Nazi ideology was put to the test and it lost. Hard. It is nothing more then cosplay and LARP at this point

Nazi ideology was put to the test and it lost. Hard. It is nothing more then cosplay and LARP at this point.

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it didn't lose.

It's alive and rising, if it wasn't you wouldn't make these threads every day.

It worked, and it took the combined effort of 50 countries to stop it. Educate yourself.

nice impact font boomer

yeah lost against basically half of the world's population at the time...

It lost war. Democracy lost war in Vietnam. Does it mean we should make democracy illegal?

cara al sol con la camisa nueva...

Pure Democracy is foolish. It is two wolves and a sheep arguing over what is for dinner. What the United States has is a Republic, and its elected representatives have stopped representing the people's interests.

Nothing worth achieving comes easy. We fall down and get back up over and over until we get it right. Fascism is alive and well, we are just waiting for the right moment. If you want to shine like the sun, first you have to burn like it.

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>Hitler was evil

Only feminine, child-minded faggots believe in the concept of "good and evil."

"Morality" does not exist in nature. Strength and adaptability is all that matters.

That being said, Hitler was a great man who sacrificed his life for the good of the German volk. And anyone who believes otherwise is either historically-retarded or genuinely mentally-handicapped.

The ideology didn't lose. The army DID

Nazi ideology has been proven wrong time and time again.

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Wasn't a fight against ideology, but against the banking that wanted their shekels from a isolated country.

Maybe to you kike.

Evil is real, you sodomite.

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It was the best thing that happened to the world, and I gladly wait for the day it returns. Just because something fails the first time doesn't meant to just scrap it entirely. Perfection comes through constant practice.

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>t. Jewtard

>that wasn't real nazism!
Why does that sound so familiar?

It's not dead. It's just resting.

op is a faggot

A man fights the eternal jew and loses, and you defame him. I hope you and yours die by nigger.

Nazism is gay. End of story.

Same as communism.

IT DIDN'T FAIL. It never even played out. A nation smaller than Texas was attacked by the whole world, you disgusting jew.

All these damn socialist nazis are retarded

War does not determine who is right, just who is left.
If the Axis were Democratic and the Allies were fascist, the end result would have been the same- an Allied victory. Because it is Logistics, Geography, and Personnel Management skills that win wars, NOT ideology.

English is not your first language? You have to go back.

> It lost. Hard
How? Being ganged up on by the entire world isn't losing. You could put anything to such a test against an entire, hostile world and it would "fail."

That includes democracy, liberalism and semite acceptance, by the way. Not sure why I added that, I'm sure it's completely unrelated :)

That's not "metaphysical evil" you stupid, cocksucking, christfag. That's a rebellion against Nature and the Natural Order.

Real statism has never been tried before.

Stop appropriating German history.

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>Nazi ideology was put to the test and it lost.
actually it won. bigly. and we just cant have that can we. so the jews had the entire world gang up on this tiny nation and put them in their place. and 70 years later the press demonizes AH on a regular basis while completely ignoring stalin and mao. really makes you think

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What is nature and order, you disgusting atheist tranny?

Second Temple was utterly destroyed and your people were scattered to the four winds to mongrelize. You have no priests and can no longer sacrifice. You lost.

I wonder what is actually going on right now since the kikes are spamming this board with anti 3rd Reich garbage left and right. Anything going on we shouldn't be paying attention to?

>hitler was good
>but evil and good didnt exist
wew the mental gymnastic. hitler was the good

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was evil? yes
Had right? yes

Yet it was the only time the Socialism actually worked. So you had to destroy it…

>Anything going on we shouldn't be paying attention to?
I would pay very close attention to their schemes. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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The only part today’s jews play in the Bible is enemies. They aren’t ancient Israel, they lie about that and always have. I know....shocking

We’re killing their narrative. They’re a small, hated group. Christendom will win.

We need a "who did it better" side-by-side meme between Nazi Germany and present-day Israel.

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I always figured they were demonic entities walking the earth during an especially shit time in history.

Nature is the natural world, untouched by the hand of man. Natural Law is the immutable set of laws that govern this domain.

>Evil is real, you sodomite.

The only person I've ever sodomized is your mother. If that makes me a "sodomite" then so be it.

