What is your opinion on sex before marriage?

What is your opinion on sex before marriage?

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Sex before death would work for me

40 lashes for those found guilty of fornication

Get married sooner

gay, shit posting slide it boys


I wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it


How would you react if your gf said no I'm a born again virgin. It's a thing

sex is for normies, just be a grand wizard lol

>bumps the thread
not so based after all, get back to r*ddit

If I could go back in time I would save myself for marriage.

Its wrong acording to my Hussite church.
We were ones who started beating and killing degenerates on masses. There was some adamites cult. Wearing no clothes and having sex with everyone. We killed them and burned them all.

marriage? you mean that jewish ritual in which you pledge to give a random whore you met and liked 50% of everything you have ever earned in your life the moment she fucks some other dude because you made her feel a bit sad?
yeah, go for it, tell me how it went after.

When Western society falls, and if I live to see the creation of a new order, I would advocate that women remain the property of their fathers, and thereafter property of their husband following marriage. They would be married off as soon as they were capable of bearing children. They would be virgins.
Right now, however, we have the 20% rule. 100% of women are after only the top 20% of men. With female sexual liberation, it's pretty great great if you're in that 20%. Free sex with no obligations. Enjoy it while you can, because these roasties aren't getting married and aren't having kids. Men don't see a point in participating in society. We are on the Titanic. Instead of polishing the brass, these useless vapid whore women can polish my dick.

marriage is 100% gynocentric

This or they get married.

Killing Adamites is based but killing Hussite heretics is based too.

you know the rules. timestamp and tits now!

Telogeny and microchimerism can't be erased or fixed with surgery. These women are carrying dna from every dude they took a creampie from. And so would your kids if you got her pregnant. The ultimate genetic cucking.

society collapse when? i want my qt virgin gf now

I've thought about it and no they should get flogged either way, you don't want fornicators to get married just because they're scared of getting whipped, it's a recipe for disaster.


Fair enough.

for men yes, woman should be virgin

I'm too old to ever meet a pure woman. My view is this: if you turn out to be unlucky in love and find yourself alone, just stay that way. The good ones are taken.

Absolutely agreed.

In the short term it allows the whores perceived happiness but eventually results in the collapse of family values and a society's moral standards. Also ends in depressed women.

Needs to be outlawed for the wellbeing of society.


Who or what would men fuck?

You see this is why we left you and plundered your country all the way to the Baltic sea. Papacy is cucked. The only thing which stopped hussites were other hussites tired of killing so many crusaders.

Who the fuck posts this shit. OP kys

Bad for civilization, good for me.

>heretic trying to justify his pathetic heresy that went nowhere except for prepping his country for atheism

>What is your opinion on sex before marriage?

people do it. not recommended for a few obvious reasons.

AND... it's especially bad for WOMEN. I don't know about SOME guys, but I think *MOST* guys do *NOT* want some Chad-Fucking CUM DUMPSTER as a *WIFE*.

So "slutty pre-marital sex" is a potential MARRIAGE KILLER, especially if you *LIE* about it!!!

(it's not the total number of TIMES, it's the TOTAL NUMBER OF DICKS that becomes so damned *REPULSIVE*)

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That's kinky uwu

yes pls

it is, so if the flogged fornicators enjoy it too much for it to dissuade them from becoming repeat offenders they shall be gulaged

Try it before you buy it!

based af

I'm a male that spent 32 years fuckin and truckin. it was garbage. met my 25 year old virgin wife 2 years ago. I should've waited. fornication is worthless. God's original plan for sex within the confines of marriage is still the best plan.

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Acceptable if in a long term, committed relationship. Though still less preferable than waiting until marriage.

Hi Muhammad! I probably fucked so many people on this forum's moms before they were born, I can tell you first hand that that shit is so cash. What a bunch of sluts.

Doesn't work that way- maybe from abortions tho.

Find a woman who was never pregnant & uses condoms

OK as long as you plan on getting married to that person.

Does fucking a furry sexbot count as fornication?

haha potd..

based polack

>1 post by this ID
>cute girl pic
>dumb faggot question
>well Yas Forums???????

I wouldn't have a gf after that

Anabaptists today are all staunch pacifists. That's because they took the beat down so hard during the Guerre de Trente Ans. Starving people till they go mad and eat their own small children is no trivial gesture.

I'm in my 30's and I find looks to be so cringy. A persons good looks literally just sit there, not producing much function, but she will be chosen because of that. Make her eyes too far apart, and OOPS! Into the garbage.

The human race is a joke.

Tell her i don’t date virgins and then break up with her

No you just get straight gulaged to remove you and your defective genes from society, no flogging required.

Hello, based department?

Even those 20% are getting metooed.

>opinion on sex

>I would advocate that women remain the property of their fathers, and thereafter property of their husband following marriage. They would be married off as soon as they were capable of bearing children. They would be virgins.
Unfortunately European society has abandoned this tradition a long time ago.
I fell asleep faggot. It's almost 2:30am here.

Doesnt matter if man, burn alive if woman.

Fornication is a large sin to defile a girl is a discrace

>What is your opinion on sex before marriage?
Muh dique mon ami

Faggot anti women and anti Christ shill


>Premarital sex

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