Why should I feel "racially connected" to Finnish or Baltics when I'm closer to turkish?
Seriously, why Yas Forums can't accept this huge redpill?
I'm genetically closer to shitskins than some whitoids
The wh*Toids on Yas Forums have an inferiority complex and don't want to acknowledge that BLACKS are a superior form of life.
the huge redpill that you are a nigger?
fucking with fucking nganasan people lel
>WhItE NatioNaliSm!1!11!!11
fucking retards
What does the number and color mean you Italian son of a bitch.
genetic distances you idiot
All these "hurr durr who is white" issues could be very easily solved if you retards were able to understand the concept of Wittgensteinian family resemblance
Do whatever you want what do I care. If you ask me personally I am fine with Italians and think they're white, as are all native Europeans.
yet you're closer to all other europeans before turks lmao
finns and balts are like the odd one out for all other europeans too
wrong, scandis are closer to finnish than us, suerly. And seriously, I need a wignat explanation, not that shit. I'm supposed to be in love with muh white brotha because we have the same genes. fucking lol.
Ok shitskin.
there you go, wanna hear that out loud
>Padanian masterrace
>70-75% Greek/Sicilian
Bossi Is kill
You're a nigger living in Italy. Just get out. sage
seethe more terron
You aren't white but all the emperor's were.
lmao can you read that map?
being european is more than just genes, we share a similar culture among other things, although it's normal that the more far apart you are from another country, the more this differs
you're not a wignat then. This is a critic to wignats.
Italians don't exist, this is the proof
This whole thread you made is massive cope. Now fuck off, get corona, and die.
Relative to?
You're seeing this in a weird way. You're closer to French and Germans than to terroniggers despite living in the same country.
white nationalism is a meme, and americans are all massive retards
this site is populated by retards, don't take things here too seriously
yeah you're right, being associated whit human trash like white americans is so unbearable that I need to cope.
it's called west med ancestry. I'm closer to south germans, not all germans, than terroni. And south germans are basically half germanics half celto/italics.
More closely related to fucking eastern turks than italians in Sardinia, that makes a lot of sense
as you can see by this post hereno one outside this anime imageboard believes something so looney as to think ancient Romans were in fact nords
with that said, fuck nordcucks
sardinians are an archaic population.
Lurk more faggot.
Greek and turks both come from minoans aka west Anatolia.
The wars aren't about race but religion.
American natives are also greek/turk
Like associating yourself with turkey is any better lmao. They don't even have nuclear weapons.
Dumb question on my part.
Cheers my padanian brother.
/poltards/ are tards, ofc, but there's even people out there who obsess over this notion of race. I wonder what a retard like Jared Taylor would say about that.
based south european, cheers to you.
>They don't even have nuclear weapons.
I never claimed they were nords. I said they were white, to which I also said all native Europeans are white. Im Portuguese diaspora as well.
he would say that you are a literal retard
use a pac or an admixture chart or an f3, not things that you're not even able to read
Come home, MED man.
you're not ready to redpills if you're portuguese and a "white nationalist".
cope more
How so? Can’t we defend our own group instead being called a wignat/nazi? I bet u are a mutt Angolan or Some kind.u never will be european id that’s the case.
/msg/ back when?
no one is coping
coping about what?
why are polretards unable to use actual studies that matter instead of bullshits like this and haploshits?
and than they try to sound smart by saying stuff like: y-you are coping
Once the whiteoid jizya in the form of 700m euros comes through.
I'm a mutt dude, I'm also Anglo/Irish. Pretty sure the Portuguese is Sephardic Jewish as well. I'm a pan-Euro basically. Just want all of Europe to survive and not be invaded and replaced by non-Euros.
incalculably based
Explains why Italy is getting fucked over by the virus like us
europe was just "christianitas"
christianity is dead. europe is dead.
>replying to your own thread with senseless gibbering
the american alt-right started this whole white nationalism meme shit, ask anyone who lived in Europe 100 years ago about it and they'd be dumbfounded
I'm Turkish and Americans seem to think I'm Italian.
bc we're not white. You were based eastern christian brothers before Islam cucked you
>b-but I'm atheist
even worse, subhuman shit.
you are MED BVLL
I understand you Calogero. Imagine looking yourself at the mirror and see the face of the guy in pic related.
The good news is that there is an easy way out from your condition: take a shotgun and blow your brown head off.
White nationalism is also synonymous for pro european nationalism. Europa for the europeans only.
>padanian genome
cope harder schizo
I am not an athiest or a muslim, i just do my own thing in life, i don't wanna pray 5 times a day or blow up a US embassy in the name of Allah, neither do i wanna become a fedora wearing basedboy athiest.
And how do americans fit into that quota if they aren't european? Define "white"
you don't make sense
it doesn't matter if italians are white or not, but you are closer to a northern european than you are to a syrian
if you have to be some southern european nationalist at least be consistent and say fuck off to arabs too
that's the problem with southern european nationalist, they become a bunch of cucks for arabs
ok "spiritual", now you can suck my dick
He looks like a Latino.
i don't want your greasy pizza dick in my mouth, thanks
PCAs don't measure distances properly idiot. You need formal statistic.
White Americans are European mutts but still European
Based brother
you do but don't know yet
oh god that pic
based med
genetically not culturally all the way
they do retard
and even that literal shit you posted that means absolutely nothing says that you are closer to any europeans more than you are to turks except baltics
and arabs are even more distant form euros than turks are
try not to be a cuckold for arabs and maybe i will take southern european nationalists seriously
Being European is more than just genes, americans have long since lost their connection culturally with us.
this coming from the downie who thinks his eurogenes k36 based map is better
Is this a dna test? If so which.
WFR is a nonsense word game. It's the same thing as saying you know red when you see it, even if you can't exactly describe where it changes to orange or purple. Race is a nonsense word game, too. Nothing matters other than you or your extended family. Plato put the number at 5040.
fucking subhuman I'm probably closer to lebanese than turks.
What are you some Milanese faggot?
very rude
Who said we want half-sandniggers to be "racially connected" with us?
My grandpa was from Tovoli, im turk nao Yas Forums? Can i finally marry Anzu?
no retard
again it doesn't matter that you are white or not
but if you have to be a southern european nationalist than be consistent and say fuck off both to northern europeans and arabs/turks
and don't even larp as a big boy anymore
None of this thread made a single bit of fucking sense
Lombardi is one of the whitest places in Europe