is it true that promiscuity was always widespread and not just a product of modern feminism? or is that just a massive cope from degenerates?
Is it true that promiscuity was always widespread and not just a product of modern feminism...
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Always? amongst the lower classes perhaps. But I'd say it's definitely increased since the 60's due to marriage ages being pushed back.
promiscuity is the natural state. without a good upbringing, people will fuck whatever they feel like.
however, when we do this, civilization collapses. civilized societies are always ones where sex is only allowed to take place between stable pairs.
We didn't used to have as many people. Even promiscuous people used to only even have the opportunity for like 5 partners max, the internet changes everything.
No it has gotten worse. Sure it was never not present, but it was never praised and rewarded. At any point in history you could find women who slept around, but they lived in the gutter and were used by any who wanted to. There was no comfortable middle ground between decent wife and discardable whore for very many women. If you were caught messing around as a female it was off to the red light district to get what you asked for.
read plays by Aphra Behn...
female promiscuity has always been a problem.
this is why the patriarchy became a thing in the first place.
we got statistics, what is the sexual revolution
they still reap the benefits of past chivalry in the divorce courts without any of the justification to have it preserved
Depends on the civilization. If you were wealthy in some civilizations and had a husband or wife you were politically married to it wasn't uncommon to have a consort. God help you if you got pregnant by them, though.
Promiscuity isn't as wide spread now as it seems now. But just read the Decameron and realize that nothing ever changes.
The old-school feminists knew that. Modern ones refuse to acknowledge it. Dumb as fuck.
LOL, what a retard. Do you simply invent this nonsense, jew?
This. In the 19th century, pretty much all lower class women were whores. You wanted to pay a little money and fuck some dude's wife, he'd totally set you up. The fact that you can't get the pizza delivery guy's girlfriend to jerk you off for $40 means we're living in relatively clean times.
In the era of promiscuity i cant get laid or have casual sex.
Like wtf
And you're Chilean. What's your excuse user? No Argentinian chicks nearby?
>>base mammalian instinct
>>newly equipped to rationalise destructive behaviour
an unrestrained woman brings death and destruction that's why the patriarchy regulates women's sexual degeneracy and channels it into marriage and kids.
with it we'll have turbo sluts spreading super aids and spawning bastards, growing the welfare state
Yes true, and what happened if you did get pregnant? You were either put to death or you were cast into the street. And consort culture was kept hushed and was not 10-30 guys.
Oh for sure, it was like one hot slave guy that your husband brought back for you as a gift.
"Oh an Irishman, Torsten you shouldn't have!"
The ironclad nature is promiscuous, however, socio-technical opportunities change. Women are natively promiscuous to the extent it helps them extract "resources" from powerful men, even if questionable resources e.g. "That bad-boy biker deserves to impregnate me." Men are natively promiscuous in the sense that, without other men killing them, or otherwise prohibiting them for it, would bang every woman in sight, but don't want to pay to raise someone else's kids. Woman are fine with high status males' promiscuity as long as they (women) get paid in the process; see harems. In 1970s "sexual liberation" made promiscuity easier for men. In 2000nows, smartphones render promiscuity into an afternoon shopping trip for women. There is no recovery from this, there will be no future real child-rearing (non-laboratory) except by fundies, Koran thumpers, etc.
Well what are you doing to fix it?
Monogamous marriage put an end to the degeneracy that is polygamy; however, modern day dating is looking more and more pagan and barbaric.
Yes. Anyone saying otherwise is an incel or someone whose kid isn't theirs and they don't know it.
Modern dating seems more like a war between the sexes than a search for an actual partner. There's increasing distrust on both sides.
He is right though. I’m a historian of sorts and promiscuity was labeled for the low castes. Commoners. The married age for many Roman citizens was 12-16 and it was very common for young women in middle class to remain virgins until marriage. Time has a way to decay idealism though.
>I'm a historian of sorts
Playing 3 campaigns of RTW doesn't make you a historian.
>civilized societies are always ones where sex is only allowed to take place between stable pairs.
That's not what your mom said last night.
So you are retarded, the histories about the hook nosed ELite of the time, including the church, are way beyond what you stupid rednecks believe is "degeneracy".
I cant say for sure, but I would think that people weren't as promiscuous due to stds and child-rearing etc.
> promiscuity
for high status (ie good looking) women.
