Where is the proof that the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs weren't black ?

where is the proof that the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs weren't black ?

Attached: pharaoh.jpg (184x273, 8.89K)

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We can test the DNA of mummies, for one thing. Surprise, they looked like North Africans. There was a Nubian dynasty at one point, but it didn't last very long, and it was an outlier.


ancient egypt was a racially mixed society, there probably were many black pharaohs

some mummies were tested.

They actually built something.

Then I'm sure you're willing to go further than conjecture and supply evidence for your implication that they found black mummies

Ancient Egyptians knew mathematics and engineering. Africans were building huts out of mud, dung, and sticks


OP, you realize that paintings and statues (and statues with remnants of paint) from ancient Egypt still exist, right?

As well as reams of contemporary historical texts from both them and their neighbors?

This is a stupid question.


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inb4 the Canadian with a hard drive full of we wuz pictures

dey wuz kangs

>where is the proof that the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs weren't black ?
there's proofs that 4 of them were Nubians in the +2k years, there's pyramids in Sudan too, most of the others were North Africans, few of them South Europeans ands from the ME too

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Nice. Nigger op btfo

lets set it straight.
OG pharohs that made egypt great were unrelated to subsaharans.
then sub saharans mixed their way in up to the top.
that resulting mix became modern day Egyptians
the blacks in america still have no fucking relation to them as they came from subsaharan tribes that rarely mixed.

So yeah, some pharohs were black.
yall still weren't kangz

It's all so tiresome. Genetic analysis shows Egyptian royalty was white.


Where's the proof they were?

The fact that the Egyptians actually built anything at all besides mud huts disproves them being black.

....and they're carrying on the hieroglyphic (meme) magic


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you we wuzzers disgust me

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Unironically where’s the supposed proof they were?

King tut was definitely Caucasian. The less pharaohs were negro and were just puppets to quell the population.

Ramesses III is the only pharaoh we have full genetics for and he was e1b1a .

King Tut has a Somalid skull. It's (((caucasoid))) but mostly negroid.

Attached: E1b1a.png (640x391, 285.5K)

Some of their drawings do look like black people, others look middle eastern or even white.
Racially Mixed Society/10

the kushites were black and pharaohs, but not egyptians, they were kind of a colonized people, at least culturally, that briefly took over the colonizers and ruled over Egypt for a while.

We are Sand-niggers and its a known fact
regardless of that our country got invaded and mixed with so many races

As if you weren't a nigger

>you we wuzzers disgust me


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Here's Tut.

99% look like black people, some look like foreigners in which case they probably were. It was mixed but not as much as it became after the Greeks took over because they built Alexadnria which made it the NYC of the ancient world. That's just lower Egypt though, the northern tip. Upper Egypt was where the real Egypt was, the heart where all the temples were. Until Greece they were pretty insular aside from expeditions outward.

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>99% look like black people,
You are retarded

Pick one.

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If they were black, I'd demolish the pyramids.

I am not, I study this stuff. 99% of Egyptian artwork is depicting people who look identical to your typical modern Cushite.

Europeans and Arabs have demolished them.

Attached: Beja Afar.jpg (924x381, 159.56K)

I shouldn't say "typical" Cushite but the traditional ones who didn't mix too much with darker Africans.

You HAVE to have a low IQ to not see the resemblance, or you're just insane.

Attached: In the desert with an afro, a stick, and skirt~.jpg (2000x2000, 936.94K)

Their skulls.

>99% of Egyptian artwork is depicting people who look identical to your typical modern Cushite.
Sure, niggerboy. Thats why google show regular egyptians on every art. Cope harder, nigglet without history.

They're almost always African shaped. Bodies too.

