Aus/pol/ NEET hours edition

NEET hour edition, don’t let the thread die.
Epping Boys High School closed due to coronachan outbreak in one of the students

ASX down 1.5%, investors and big banks BTFO

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15 “Cross border youths” arrested in VIC

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What's for lunch lads?

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Now is the best time to redpill your boomer parents on the chinksects. tell them they are why their super is crashing.

Announcement about COVID coming from NSW health minister in twenty-five minutes. Check ABC news

Casual workers gonna be fucked. They’ll still pay cenno tho r-right guys....

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>in material science class
>teacher asks why the Japanese dont use timber for construction?
>I sperg out 'because they got firebombed'

How embarrasing

The NEET shall inherit the Earth

9 new cases in sydney

NEET year #17

The job-provider said there's nothing he can get for me, and told me to start a business online from home, and now just signs me off every 2 weeks without seeing me anymore.

don't worry. job provider is probably boomer who will soon be dead by the corona plague

I look forward to wandering the empty streets wearing an environment suit perusing the deceased boomers littered around the streets

> Bodies 'pile up' in morgue as Iran feels strain of coronavirus


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Watching on tv right now
How long do you think it'll be before they tell us to wash our hands again?

It's ogre.

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>its just a flu bro
>we are willing to spend $1billion

tuna beans and rice, with cheese and hotsauce

Mommy is now on from NSW

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We need to lift our NEET game. We are being outcompeted by refugees.

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Devon & sauce sanga's and a cuppa tea

Thinking of having mi goreng with a fried egg.

Blimey great use of language here.

They cant tell us how many are estimated to be infected to explain where 1 billion dollars comes from? Stay calm wash your hands

fuck some of the journalists ask retarded questions
>the olympics is looking pretty shaky isn’t it?
Based scomo reply, that isn’t a concern for the australian government dafuq

>they only just now funding for it
Wow, its not like hospitals here have been falling apart for years now. Too late. It's ogre.

The known infection curve is starting to go exponential. Bet there's shitloads of cases out there already.

count down to other mommy

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The meme isreal boys, this is rural SA yesterday

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Someone posted in another thread that rural victoria is being cleaned out by the chinks to send back home.

just tack a billion onto coronachan. no worries. it’s just a flu bro

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Both links have 404'd?

Theres no fucking way we are that much in debt. Need sauce

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>Epping Boys High School closed due to coronachan outbreak in one of the students
EEping/EEwoo. Why am I not surprised.

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Nothing to see here.

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How many Changs have you glassed today cunts?

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>tfw so hard to get sweet nugs but if I was an ice head I could just hang a net outside my window

Will trade toilet paper for dope bois

They’re so...damned...ugly

holy fuck

Guns And Toilet-Paper: Tasered Boomer Attempted Police-Gun Grab

Societal breaddown coming soon

>However, from December 2008 to December 2017 Total Australian Government debt increased by over 520% from AU$115.4 billion to AU$716.3 billion.

>The primary reason behind this increase has been to provide depth in the market for government bonds so that the Reserve Bank of Australia can easily increase liquidity through open market operations by printing more Australian Dollars and buying the government bonds back.

Explain this to a brainlet, that jump is fucking retarded huge and makes no sense

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Thread theme:

4 month suspended sentence and she has to pay it back at $87 a fortnight. Fuck judges man.

Hello newfriend. Change baka to baka.

They do that because prisons are absolutely, chocka block full and there are no new plans to build new ones, except in Tasmania.

It means its a ponzi scheme and they will destroy the Aussie dollar to keep it going as long as possible the way japan has. We have a zombie economy.

won't matter ... once the corpses from corona virus mount, they'll let the prisoners out so as to store the bodies in the jail

I've been coofing on people's cuck carts full of toilet paper. They fucking hate it. Siiiiip

Let me guess... they can't deport them because it would put them at risk back in niggerland.