Need to go old school
Back in the day men took care of business-today you kids are a bunch of faggots who can’t talk to a girl in person without crying.
old fag here 45
i can remember when there was no internet and id only seen about 20 pornos in my whole life
Since the 00's and "ladette" culture the rise of the brainwashed cock carousel thots has been unstoppable.
Society is fucked, blame porn, tinder, social media.
So much this.
also nobody had heard of anal, pegging, rimming etc
All acts are almost mainstream now.
The fuckign Sun newspaper had a n article about pegging the other day.
Jew porn conspiracy in full effect.
I was in middle school in ‘91/‘92 and I remember hearing the story that my then crush was dating some illegal spic and fucked him after school. We were all probably 13 then. A few girls got pregnant when I got to high school. One would basically go hang out with a group of guys and finger herself in front of the guys when ever they asked her too. This was all between ‘92 and ‘97. So id say yes
You are not Chad.
Back in the day being a nice lady was expected for women, today an average bitch doesn't know what 'thank you' means.
Classical civilization is different from now. The fact that you resort to name calling just shows how far we have fallen as humans. Though I guess I’m speaking with a creature likened to ape more-so than human.
Chad =/= good looking.
>horrible incorrect statement
>lmfao you're a retard
>wow, no need to call me out
Must be nice being NEET
>is it true that promiscuity was always widespread
>is that just a massive cope from degenerates?
Wouldn't know. Sorry, sweetie. Maybe go play another game of civ. You'll basically have a PhD then.
the world’s oldest profession
>implying elites play by the same rules as plebs
licet iovi non licet bovi
>promiscuity was always widespread
oldfag here. promiscuity was shunned as it should be. this isn't incels coping this is how people really feel. it's fucking disgusting and shows weakness of character.
>Researchers have found a consistent negative bias against individuals with “higher” numbers of partners—we tend to view these people as poor choices for long-term partners or friends, although occasionally acceptable for a casual, short-term fling.
>When it comes to the long-term effects of sex partners, less may be more.
>As it turned out, having more sexual partners was associated with less stable relationships and less relationship satisfaction.
inb4incel married w/ two kids
Went to high school in 70s
Fucked every 6/10+ in class
Explored other towns for new babes to fuck
My buds and I would sometimes fuck 2 different groups of girls in same night
Loose women have always been plentiful but betas remained in the dark
pre-aids glory days
The happiest women I know are the ones who married very young and stayed with one guy. Coincidentally they are also the only ones who seem willing to serve.
no, we are in a very different paradigm.
birth control
the 60's and 70's generation that took the pill did so much degenerate shagging that nature mutated and gave us aids.
In the whole of human history there has only been 2 decades where you could have sex and not catch a lethal disease or get pregnant.
20 years in the whole of history....
The more I read into history, the more I realize white women/european women have always been loose whores. Of course all women can have whore qualities but white women are turbo whores.
promiscuity was almost nonexistent when the church and state prosecuted promiscuity as a crime
that's how man-made laws work, they change human behavior as long as they are enforced, and when they aren't enforced, they no longer have any effect, and the law of nature (might makes right) takes over again
>There is no recovery from this, there will be no future real child-rearing (non-laboratory) except by fundies, Koran thumpers, etc.
Not necessarily. All that's really needed to fix this is a surrogate woman that most men would prefer to an actual women. So essentially a sexbot that both looks, fucks and does housework better than the average woman. This would be highly destructive to thots and average to ugly looking women (all women over 30 essentially). When women are forced to compete against an essentially perfect sexual companion, they will need to change the way they attract men. Combine this with something like an artificial womb/egg combo while making it socially acceptable to be a male single parent, and the thot problem is permanently fixed.
its people in charge of their lives
not your bullshit "might makes right"
Why do you think man invented religion.
bullsh*t. marrying virgins was a lot more common in earlier periods.
I didn't know you had fedoras in shithole brazil
the closest apostles of jesus were jews; therefore whatever you are talking about is something good
> is it true that promiscuity was always widespread and not just a product of modern feminism?
Not exactly.
There is a degree of promiscuity and degeneracy in every society. We can't escape that, since this seems to be the eternal predicament of man.
However, it seems that it has never happened that such degeneracy was subject to apology and endorsement from all.
The difference between sane, healthy societies and the hellhole we live in is this: virtue is shamed and condemned, degeneracy and vice is cherished.
COPE. You’re an incel now just like you’d be an incel 50, 100 or 200 years ago.
Is your pp shaped like a leaf?
Are women's vegenes shaped like leaves in cucknada?
user i don't think that i am the one who is doing the coping :3