>Eric Crubezy's team showed that Predynastic cemetery in Adaima in Upper Egypt showed "Khoisan" dental markers (formally referred to as "Bushmen canine")
>In 2008 Keita found that the early predynastic groups in Southern Egypt were similar craniometrically to Nile valley groups of Ethiopid extraction, and as a whole the dynastic Egyptians (includes both Upper and Lower Egyptians) show much closer affinities with these particular Northeast African populations.
>In 2013, Terrazas et al. conducted a comparative craniometric analysis of Dynastic Egyptian skulls with ancient and recent crania from other parts of Africa, and found that the ancient Egyptians were morphologically closest to modern Afroasiatic-speaking populations from the Horn of Africa. Both of these fossil series possessed Middle Eastern affinities and were distinct from the analyzed prehistoric crania of North Africa and the Horn region, including the Pleistocene Rabat skull, Herto Homo sapiens idaltu fossil and Early Holocene Kef Oum Touiza skeleton.
>According to Robins and Shute the average limb elongation ratios among ancient Egyptians is higher than that of modern West Africans who reside much closer to the equator. Robins and Shute therefore term the ancient Egyptians to be "super-negroid"
>Zakrzewski (2003) studied skeletal samples from the Badarian period to the Middle Kingdom. She confirmed the results of Robins and Shute that Ancient Egyptians in general had "tropical body plans" but that their proportions were actually "super-negroid".
>Trikhanus (1981) found Egyptians to plot closest to tropical Africans and not Mediterranean Europeans residing in a roughly similar climatic area.[52] A more recent study compared ancient Egyptian osteology to that of African-Americans and White Americans, and found that the stature of the Ancient Egyptians was more similar to the stature of African-Americans, although it was not identical:

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>Ramesses III is the only pharaoh we have full genetics for
that is a lie. For instance king tutankhamun was R1b1a2

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They never depicted themselves as such. Case closed.

The pyramids don't house a packaged liquor store

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that negro is from sudan

Feel free to prove me wrong :)

No it isn't.
You fell for an ad campaign.

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Also, 70 IQ apes cannot have civilizations. Case closed.

You again? You were a nazi flag in the last thread

Here he is:

They could read and write.

Based. Every fucking time.

Here are some descriptions of how your """people""" lived. Niggers are monsters.

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when you spend all of your time shitposting and get mad when people shit on you with facts...

>(Library of History, 3, Greek historian Diodorus Siculus)
>But there are also a great many other tribes of the Ethiopians, some of them dwelling in the land lying on both banks of the Nile and on the islands in the river, others inhabiting the neighbouring country of Arabia, and still others residing in the interior of Libya. 2 The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair. As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; 3 and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in the light of our own customs."

>Apollodorus, first century before our era, Greek philosopher. 'Aegyptos conquered the country of the black-footed ones and called it Egypt after himself.'

>Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): 'This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin ... his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman.'

>A similar description of the Egyptian type of man recurs a few lines later in verse 745. (/) Achilles Tatius of Alexandria. He compares the herdsmen of the Delta to the Ethiopians and explains that they are blackish, like half-castes.

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>A personal genomics company in Switzerland says they've reconstructed a DNA profile of King Tutankhamen by watching the Discovery Channel
Read your links before posting them so you don't look like a retard next time

I meant to post


Not Bantus. Now kill yourself, 60 IQ simian.


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That's what happened.

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>Feel free to prove me wrong :)
Open google and take a screenshot.
You, niggers, aren't warriors. You aren't inventors. You aren't poets. You aren't scientists. You just a living mud. Thats how it was for your entire history and that's exactly how it will be in the future. Your biggest moment in entire earth history is being tools for picking cotton and pleasuring your masta with your women vaginas.

see>Ramesses III is the only pharaoh we have full genetics for and he was e1b1a .
e1b1a is Bantu.

Ethiopian in Greek context simply means "black person".

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>Ramesses III

Bantus aren't even human, retard.

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The IQ of niggers in actual Egypt does not in anyway translate to them being able to even form a civilization so its pure nonsense.


Up to 20% of bantu DNA comes from interbreeding with H. naledi.

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Because the Egyptians built something

I guess Ramesses III and his son weren't human.

You're so dumb you don't even know what IQs are lmao.

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>Herodotus reverts several times to the negroid character of the Egyptians and each time uses it as a fact of observation to argue more or less complex theses. Thus to prove that the Greek oracle at Dodon a in Epirus was of Egyptian origin, one of his arguments is the following: '... and when they add that the dove was black they give us to understand that the woman was Egyptian'. The doves in question - actually there were two according to the text - symbolize two Egyptian women who are said to have been carried off from the Egyptian Thebes to found the oracles in Greece at Dodona and in Libya (Oasis of Jupiter Amon ) respectively. Herodotus did not share the opinion of Anaxagoras that the melting of the snows on the mountains of Ethiopia was the source of the Nile floods. He relied on the fact that it neither rains nor snows in Ethiopia 'and the heat there turns men black'.