Speaking of economics, why do we just jump on whatever smooth-brain boom industry (gettin da rocks, buildin da shit, crumblin houses for da chinks) that are obviously unsustainable in the long-term? Why do we never diversify our fucking economy?

I think it’s overblown.
Clearly a financial meltdown is en route, they will have to bail everyone out again while wagies pay.
What better excuse than Wu-flu?

Who owns the biggest apartment building company user?
Our economy is set up for people who import and export to make big profits at the expense of the locals.

Where's bill shorten when you need him?

Learning how to say rape in chinese.

so you were the guy tasered by cops?

We're going to have to shut down to survive China has done...Get your affairs in order lads.

Fuck, I’m off work with a sore throat and diarrhoea. Was on a train carriage home full of coughing and sneezing ‘customers’. How fucked am I?

Going to pay the rent out for awhile using my emergency account. In case of shutdown

G'day lads! Praise the based Muslim truck driver who sent Ebba the cunt to hell!

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Weird thing is there ain't a chink for 200 miles here and the checkout chick said it's all white people

Look out Ebba!


womp womp

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Is that normal?

Fuck paying the rent user. Buy food. Do you think anyone's going to come and evict you in a pandemic? Maybe if the owner dies of Coronachan you can squat for a few years and then it will belong to you.

panic buyers once they realised chinese are buying it all. White boomers are buying it all for fear of being left without

Wrong memeflag retard.

Coronachan has visited World Square

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They owe the money to themselves through a complex (Out of necessity, for once) system designed to allow cash to flow easily in the bonds system (Where you loan money to the government)... I think. I'm a retard, but FWIW, your gross debt is like 25% of your GDP. You're fine.

I was also thinking that. I’m prepped mate i’ve been prepped for years, adjusted my preps for pandemic as soon as the first couple /cvg/ threads emerged. I’m already ahead over a month on my rent anyway so maybe you’re right i might just leave it. Worst case is i’ll just have to backpay is society does shutdown and then eventually returns to normal.

I think FOMO has set in. Normies are a herd animal after all.

You fucked maybe. Stock up on TP, i know a Chinese guys who's selling while rolls intact under the table

I hope many journalists die from it.

Brilliant, it’s a shame it doesn’t harm ugly buildings.

> Get your affairs in order lads.
sooooo ... break out the AR15's?

I have toilet paper, chickpeas, deenz... but I’m an ugly urbanite who lost the let’s-move-to-country-SA argument with his girlfriend a long time ago, it’s over for me lol

Oy vey did you praise your Zionist hero today?

He reomved kebab hahah! Get it? He done a funny meme haha! kebab removed get it??? kek based I want to suck his dick haha!!

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Its private debt that is the big issue here. When people start deleveraging the economy crashed because of the drop in agregate demand. That's why they keep the migrants coming in because they need ever increasing levels of debt to keep the ponzi scheme going.

I have used TP if you want some. $40 a bucket. A bit smelly but it does the job

There are a shitload of casual worker who won't be able to pay rent if things get shut down. The government will pass laws preventing evictions from that as they don't need a mass homeless crisis on top of the one they already have.

Applying more than you remove,
yep now that’s based

Death to muslims and also kikes
Praise him

You know what to do user to stop it spreading through your poo poo.

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>The government will pass laws preventing evictions

A lot of the people affected will be boomers on the cusp of retirement.
>"One more week till I get my super and live the good life...NOOOOOOOO! MY SUPER!!!!!!

Heroin from China

((((((((((((((((Y O U T H S)))))))))))))))))))

I live in a small town 5hrs from a capital..Should be right out here, don't mean to rub it in but it's times like these when it really pays off. Pretty shit other than that.

He said pewdipie lol get it? He said funny meme hahah I love Brenton hahaha muh hero

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Fasting atm kid

Not coronachan. That's regular Gook aids.

Do you grow all your own food for when the truckies all die off?

If I have synthesisers I’m happy anywhere.