Holocaust didn't happe-

>holocaust didn't happe-

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Yep looks like 6 million to me

those are allied and soviet war criminals

Watch this faggot


Someone post the memeflag one

literally who cares if it did or didn't honestly at this point?

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Your confusing a pesticide for a genocide

Just because the number of people killed has been incorrectly recorded doesn’t mean a genocide didn’t happen. Feel free to criticize how many were killed and how they were killed, but refusing to acknowledge that it happened at all makes you a retard

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So? Death is still death retard, and your retarded ideology promoted it... or it didn't, as you constantly move the goal post around to suit you.

Where's the gas chambers? The holocoasters? The masturbation machines? The electric chair that seats 100 at a time? The bear and the eagle?

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good times

This is the right answer. You can refuse to believe that it was 6 million (which i am skeptical of) but to say that it didn't happen is another level of stupidity. So what if it wss 6-5-4-3-2-1 or even 500K. The fact is that it happen. The only ones who reject this are stormfag losers who like to blame others for thei misrable lives.

If one points to the Jew but then turn a blind eye to the vatican he is a fool.

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Why should I give a single insular fuck that 35,000-500,000 jews died of typhus and anti-partisan actions?

typhus undresses you?

> skeptical

It's false. Prove otherwise. Also, hows mohammeds piss tasting.

Yes as you have to delouse the flea-ridden kikes clothing. otherwise, it will spread uncontrollably in an enclosed space.

>Death is still death retard, and your retarded ideology promoted it
Your retarded ideology has killed upwards of 100million in last century.

reminder to filter holocaust

libtardfucks BTFO!!!!!!!! xDXD

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Pretty much this. The level of concern trolling here just makes me realize that denial of or questioning the total amount is just attention seeking kids that should be finishing homework

>The level of concern trolling here
You're the concern troll. Nice try JIDF, but the narrative of Jewish suffering is crumbling now that everyone realizes Jews are the oppressors, not the oppressed.

lmao you are so dumb I bet you failed history class

Did you ever think that maybe they deserved it?

That’s an interesting uniform that war criminal is wearing.

Keep shilling

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>just attention seeking
>people are currently in prison for simply for questioning the 6 million number
being as ignorant as a burger must truly be bliss

This. Commies killed orders of magnitude more but refuse to accept or acknowledge how much worse they were than even the worst claims against the Nazis.

>Just because the facts are wrong doesn't meant the facts are wrong
Yes it does.

>burden of proof fallacy
The general consensus among historians is that it did happen. You should prove to me how it didn’t happen

lmao you are so dumb I bet you're a jew.

>consensus among historians is that it did happen
False appeal to authority fallacy. No one has to prove shit to you who fails miserably at critical thinking.

Are you a historian? Probably not right.

Based American bringing the heat to these retards

No. Slaughtering innocents is never justified. Were there evil Jewish bolsheviks? Yes, of course, but killing civilians not responsible for any of that is unacceptable

>military men wear uniform 24/7 especially in jail
Based retard

>he doesn’t know about the fallacy fallacy
Either show me some proof or shut the fuck up you dumb bitch

The evidence of genocide is overwhelming. Denying it is ridiculous. Even without the camps and ovens, the killings that took place in the east by the Einsatzgruppen and others is beyond gruesome and mindboggling in scope. You can argue over numbers all day, and there will always be questions about what exactly went down and how, but that something DID happen is undeniable.

What critical thinking is he failing? It seems you fail miserably at critical thinking. He has all the proof on his side you have
>muh wooden doors
>da jooz lied about everything
>all my problems are the joooz fault
yeah nice critical thinking there buddy.

What Yas Forums needs to understand is that the Holocaust is the linchpin of Jewish power. The reason Jews are able to infiltrate State Department, start wars in ME, pass classified information to Israel, get foreign aid to israel, is because everyone is afraid to criticize their power because their afraid of hurting the sensitives of the iddle biddle jews who have gone through so much suffering.

Destroying the Holocaust narrative, which was originally a propaganda stunt by US Army Intelligence, is the key to destroying Jewish tribal power in America.

>Appel to authority fallacy.

I have no need to prove a baseless claim. The red cross, the war memoirs of Charles DeGaulle and Winston Churchill and Jewish demographic accounting do not collaborate claims of Jewish genocide. The only "proof" of such genocide is fancifully tales from the jews themselves(who have a financial incentive to lie and exaggerate) and soviet recreations.

>What critical thinking is he failing?
False appeal to authority is a fucking fallacy you absolute fucking idiot. It's literally the first one you learn if you take college level logic course.

>Either show me some proof
Found the low IQ who failed college.

burden of proof is with the one who claims it did happen retard. For instance: the Kmer Rouge Killings: literally stacks and stacks of human bones

OK teacher thank you.

Two wrongs don’t make a right

>the Kmer Rouge Killings
Don't forget the The El Mozote Massacre, an atrocity committed by guerrillas associated with US School of Americas and CIA. Just one massacre and there's literally tons of evidence.

He's doing the exact same thing though faggot.

Holocaust means a burned offering. Like a sacrifice. That is what zionists wanted. That was Dresden. The NAZIs rounding up some jews was not a genocide. No proof they were just slaughtering jews. They interned them and then allied bombings fucked supply lines so many of them starved. Good. I don't even care. i care about my people burned in Dresden by my own fucking country. pathetic.

