The Zoroastrian Pill

Dude if you only knew how fucking deep the Zoroastrian pill goes.
What if if I told you that Zoroaster is litterally the person the bible calls "Abrham"?
What if i told you the "Israelis" were the Persians? (Blue eyed Aryans who went east when our ancestors went west)
What if I told you that Hebrews werent monothiestic
didnt have a concept of good or evil
didnt have a concept of heaven or hell
and didnt have a legend of a savior born to a virgin before the Persians conqured them?
What if i told you the Hebrews were one of the tribes (the cannanites) that God told his chosen to Genocide in the bible? (Lest they interbreed with the persians and cause them to worship false gods)
What if i told you that modern genetic testing had PROVEN that the arabs, modern jews and lebonese ALL are descendants from this Canaanite race?
What if I told you that in the time of Jesus, cannanite women were still visibly distinguishable from Israli women Mathew 15:21-28 ? (likely due to the darker cannanite hair and eyes and hooked noses)
What if i told you that the "lost children of israel" where the white race in europe?
what if i told you that the "Jews" were lying about who they say they are?
What if i told you the jews were specifically the race God COMMANDED his people to genocide?
What if i told you that his people, in their flawed mercy did not go through with the genocide...
What if i told you that that sin is the reason for our people's suffering today....

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Other urls found in this thread:

"More than 90 percent of the genetic ancestry of modern Lebanese is derived from ancient Canaanites, according to a paper published today in the American Journal of Human Genetics."
"If a common heritage conferred peace, then perhaps the long history of conflict in the Middle East would have been resolved years ago. For, according to a new scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years."

"16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God."
>Deuteronomy 20:16-18

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"Blah blah blah my name is Mohammed Nasir Pahlavi Rezi and we Iranians were the original everything if you disagree you're a Saudi kike shill working for the Sunnis"

Angry kike is angry

> Zoroastrian
I know these niggas because Queen, that's all

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I'll consider it.

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Take the Alien Pill.

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>What if i told you that his people, in their flawed mercy did not go through with the genocide...
>What if i told you that that sin is the reason for our people's suffering today....
Obedience is better than sacrifice. It is told over and over in the bible.

I don't give a shit about your hokuspokus. what if what if, fuck off!
What if Gimmly and Legolas had gay butt sex?
But I'm all for exterminating the jews!

>What if i told you that modern genetic testing had PROVEN that the arabs, modern jews and lebonese ALL are descendants from this Canaanite race?
proofs of kikes being from canaanites?

I think I heard that they don't take converts.


Yes and no. Indo-Europeans are only around 1/3 of their genome.

What if I told you christfaggotry (in all it's forms) is an ancient, Jewish, psychological-warfare program, intended to weaken and unhinge the mind of the white man?

Attached: christ.png (732x416, 369.23K)

What if I told you that only eternal hellfire awaits you if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

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oy vey

I'd say you're a lying fuck.
Aren't Zoroastrians sister fuckers? I ain't into that shit, im into daughter fucking

What if I told you that you present your points like a fucking faggot.

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My Iranian family member told me that some years ago, that's why Iran will never go after Israel.

>Literally worships Jews
>Calls you a Jew if you don't also worship Jews

Yes christfag. It's quite a common and widely-used meme. Probably because it delivers it's message in a very potent and succinct fashion.

You could tell me all of those things, and I would probably just not care at all about your faggot imaginary sand god.

Zoroastrianism is no thanks, as a Christian no one should be deceived. Research the warnings to the churches in Revelation. Don't take up their heresies, have eyes to see and ears to hear.

I can’t handle this thread right now

To be clear bro
Did you give my OP and sources under OP a read?
"More than 90 percent of the genetic ancestry of modern Lebanese is derived from ancient Canaanites, according to a paper published today in the American Journal of Human Genetics."
"If a common heritage conferred peace, then perhaps the long history of conflict in the Middle East would have been resolved years ago. For, according to a new scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years."

"16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God."
>Deuteronomy 20:16-18

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I'd tell you I already know.

>Larry Cohen

>only eternal hellfire awaits you if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
I'm convinced these arrogant idiots are kikes trying to make christianity look bad. Nobody could be this deluded.

Most of this is correct.
Minus the genocide part, which I've never heard before desu.

So at what point did the whites from the bible magically disappear from the middle east then?

Nah the bible is pretty clear, you reject Jesus you don't get a chance. It has to be a conscious rejection, too. If you know about Jesus but reject him, that's on you.