>Aeschylus, —525(F) to —456, tragic poet and creator of Greek tragedy. In The Suppliants, Dañaos, fleeing with his daughters, the Danai'ds, and pursued by his brother Aegyptos with his sons, the Aegyptiads, who seek to wed their cousins by force, climbs a hillock, looks out to sea and describes the Aegyptiads at the oars afar off in these terms: 'I can see the crew with their black limbs and white tunics.'

>In one of his minor works, Aristotle attempts, with unexpected naïveté, to establish a correlation between the physical and moral natures of living beings and leaves us evidence on the Egyptian-Ethiopian race which confirms what Herodotus says. According to him, 'Those who are too black are cowards, like for instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians.'

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DNA testing you nigger brainlet… How stupid can one nigger be?

current egyptians are the proof

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Niggers are literally more stupid than gorillas.

And this right here...the Egyptians either were not black or did not want anyone to remember them as black. Case closed, hear hear!

This is all the proof we really need.

Attached: 1581967125177.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

All this thread has proven so far is that these niggers are still cooking and doing things they way they've been doing for thousands of years.
No Innovation
No Evolution
No Independent Thought

>Herodotus, 'the father of history', — 48o(?) to —425. With regard to the origins of the Colchians he writes:
>It is in fact manifest that the Colchidians are Egyptian by race .. . several Egyptians told me that in their opinion the Colchidians were descended from soldiers of Sesostris. I had conjectured as much myself from two pointers, firstly because they have black skins and kinky hair (to tell the truth this proves nothing for other peoples have them too) and secondly and more reliably for the reason that alone among mankind the Egyptians and the Ethiopians have practised circumcision since time immemorial. The Phoenicians and Syrians of Palestine themselves admit that they learnt the practice from the Egyptians while the Syrians in the river Thermodon and Pathenios region and their neighbours the Macrons say they learnt it recently from the Colchidians. These are the only races which practise circumcision and it is observable that they do it in the same way as the Egyptians. As between the Egyptians themselves and the Ethiopians I could not say which taught the other the practice, for among them it is quite clearly a custom of great antiquity. As to the custom having been learnt through their Egyptian connections, a further strong proof to m y mind is that all those Phoenicians trading to Greece cease to treat the pudenda after the Egyptian manner and do not subject their offspring to circumcision

>Strabo visited Egypt and almost all the countries of the Roman empire. He concurs in the theory that the Egyptians and the Colchoi are of the same race but holds that the migrations to Ethiopia and Colchoi had been from Egypt only. 'Egyptians settled in Ethiopia and in Colchoi.' 34 There is no doubt whatever as to Strabo's notion of the Egyptians' race for he seeks elsewhere to explain why the Egyptians are darker than the Hindus, a circumstance which would permit the refutation, if needed, of any attempt at confusing 'the Hindu and Egyptian races'

Attached: Which pillows are Egyptian.jpg (4608x2607, 3.57M)

this is true :)

Attached: Aegypt (2).jpg (2000x2000, 1.6M)

>Ramesses III is the only pharaoh we have full genetics for and he was e1b1a .
Do you have the study about this?

Attached: Egypts.jpg (480x479, 54.61K)

Also have this lol

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You're a retard. Fuck that I launched an ad hominem attack on you, Kraut, you are literally the biggest cuck I had to encounter today and I had to encounter.. a lot of cucks today. I do almost every day statistically. You are the most cucked Kraut leftist piece of human trash. Fuck yoiu.

DNA. You dumb pile of fucking shit.

You will never be a human, nigger.

North Africans are not black by US standards and the egyptians were largely unrelated to subsaharan africans and west africans.

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Nubians were black

where is the proof that the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs weren't slavs?

Undeniable argument right here.

Tiye was mother and grandmother to two of the most famous Pharaohs was black.

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