What's in a woman's head when she decides to go out wearing this?
Like how does the thought progression go when she's selecting and laying out her clothers.
What's in a woman's head when she decides to go out wearing this?
That's a fella.
>I hope Chad notices my ass
I think you mightt want to try leddit
Some women just want to be raped and murdered.
muh ass
>my body my choice
>those shoulders
>those hips
shes a whore. shes just advertising her product
We should honestly stone thots like this to death.
Damn, i read that sign as "brazzers"
>What's in a woman's head when she decides to go out wearing this?
Is this going to look good enough for some creepy faggot to take a secret picture then later upload to the internet to other creepy faggots for their opinions?
also, this is off-topic.
Typical sainsburys shopper you would never see the likes of this in aldi.
Nigga you gay. That shit is hella hot.
>It's pretty hot out, I don't my legs to heat up
Thats it
Thats literally fucking it
You stupid fucking incel
God I want to fuck one of you just to make you get over your fear of women
her skinny cuck bf right there likes her to show off
>it's not any different than my bathing suit!
The only time women have a man ass and it's acceptable is if they have an 80's tier sports illustrated swimsuit issue model body to go with it. Look at "her" frame. The shoulders. The fucking neck width. The leg shape. Combine that with the manass feature, and odds are about 10/10 it's a man.
Apparently skipping leg day.
have a look at what is visible of the jaw, also
That is not an invitation to stare.
ask 'her'
'she'll prob. brek your jaw
Looking at her = reassurance of her SMV = boost in ego
Are you seriously filming people in public and laughing at them online, faggot?
She wants you to look at her ass. Or her boyfriend likes others looking and seeing what they can't have.
So you'd like your missus, sister or mother wearing this?
Ok, smartass, how about this one? The legs are now fully covered, so the heating of them isn't an issue.
>It's pretty hot out, I don't my legs to heat up
>cheeks hanging out the bottom
no. also, tits or gtfo
Nic, my bottom bitch, she always come up with my bread.
Especially my sister.
Real life has essentially become a strip club without the honesty. Women now have their choice of the top 10% of men, and they don’t have any need to settle or to have just 1 man. They have become more vicious against each other and are basically having to go out naked or in very revealing/eye catching outfits to secure the most attention
I'm in. My place or yours?
>What's in a woman's head when she decides to go out wearing this?
she was probably trying to divert attention from those man shoulders holy shit
thats fuckin hot dude idk why you wouldnt want your girl to wear that shit so you can fuck her later.
Fair do's
>What's in a woman's head when she decides to go out wearing this?
I'm free because of my vagina
imagine going out in public like that
They think it's cute. Naive cunts don't know the signals they're pulsing out.
Never in my life I have seen anyone walk around like that. BS argument.
women do not think. they feel.
This woman did not THINK: "what are the pros and cons of dressing like this? what is likely to happen to meif I war this outside?"
Instead, she FELT: "I want to be sexy so that sexy men have sexy sex with my sex pussy."
That is as far as women usually think about anything.
Then they go outside, and men approach them, and she hates most of these men.
And once again, she does not THINK: "I brought this on myself by waving my asshole in everyone's face"
Instead she FEELS: "I don't like these men, so men must be bad evil nasty rape boys who want to oppress me"
The English are so weird looking
fuck off jew worshipper
Yippers. Dead give away.
I suggest the reverse rape fetish.
Get a beta drunk, tie him up, and Jack him off while telling him what a fucking pussy he is.
I swear overnight that dude gets a testosterone boost
God's work, user
What a manly woman, completely dysgenic.
I have
obviously she is horny but it doesnt mean you are personally invited achmed
You're so fucking clueless lol
Post pics of your gf's tits and ass
Yea, thats a man and I think you know whats going on in its head.
since moving to japan 3 years ago zero fat chicks and never seen a woman even showing cleavage.