trump
We already have online sales tax, I just bought from Amazon. Is this the new lie to blame on orange man?
same only thing that annoys me about the newish laws texas passed
>it's fair when the gov fucks you to give the lesser a chance
this is your mind on cuckoldry
> Leveling the playing field for small businesses that have to charge sales tax
In 2020 liberals support multibillion dollar businesses. This fucking timeline lol
>these are our two options because a bunch of dumb niggers voted for a man with dementia
ok Rabbi
I'm still voting for him tho.
because everybody and his dog prefers ordering online
I don’t get it, sales tax online isn’t new?
WTF are you talking about? The taxes online retailers collect just go to government (and not federal, the state that the purchaser resides in).
Has nothing to do with Amazon paying taxes - it would just make Amazon have to collect, keep track, and pay taxes they collect on behalf of each of the states that their customers reside in.
Thread is horseshit and you're a retard.
Wayfair decision is meant to fuck over small businesses and regular people doing e commerce, it doesn't effect Amazon at all and Trump cut corporate taxes
Deliver a counter point or go fuck yourself.
>Mr Bezos I defended your empire online ppp..please can I have some money
We’re talking about the current system, you kangaroo molester.
THe US will never be a socialist country
Picking and choosing industries is socialism
Quit ordering from suppliers with store locations in your own state
We need a shitposting tax
I did. Are you THAT cucked or can't read or what
This. Ending monopoly arbitrage is never a bad thing.
>paying sales tax of any kind
why do you live in shithole states with sales tax?
More taxes! More government involvement! Fuck libertarians!
>lives an actual shit hole with state income tax
What the fuck is your argument? The out of state retailers don't have to pay tax to the state. under this proposal, they would.
Meaning that commiefornia can steal a shit load of business from local retailers and the states don't benefit.
Why are you such a cuck?
literally we are not, retard, read the OP.
>You are a cunt
That is not a counter argument.
Cause it just changed last year, all states will have it soon
all these states are fucking shit holes
>That is not a counter argument.
God damn newfags can't into subtlety anymore. The point was gov intervention is the opposite of fair
Jesus Christ you’re braindead.
>MAXIMUM shit hole seething
lol sorry you're so fucking stupid
There is no VAT on goods exported outside the EU. Domestically here, some or all States require any local sales tax to be collected on goods delivered in their Jurisdiction. Some States do not have a sales tax although most do.
I was just driving around Florida for a while, it's really nice.
No argument for your shitty states?
too many niggers and asians
I support this.
Yeah they do and there are back-end service providers that handle that for them if they do not do it inhouse.
It's funny how they don't even realize it
There literally is no argument for an objective truth. You're asking me to argue that the sky is blue or water is wet. If you wanna bury your head in the sand and tell yourself your shit hole isn't a shit hole to cope, then go ahead. But you're going to get rightfully laughed at for being proud of a shit hole.
Montana is the greatest state.
You're a retarded faggot, that cant defend their shit hole
Sure he/(((they))) can. They will claim it has to do with interstate commerce and do whatever the hell they want.
That being said I am in favor of this. Too many mom-and-pop local stores were put out of business because online retailers have skipped out on paying taxes.
Lmaooo oh fuck.
>Too many mom-and-pop local stores were put out of business because online retailers have skipped out on paying taxes.
Good fuck them for not selling online with free 48 hr shipping
>merchants rise up!
No Douchin' the Mnuchin
>new hampshire master race
live free or die you trolling twit
Ofc Trump is an absolute imbecile who doesn't know online sales is the same sales tax. This is why low IQ retards elected him.
Mom and pop stores went online and are now the ones being fucked by these taxes, after already being fucked by big corporations that are getting their taxes cut, even average Joe selling some of his used shit out of his basement the government now taxes
Most of the fauna is delightful, why get hung up on a couple outliers?
>Bernie wants to tax the rich
>Trump wants to tax you
Trump 2020.
>new hampshire master race
>live free with a state income tax
LMAOOOO stop, my sides, can't take it
Fuck you guys I
already deal with this and an "entertainment tax"
The left is cancer.
G-d bless Trump
The globalist HATE an online sales tax.