my sides
148 dead in Italy (so far) because 1 Pajeet was intentionally pooing corona in people's food.

Attached: Capture d’écran 2020-03-06 à 00.54.56.jpg (589x699, 123.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Diversity is our strength

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>148 dead
based and redpilled
is coronavirus /ourvirus/? whites seems to be immune to it

Even here, you wouldn't be able to mention that patient zero was a migrant in polite conversation. Honk honk!

Attached: Honk Honk!.gif (603x448, 959.37K)

Are you Euro pussies finally going to do something about this shit? It is shit or get off the pot time.

>implying Italian chefs are any better

it's not like they pay you quarantinebux so why would you self-quarantine instead of working? he did nothing wrong

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There's nothing wrong with pakis starving to death.

Italians killing every single paki in sight (in Minecraft) wouldn't do anything wrong either.

Why are sandniggers always so adamant and stubborn?

>148 dead
oh fug it's true
guess it really is habbening this time

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you're telling me you would isolate yourself when you have bills to pay? lock yourself in living off your saving? if I catch this virus I'll still go to work. I wouldn't even consent to getting tested.

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What you're saying is practical, but morally reprehensible. The death of every single person who caught the virus would be on YOUR fucking head.

Why even give infected a choice?

Pakis should not exist in the first place, same goes with chinese bug people and this shit food.

Look at the article.

Paki delivered working for a Chinese food outlet. If neither existed this would not have happened.

They can't be trusted to exist cleanly and peacefully. They need to be put down with cunts like you.

why don't the people who are actually likely to die self isolate instead?

>1 Pajeet

This was a paki
Be specific faggot

Attached: GermanPakis.png (777x939, 281.59K)

Diversity is a gift that keeps on giving!

No, but it’s infecting jews

Amerimutts confirmed pedos

>that man who started the Europe epidemic was a fucking paki

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probably old people who wouldve died in a year or two anyway

Pakis really need to fuck off back to Pakistan.

Im already back tho


yeah sorry, I just wanted to use "poo" in the sentence so it was more practical.

You get rid of Salvini and you create this

Image not forcing somebody in quarantine in a case like this. If we're not willing to take the same measures as the Chinese its going to be worse here than fucking Wuhan


>refused to self-isolate
well duh, I wouldn't either. there's nothing to gain from self isolating once you already have it, then you should aim to spread it as much as possible to thin out your competition in the event you survive.

>Diversity is our strength
Not much longer

don't forget the potential of being fired from your job for not showing up for a month.

I’m going to need a source for that Pierre

>he did nothing wrong
Said a Turk rape baby

>You have to infect an entire nation and kill hundreds because that's better than missing $1100 after taxes for half a month of work and maybe even LOSING your no-qualifications easily replaced job
You are such a fucking nigger

ideally weak genes that die from viruses should be stopped before they reproduce. artificial selection is against Gods will, natural selection is the only way.

I'm getting some chinese food delivered to my bitch ex girlfriend tonight.

>it's been around for a few days already
>italian hasn't even heard about it
>imagine my shock

>be mutt
>have guns
>continually brag about having guns
>be part of the biggest turbo juden empire known to history
>endless rampant jewery for the past 3 decades
>literally 56%, the most enriched western state by far
>muh guns freedom maga
>still literally do nothing other than being a blight on humanity
>hold the entire west hostage with a massive army full of the best mutts rea dy to die for israel at a moments notice
>HaHa Do Something Yuropoors

lads, why are his lips so pink and fresh
no homo

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yeah, it adds up fast. just not worth it when the risk is between 0.1% and 0.2%

they probably would have died to the flu do realize it's just old people and people with other ailments who are really vulnerable? if your chance to die from COVID-19 is 20% instead of of 0.1% that changes things and quarantine might be worth it.

but to quarantine healthy, working adults is a recipe for disaster.

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All of the testosterone there died in world wars.

>to avoid being sent back to his shithole, a morrocan dealer fakes corona infection
it's going to be a fireworks of cultural enrichment

Attached: Capture d’écran 2020-03-06 à 01.48.28.jpg (486x584, 118K)

there was the (((spanish flu))) before that as well

Yes because I have an IQ above 80 and wouldn't want to be responsible for thousands of deaths. I would also anticipate that economy and food service sector would die down and I wouldn't find work anyway.

But this is a blatant fake news, a complete falsehood and a total fabrication.

The original proper news is as follows:

Yes, an infected paki shitskin rapefugee ignored the authorities and continued to keep working and delivering food.

However, he's surely not the original patient 0, timeline is impossible, since the first symptomatic case (patient 1) had its symptoms manifesting more than two weeks earlier than this nurgle-worshipping raghead.

>Euros role over and take this shit
I know the US can be pretty cucked sometimes but fuck me

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No, you should devote yourself to spreading it to as many 'culturally enriched' parts of the city as possible.
Seeing how this guy was a Paki anyways, he probably accidentally did us this service.

Dare I say, /ourguy/

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The death rate is 3% among healthy adults you mong

It's literally a lie.


perfectly normal goyim, nothing to see here

mamma mia

alas, it was too good to be true
>This however did not allow him to avoid referral to the judicial authority and the consequent investigations on his behavior: the man was reported for failure to comply with the provisions of the judicial authority, an offense for which imprisonment of up to three months is foreseen or a maximum fine of 206 euros
shitskins spreading coronachan in taly risk having to pay 206 euros. damn, that's harsh

If the paki dude is a delivery driver of chinese food, it makes WAAAAAYYYYYYYYY more fucking sense for him to have caught it from a person he delivered chinese food to (sick people not wanting to cook) than it does for him to catch it because he went somewhere and got infected.

He caught it from a delivery and continued making them, but if you are a poor delivery driver, you're still gonna go to work even if you feel like shit. You can't miss the wages.

This is the correct answer

If you're carrying the virus unaware while it's incubating sure thats okay. But when you're spluttering and sneezing and still not self isolating then you're basically a murderer.

You would literally kill people for more shekels, stop promoting the idea of disease spreading.

Should be charged for every person who died. Death by coof seems like a good sentence.

u guys dont have any dead guess lucky with strain

we're gonna need some better sources

Leave it to shlomo to project his cuck fetishism where manly giantesses select him and make him subservient.

LOL, jews are the epitome of onions cuckery.