The Holocaust can be both true AND the linchpin of Jewish power. They're not mutually exclusive. Denying the atrocities the Germans committed doesn't help anything. It happened, and yes Jews will try to milk it for power until the end of time, The problem is the Western European people allowing it to continue to control them. You don't have to deny the Holocaust to say, fuck this shit, I'm not listening anymore.

Disgusting fucking kike. You use this post to avoid the real question about kikes and then turn it to the Church? Seriously go suck off a muslim, you worthless faggot.

>blames burgers for arcane european laws

Being a leaf means never admitting genocide against indigenous people

>Something happened
>We don't know exactly what happened
>Gruesome and mind boggling happened

Okay rabbi

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>Two wrongs don’t make a right
You literally ignored the fact that Holocaust is the narrative leading to a real wrong that actually affects you and your family.

Why are you a traitor? Or are you a Jew. Just admit you're a Jew or not and we can know if you're a traitor or a usurper.


Not sure who those soldiers are but they're definitely not Germans.

So you chink buddies can take over huh Shin.

>You don't have to deny the Holocaust to say, fuck this shit, I'm not listening anymore.
Maybe for me and you, but not for the majority of normies.

jews deserve everything they get and whatever they did get during the last war was not nearly enough.

It's spelled college. I know this is tough for an illiterate nigger like you, but try to keep up.

It is though. MAjority of historians agree that the holocaust did happen. Fact trumps your little rules rules, sorry :/

What atrocities did the Germans commit? Please compare these atrocities with all the others committed by other nations and armed forces from that time period. So you will need to include holodomor and all of the soviet events. Then discuss the spanish civil war. Include Japan and nanking and the other rapes. Don't forget the anglos and soviets going into Iran to steal the oil. Include Dresden from teh allies. Please rank them all and give solid sources, leaf.

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>atrocities committed in time of war

Gee whiz you dont say. Show me evidence of systematic genocide because thats the narrative that has been shoved down our throats along with the 6 million number. Dont move the goal post and say other crimes of War happened and that equally as bad as a literal extermination.

Show me proof you kike.

but the ww2 germans did the perfect crime 6 million times. no bodies, no witnesses, hell it isnt even known who exactly threw in the zyclon b through the roof, so no perpetrators except for the people who supposedly ordered it all

>MAjority of historians
False appeal to authority fallacy isn't an argument you low IQ faggot.

No, it did not happen. it was malicious slander manet to blackwash to national german state and to humiliate the German people. I have no reason to even humor the repugnant banal lies of the oh so trust worthy honorable jews.

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They probably believe in climate change aswell what's your fucking point Mohammad?

The Soviets and Japs were bad, so the Germans weren't? That's what you're saying?

He already needs to give me a list of war crimes and atrocities first. He can't do it though.

how come there's so few gore pics of the entire conflict? it's almost like 7,000 people died in total.

I'm sorry i dont speak your disgusting language. How about you try and speak swedish? oh you can't? That's what i thought. You probably know spanish though from your nigger school you little mutt bastard.

It actually promoted strong, healthy life, but the Jewish pilpul is so deeply ingrained in your psyche that you can’t comprehend the inversion of truth that has taken place.

>no bodies, no witnesses
It's just that German efficiency we hear so much about.

The executioner and the rest of the crowd are clearly soviets. Nazi's didnt wear those hats and their outfits were a lot different.

You should start learning Arabic.

>Gets caught being an illiterate low IQ nigger.
>Your disgusting language hurr durr.

Staged photograph. Not hard to dress people up like germans. Not proof. The biggest claim of the holocaust was most people died via gas and oven. But killing with gas and oven is incredibly inefficient. The story that is said to be historic fact just doesn’t add up.

Those arent even german uniforns ; just lookat the fucking hats

Not even close to what I said, dishonest kike. YOu cannot even answer one simple question. You claim teh germans were so fucking bad. It is just known. Well, show me then. Prove it, faggot.

Yeah, no. English/German here. The communists killed Canada in it's infancy. I wish the Germans had done what they meant to do and crush the Soviets and stopped sperging about the Jews so much. At least until they had actually finished the war.

>scientists and historians are the same things
They do though they literally do. Its a fact. Now show me some proof that isn't
>the jooz lie
>the jooz subert
>ohh look at these individual cases of jewish in power this means the jews rule everything.
>ohh look at this jew who hates whites
I could do the same on any race. You have no proof only anecdotal evidence.

the only legit claim for a genocide would the einsatzgruppen. even le evil holocaust denier david irving would admit as much.

>there is never a valid reason to kill other humans
you live a sheltered life

Fuck off moshe
Just like those books them not see’s we’re burning eh? Trannie porn, degenerate kike filth

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Ahh man, after the genocide we had committed against us at the hands of the Brits you're really going to say that?

>They do though they literally do
You stupid fucking idiot. Why don't you actually google the term "false appeal to authority." Holy shit I thought swedes were supposed to be smarter than niggers.

i was watching this and the actual ss officer said that he went with himmler to dachau one day to see people being executed and some of the person's brains got on his face and the guy had to jump forward and hold him steady because he went green in the face.

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How new are you?

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I am waiting for your definitive list of war atrocities committed by all sides and ranked in terms of non-holocaustal to most-holocaustal.