They Didnt "Disappear" dude
They race mixed with the people god told them not to race mix with

I personally believe this.
Its why jews go nuts ov isreal, its why they want to genocide whites.
Dont black-pill, remember, god is on your side.

i still find it hard to believe that it is not more widely known that the real-israelites (as opposed to the modern meds and blacksea garbage people pretending to be israelites) stole all their ideas from zoro-mithran cults, up to and including Jesus, son of the sun, destined to come, save, die, and rise again after 3 days - which is a prophecy that predates Abrahamic faith by at least 500 years, and belongs not just to the Persians, but the Egyptians, too.

the only way in which the modern israelite is similar to the real, extinct israelite, is in its behavior archetype, which is almost exactly the same. lying, conniving, and thieving, at every opportunity.

Are they pp cutters like the Jews?

Shh sh shhh.
Would you have deterred Puritans from getting on the Mayflower? Let them build it, there's still 200 years left.

>What if if I told you that Zoroaster is litterally the person the bible calls "Abrham"?
I would say you're a fucking retard.
>What if i told you the "Israelis" were the Persians?
I would say you are confusing Israeli with Israelite. And that you are confusing Persians were Israelites with Persians were the Israelites. Big difference.
>What if I told you that Hebrews werent monothiestic
I would say you're a fucking retard.
>What if i told you the Hebrews were one of the tribes
I would say you are confusing jews with Hebrews. Holy shit you are stupid.
>What if i told you that modern genetic testing had PROVEN that the arabs, modern jews and lebonese ALL are descendants from this Canaanite race?
Duh. Read the bible dipshit. Jews are Edomites, and God hates them.
>What if i told you that the "lost children of israel" where the white race in europe?

>The enemy of Ammon,of Baphomet, of Satan.... Zoraster.
The original monotheists

>What if i told you

Based on what you've said thus far, you've already said too much.
Another irrelivent word salad of a feeble mind pozzed by abrehamic garbage.
Anyone who buys into semite history is a brainlet.

>It has to be a conscious rejection, too

A "conscious rejection" is only possible with indisputable proof of it's truth. "You've gotta have faith!" doesn't count.

You sound like a religious fundamentalist. Study harder. Those lessons were to troll people into realizing how stupid they look. Catch people in accusation. Make them look like fools. They don't hold literal sway today. What matters, the lesson to take away from them, is to smartly make those who oppress you look like faggots. Like you. You're a faggot.

There's lots of common stories. Read the story of Saul. 1st Samuel chapter 15.

20 words or less, sister-fucker.

>What if i told you the "Israelis" were the Persians?
Please fucking ABANDON you spiritual semitic self once and for all. Stop trying to incorporate it on other stuff or other stuff into it
Also, don't taint beautiful religions like zoroastrism with this cancer you call christcuckery. Idiot

What if I told you Jesus was Ahoura Mazda

>What if if I told you that Zoroaster is litterally the person the bible calls "Abrham"?
Zoroaster existed thousands of years after Abraham walked the earth. But they were both white aryans.

>What if i told you the "Israelis" were the Persians? (Blue eyed Aryans who went east when our ancestors went west)
Israelites and Persians both descend from Shem, both Aryan

>What if i told you that the "lost children of israel" where the white race in europe?
This is true. The Northern kingdom of Israel was besieged by the Assyrian Empire for 30 years before their capital of Samaria fell, and literally the entire population of N.K.O.I were taken into Assyria as captives, they escaped into Europe and become known as Scythians/Cimmerians in secular history.

all I know about them is that they can fuck their kids in ck2


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you fucking pedophile

yep, pretty much correct. Those who are not among the elect can not understand....

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>what if I told you
>doesn't use Mobius meme
disgusting and saged

Nigger-tier and underhanded critism
>mutt patrolled heh.

This has been posted a few times. You gotta like type it until into a few pages of infographs with pictures. Do some research, and summarize it nicely if you care that much about it


What if I told you putting 'what if' in the front of every sentence is annoying af? You only need to say what if I told you one fucking time and we get it. Why waste our fucking time if you expect to be heard?

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Yeah. Good info. Poor delivery. Who wrote your script....Crispen Glover? Enough with the I toad a sos.

Wait, there's a kill Jews religion?

back over christmas time I found out that my grandmother is hardcore into this type of stuff. We started talking about central banking going back to the Magna Carta before my commie mother and aunt freaked out on us. My grandma named the jew before I got a chance to, and launched into a tirade about how the peoples of europe are god's chosen, not the "Fucking kikes and their satanist bullshit." Love my grandma.

All of those things are good to get people that observe the abuse onto your side when they notice the (((abuser))) crying out in pain as he strikes you.