Don't put words in my mouth you fucking worthless leaf. I said he was a "great man." Do you know what the word "great" means? It means he was a man of action and accomplishment.

Nature God and God is nature and natural law. If I throw the parts of a car engine into the air, what are the chances it starts?

>plebbit spacing

>Yet it was the only time the Socialism actually worked. So you had to destroy it…
Absolutely truthpilled and correct, Bruder, except for the part where you said "the only time".

There were many other times and places, even outside of Europe, where strong leaders with popular backing tried to combine a form of non-Marxist Socialism with blood&soil nationalism and liberate their homeland from debt-slavery to the international finance system, the Zionist plot and its monopoly on the oil trade via the route establishing currencies based on their own labour&resources.
Milosevic tried it, Saddam tried it, Gaddafi tried it, look where they all went.

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Remember in the Bible when God said He’d regather israel and it’d be the gayest place on earth? Me neither.

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Alright, flag off, my point still stands. You kikes are shitting up this board more than usual right now. What are you sliding?

They are literally descended from a demon. Eve didn’t eat an apple. Eat meant fuck in ancient times.


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>took literally the entire worlds effort to win
His mistake was allowing the retreat at Dunkirk & trying to push into Russia making it a two front war desu
>tfw we're in Weimar2.0 100 years later
2030s are gonna be lit

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I'm not a kike. If you had been here years ago you would know all of this already. The oldfags figured out that most of the pro nazi threads come from jdif. They want to recreat weimar germany again: nazis vs commies. They back both sides. Classic divide and conquer.

I'm sick of you fuckin' cocksuckers screaming "muh Reddit spacing" "muh Reddit spacing" over and over again like a bunch of fuckin' parrots.

Reddit did not invent double-spacing you mindless fucking NPC. Double-spacing is more organized and aesthetic than single-spacing.

Fuckin' faggot.

it's "THAN" motherfucker!!! Not "then" jfc kys sob!!!

Nice reddit spacing, faggot.

>1 post by this ID
The Jew works on

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Evil is the corruption of good, you fool of a fool.
Fucking frozen chicken self-evidently corrupts the purpose of frozen chicken, i.e. to be eaten.

You can apply this to any phenomenon. Murder for pleasure or cold-blooded murder (i.e. sadism/psychopathy), defeats the justified purpose which the use of lethal force would have in other scenarios, such as in case of self-defense, protection of property etc.
Fornication, sodomy, ape, paedophilia for mere hedonistic pleasure defeat the justified purpose of reproduction and parenting.

It's basic teleology.

What is the natural, biological telos of your anus? To shit, NOT to be penetrated by male genitals and NOT to ride on a plastic dildo. Avoid that, you faggot.
What is the telos of humans? The human telos is to reason. Avoid anything unreasonable.

People like you will naturally select themselves out of the genepool through unproductive, degenerate behaviour which we call "evil".

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>Ethnocentrism is bad
>Socialism is bad

The issue, OP, is that you are a brainlet who thinks Hitler's idea of government is not practiced today, or that communism is a terrible form of government. It's just media programming to ascribe a black and white, all or nothing mentality to government, or that America is an open-democracy. Democracy has many frachises as well as socialism and communism. European nations practice a better form of multi-party parilimentary form of democracy, but are superceeded by NGO's and bureaucratic channels.

Hitler did nothing wrong aside losing against larger industrialized nations. His strategic blunders are not maintaining crytographic security, letting magentic fused mines be countered, holding the line during operation barbarossa through the winter, deploying troops to czechoslovakia in thinking the soviets were not going to push to Berlin.


Actual NPCs. I hope you manage to break free from your domesticated and abused state of mind

>Evil is the corruption of good

"Good and Evil" do not exist in Nature you imbecile. The only thing that counts in the Natural World is strength and adaptability.

Is a male lion who kills the cubs of his rivals "evil"?

The answer is an emphatic NO. He's simply following nature's plan.

Homosexuality is unnatural, disgusting, and regressive, but it is not metaphysically-evil. It's "wrong" in the sense that it defies Nature's edicts.


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it didn't fall because of its inherent properties. it fell because kike elites who were controlling the allies got butthurt that they got kicked out of another country for the 100th or so time